View Full Version : Sceletium tortusom

07-17-2014, 06:53 AM

I myself have struggled with bad anxiety for many years and took Prozac, then Effexor and Paroxetine. After many years I really wanted to come off these pills. It amazed me that every psychiatrist and pychologist I saw did not ask me about diet / exercise / lifestyle. Anyway I found my anxiety was very much reduced by making a few changes. Such as daily exercise (in the morning), decrease of stimulants (coffee and alcohol), seeing a good BCT and I started taking a herbal supplement called Sceletium which I found had a huge calming effect. Then I actually started selling it retail (over 200 stores now) and just started trying on the internet.

I dont want to market too much on this site as it may be inappropriate, I will not do it again. However should someone wish to try it out I can give away a bottle of 60 capsules to the the first 5 people who would like to test it out. Go to my website corenaturalmedicine.com and inbox me. Note: It cannot be taken by someone currently on medication for depression or anxiety or any SSRI's.


07-17-2014, 06:16 PM
Stop hacking your product until you have a few more posts.

07-18-2014, 03:58 AM
Hi, no worries, it was a once off, regards Jules