View Full Version : omeprazole help

07-16-2014, 09:51 AM
Havent been on here in aaages I guess ive been having a pretty good grip on my anxiety lately.
I still have pretty bad IBS and tummy issues though so my doc has given me omeprazole but ive forgotten when to take it.
Anyone here take it and when is the best time to take it? (Before food after food etc)

07-16-2014, 03:08 PM
Hey Vonn, I take it everyday in the morning, its not like Pecid AC/Zyntac, when you take it 30 minutes before meals. Just take it in the morning and be done with it. It may take up to 4 days to take full affect so make sure you just keep taking it!

BTW, when my acid reflux really goes outta control, I generally take both Omeprazole, and Zyntac before a heavy meal that might cause my acid to go crazy.