View Full Version : Is this a serious Social Anxiety problem or mild?
06-04-2008, 05:08 PM
I'm 18 and for years i've had a social anxiety problem but without knowing it was that at the time. I was picked on a bit at school cos i was so slim and cos i have a mole on my cheek, so i started not going out so much cos i was paranoid that people were always looking at me and judging me, it got so bad that i just didn't go anywhere or do anything. My self esteem is so low and i'm really shy and quiet. I've slightly got better over the years but i'm still really paranoid, i need a job but i'm just so scared cos of my fears when i did work experience the people there kept slagging me off cos i am so slim (naturally slim!) and i'm just so bad at talking infront of people or in a large crowd, i get so sweaty and shy i just can't feel comfortable and i've got a stammer in my voice that i think is caused by it. I've developed shaking, i also get headaches and i feel lightheaded and get chest pains. I think my IBS was caused by it too, and when i'm feeling really anxious i get constipation. I really have tried to talk to my Mum about it but she just thinks i'm weird and making it up and she just thinks i develop these things from the reading it on the internet, she has just had enough of people being ill in our family, my dad has had health problems for years and she just doesn't want to know and is so mean to me :(
She said to me earlier " is that why you don't go and see nan cos you're scared of people looking at you and seeing you in the street?? " in a really horrible way :(
I just dunno what to do about it, i mean ofcourse i would tell her if i've got a problem and i know i have alot at the mo but she's just had enough of everyone being ill at the time and has just had enough and don't care but i think she needs help to control her temper to be honest, we really don't get on well and i get blamed for everything and she's such a hippacrite :|
Arghh helpppp :(
Should i tell my doctor all this?
What would thet doctor do/say??
Would i get refered to a Phycolgist (if thats what they're called)??
:( I'm so down because of it and now i want to do something about it cos i'm sick of feeling weird and people thinking that.
skyline on fire
06-08-2008, 08:30 AM
you sound like you have some of the issues i have. im 19, male, and have had the worst 6 years i could of imagined.
if you want to talk about it, send me a PM or an email. it wont let me post my email in the message, so just PM me.
the reason i say this is because, one of your issues, the being slim one, i have, and i got over it eventually, wish everything else in my life was as easy as that.
just send me a message if you want to talk. i might be able to help.
07-19-2008, 12:56 AM
I have a mole on my check ai. im a bit like u guys people judge me and crap but, just say that mole on my check is unqie to me or simply get it cut of
07-19-2008, 01:03 AM
Dude. try joining a public speaking group. Take a holiday. I would tell a doctor he might give some pills. Tell your mom this is a seroius problem. most of low confidence is your mind bro, if people are teasing you then just walk off. Your sound Emotionaly senstive like me. Just take deep breaths try little compitions with your self., etc i am shy infront of girls right i work and girls work where i work i would go and buy somthing and go to a girls check out and talk. after that i would say i talked to a girl and i suvived it, gee not so bad after all. thats how to build up confidence if you are going to stay in your shell nothing is going to happen. So push your limmits. good luck. i am only 15 so im no doc but thats how i got slighty better. o yea this will take a bit of time. keep focused and time will tell. cya
08-01-2008, 02:35 PM
im female 20yrs and this sound simular to what im going through including the side effects... but i also think everyone that looks at me or says something to me is a negative thing, for example there looking because they think i look stupid or they are only talking to me because they want to humiliate me. I have always had anxiety but its got worse since i met my partners friends who.... were quite childish and constantly trying to make a fool of me... however they are very sligh in they way they do it.. two faced. i thought i was going crazy and making it up... untill my friends and partner noticed it too. You do have to challenge things sometimes, if your afraid of saying hi... or making eye contact ... do it to try and see what happends... start with something small then build on it. Im sure you will fight this, i bet your such a lovely girl and wouldnt it be nice to share that with people, influence others to be the way you are, dont hide away from this fight it because its apart of you... its not all of you! im starting my battle now with intense CBT (cognative behavior therapy) you can do this via self help guides or your dr..... but as i said start small talk to your mum or your friends.... if not then talk to your dr.... mine made me realise i wasnt going crazy or depressed... he just explained that my anxiety had got a little stronger.... but made me understand how to control it. good luck!!! im here for ya if u need to talk!
08-01-2008, 02:39 PM
oh and btw my parents thought i was being over sensitive and making it up too.... but when the dr confirmed it, they have now started to understand. however they wont let me get away with things for example staying in... or missing work.... which is good because in a sense they are helping me fight to get my life back !
12-14-2008, 07:18 PM
You should see a counselor...any good one will congratulate you on your courage for admitting your struggles...most people don't. Yes, you do have pretty significant anxiety issues, and it is great that you are identifying and addressing this issue at age 18. See if your mom will help you pay for a counselor, who can help show you the way in regard to anxiety. Or, find a sliding scale one who would be able to work with your income level. Send me some PM's if you need further guidance.
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