View Full Version : Advice please :)

07-17-2014, 12:17 PM
I have read a few threads on here and I'm aware that my Aniexty is not as bad or serious as other people but I would like to "pick your brains" on any tips/info as most people that I have seen on here are very experienced and would know a lot about this.

If I could describe it, it's like a constant pressure that just gets bigger and bigger that is cause in most parts by "what if" questions. An example would be if before I go to work, I suddenly think of something like I have to set breakfast (I work at a hotel) I would then think of the items and then single out on that might be a issue later on (if I'm on my own on shifts, which has happen a few times). I would go through every possible scenario which starts with a "what if". You could think of any scenario and link it on a daily basses whether it's in work or a social setting.

I have muscular tics which can be very visible when I feel like this. For example, I'm at a leaving party and it's towards the end, it that time to say goodbyes and I gave her a hug. I then felt like "was I too overwhelming", I had that overwhelming feeling as I made my way home. Whist I was on the tube(subway) my twitches started and I saw a kid looking at me and was making remarks, this obviously increased my anxiousness. I was like this when I got home and didn't get to sleep until 3:00am.

The issue with me is that I have had this for 8 years now and have tried numerous of techniques like distracting myself, finger exercises and hypnotherapy podcasts even having a drink (Not much as I'm not a big drinker) But I feel that my aniexty is getting used to most of them. I am seeing a councillor on a weekly basis.

I would like to get your thoughts and advice on what you think is best.

Many Thanks,

07-17-2014, 12:23 PM
Your "what ifs" are obsessive thinking, which is very common. Try asking your self good what it's. Like, what if everything goes fine at work today and I have a lovely day? Also, do some research on mindfulness and work on practicing that when those thoughts start to come to you. I'm not sure about the tics, but I think that general relaxation or meditation practice would do you well. :)

07-17-2014, 06:15 PM
Anxiety itself just wants you to think something is wrong when you are fine

False signals sent to your brain and you buy in

You have to understand and accept that you tend to have anxiety

Meaning..... When you think you were overwhelming giving someone a hug, understand it's your anxiety. Not your true thoughts.

You have to dismiss those types of thoughts as not your own,but your anxious mind.

And that's the key. Separate yourself from your irrational thoughts

Understand them to be what you know it is. Anxiety