View Full Version : Don't feel the same after an episode of drinking, DESPERATELY need help

07-19-2014, 11:27 AM
Last Friday I went to the pub and had 4-5 beers and two big shots of whiskey in the span of four hours.

I felt very drunk at the time and had trouble walking and talking. I threw up most of the night, slept most of Sat and Sun, and couldn't sleep a wink Monday night. Since then I haven't felt the same.

I feel completely numb emotionally, and the inside of my head feels empty

I have little motivation to do anything, I'm dragging myself to work and don't feel like cleaning my apartment

I just feel dull, unmotivated I experienced some depersonalization a couple days ago

My stomach feels a bit tense and I always feel nauseous like I need to throw up. I haven't been eating much and haven't had much of an appetite. I can't seem to relax at all

I went to the Dr the other day and my vital signs were normal. I asked if I should see a neurologist. He recommended stoping the drinking and bumping up my Lexapro dosage from 10mg a day to 20mg a day.

My question is what happened to me? Could it have been a physical event like a stroke, seizure, or something that permanently changed my brain?
Should I persist to see a neurologist? If so would an MRI or CT scan detect anything related to my symptoms?

I know I shouldn't of been drinking heavily on Lexapro. I have experienced really strange side effects before, but my brain always seemed to bounce back. It's been a week now, and I'm very scared that I permanently damaged my brain.

I'm going to counseling now to stop the binge drinking.

Please help, I'm desperate. I can't stand feeling like this.

07-19-2014, 12:07 PM
Sounds like a rough night. Nobody on this forum can tell you whether you have any medical problem that needs to be addressed by a neurologist or other doctor. And it would be irresponsible for us to guess about that, without the requisite expertise. But if you are concerned about it, why not see a doctor? If you do have any medical issue, then you will be happy you did so. And if you do not have any medical problem, then knowing that will probably give you some peace of mind.

07-19-2014, 06:20 PM
I think in time you'll be okay. Just resolve not to do that again. If you continue on your path with the Lexapro, you should be fine.

07-21-2014, 11:04 AM
I highly doubt you could have done any damage to your brain. Sometimes after anything that throws off my brain chemistry it takes days or maybe more for it to bounce back. It could be from drinking alcohol or for me issues with my blood sugar. Bottom line is you can't be drinking. Someone with anxiety and depression shouldn't drink period. I know it sounds strict but im just telling you from experience. It will only make you feel worse and set you back in your recovery. If you feel like alcohol is something you can't quit then I agree with you maybe see someone about it. Try not to over think it just eat healthy, take your meds, talk to a professional, and cut out the alcohol. You'll be okay!

07-21-2014, 11:08 AM
Drinking does not solve anything, especially with the combination of medication; any medication. It will dull the pain for a few hours, but as soon as you are sober, it gets even worse. I think it is a great idea to talk to someone, However as soon as you tell them about drinking........oh man.

You probably do not remember much and you have the fear of consequences. You will be fine :)

07-21-2014, 12:01 PM
I don't think there's any permanent damage. You had a binge, felt terrible the next couple of days and that probably scared you, which is why the effects are still lingering on. Drinking with the meds probably didn't help either.

Drink plenty of water and try some gentle exercise (a brisk walk, some yoga...). Also try not to sit around thinking about how bad you feel. It's hard, but just try and accept that you don't feel great right now, it will eventually pass, and if you still feel the same at the end of the week you can pop along to the doctor's again just to be sure. But I think right now it's best to just try and get on with life as best you can until it passes.

07-21-2014, 04:07 PM
Super Hangover my friend...... you went to the doc.......Vitals normal. You are paying for the hard partying LOL. It happens. I have been hit like a ton of bricks like that. I have suffered too so its pretty normal. Dont over think it as much as possible!

Drink water, salt up your food just a little. In a couple more days you should be good!

Lesson learned right =) Dont drink so much! HAHAHAA Been there my friend so I feel your pan!