View Full Version : Going on a trip with bad anxiety?

07-19-2014, 04:32 PM
So I got invited to go to my friend's shore house again this year, yet this time, I'm really scared to go. I went last year, and even though I felt sick from my anxiety the whole time, I had a lot of fun and I didn't really have any issues. But my anxiety has worsened a lot this year, and now I'm not just emetephobic. I fear that I'll go crazy away from home, or that something horrible along the lines of that will happen. I really want to go, but I'm having a really tough time deciding what I should do. I can just picture myself uncontrollably gagging/vomiting at her house, and it's driving me crazy. I can't stand the thought of gagging or vomiting without my mom around, and 2 hours away from my home. What should I do? :(

07-19-2014, 04:47 PM
You should go!
You will most likely have a good time! It's hard to believe I'm sure, but you will! :)
Last month I went to las Vegas which is a 3 hr drive from my home... right before I went my anxiety was the worse it's been I hadn't left my home in 5 months so that being my first time leaving in months I had so many worries! I was seeing myself throwing up shaking hyperventilating not breathing everyone thinking I'm crazy! I could see myself in an ambulance in Vegas an them injecting me with scary meds! I thought an visioned the worse! I was in Vegas for 5 days an I had a really good time everything I thought would happened didn't happen I was anxiety free for 5 days an i loved it...if your friends know what you go through explain your worries it will help I'm sure they can help get your mind off of it! I hope you go an have a good time! All of us anxiety sufferers deserve a good time!
You can do it!