View Full Version : Agoraphobic first date?

07-17-2014, 12:15 PM
Hello all,

This evening I'm supposed to have a coffee date with a nice guy, but my anxiety is very high at the moment and I'm not sure what to do. We were supposed to go out on sunday, but I canceled that on him and now I don't want to cancel again, but I also feel like I can't handle it right now. I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure how I got into this as my anxiety generally keeps me from socializing or going out to unnecessary places. Is it too soon? It feels unfair to attempt to date anyone when I can't even handle myself. Advice?

07-17-2014, 12:30 PM
Hello all,

This evening I'm supposed to have a coffee date with a nice guy, but my anxiety is very high at the moment and I'm not sure what to do. We were supposed to go out on sunday, but I canceled that on him and now I don't want to cancel again, but I also feel like I can't handle it right now. I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure how I got into this as my anxiety generally keeps me from socializing or going out to unnecessary places. Is it too soon? It feels unfair to attempt to date anyone when I can't even handle myself. Advice?

Before the date, full disclosure- he will not reject your candor, and it will be theraputic for you to release a bit-

Improv, in your own way:

"Ive got to tell you, you may have your hands full with me! Ive got some anxiety which means when we go out together I may need to leave, worst case scenerio, I usually get some symptoms, which ive been working on. It caused me to cancel our first date together, although I think your a great guy and would like to get to know you better. I dont get out much because im agoraphobic, (do you know what that is?)so its difficult. If this is ok, lets go out and see what happens"

There is no other way to healing, finding a new friend, a new relationship, love, soul mates, peace, security, comfort, than honesty. Speak your truth. Should you be accepted for who you are right now, not forever, but now, than this is a precious connection to be nurtured.

Share your feelings, no shame, ever, period.

07-17-2014, 12:48 PM
Before the date, full disclosure- he will not reject your candor, and it will be theraputic for you to release a bit-

Improv, in your own way:

"Ive got to tell you, you may have your hands full with me! Ive got some anxiety which means when we go out together I may need to leave, worst case scenerio, I usually get some symptoms, which ive been working on. It caused me to cancel our first date together, although I think your a great guy and would like to get to know you better. I dont get out much because im agoraphobic, (do you know what that is?)so its difficult. If this is ok, lets go out and see what happens"

There is no ther way to healing, finding a new friend, a new relationship, love, soul mates, peace, security, comfort, than honesty. Speak your truth. Should you be accepted for who you are right now, not forever, but now, than this is a precious connection to be nurtured.

Share your feelings, no shame, ever, period.

Done! You're very graceful with words. Made me feel better just to read that. Honesty is best and much less stressful. I'll let you know how it goes.

07-17-2014, 03:35 PM
JLK......ready to have your mind blown? The Anxiety its completely normal!!!!!!! What? It cant be? Thats not right? This anxiety is so bad I have to cancel. JLK Its Normal! =) You are nervous and excited! Nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be worried about. I am smiling as I am typing this to you as this is those "cute" butterflies in your stomach. Its not an anxiety issue that you need to worry about.

What this all means is that you are excited. Yes, you are anxious, yes you are nervous, yes you are uncomfortable. But everyone and anyone in your situation would feel the same! The only difference is that you are associate anxiety as a negative thing rather than something to be excited about!

You should be excited and enjoy the moment. Dont worry about your anxiety "Of the date" Feel empowered and the energy of excitement! You are going on a date with a cute guy!!!!!!

Take a deep breath, smile. Its going to be fun! Secondly Im suffering gave good advice about being open to him. If he is a good catch he will understand and be helpful. If not....he is not the man for you!

Have fun!!!!!!!

07-17-2014, 03:37 PM
Oh one more thing

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe