View Full Version : New Here : My Anxiety Story

07-16-2014, 09:50 AM
I am 23, married and I have a son, 5'5" and 76 kgs yeah overweight and I need to 65 kg to be normal currently I am working on it since I am 84 kg last month..

I am an Internet Marketer not the big one though but been with my PC for the last 3 years due to the nature of my work I need to be sitting for up to 8-12 hours a day everyday, this would be the reason of my massive weight gain for the last 3 years. I love the this work I don't have pressures at all. Not before last few months when I suddenly felt something really really terrible is happening to me I felt like I'm going to die and I'm hopeless, at that time I have no idea what I was going through. I'm sweating, heavily breathing, chest pains. My father is 47 and had stroked and his brother died at the age of 28 he had cardiac arrest and Now me, I thought I'am gonna die at that time since I have family history of heart related issues!

I was on our room that time while playing some mobile games and suddently it was like something is going to happen to me very bad like dying and It was so sudden I panic, I quickly went out of the house and walking like crazy I called my wife to bring me to the hospital. During the ride I felt calm and felt everything was fine now I thanked God for it we still went to the hospital to make sure what happened, while on the ER I am already calm they check my blood pressure, they did EGC, sugar test, and finally went 2D Echo. And guess what they went ALL NORMAL, I was surprised but happy. But I am still hesistant about the results since I have family history.

Since then, I am constantly thinking about it when I felt some chest pains I always think of I am going to die. I can't sleep at night, I feel restless, uneasy, I always think about going to die. Doctors never considered anything about anxiety, panic attack or something so they didn't advised me taking anxiety pills. Never drink any medicine for anxiety/depression or something.

Now, it's already 12 AM and I'm still awake I can't sleep I always thinking about my problems! Is there anything on the same situation like? Do you considder it this is heart related issues? I am always having mild chest pains for 2 weeks now, is this some kind of anxiety symptoms?

Thanks for reading please need your opinions.

07-16-2014, 11:01 AM
Hi ale, Thats pretty much how anxiety and panic attacks go, sorry to say. Welcome to the forum though. Take a look around and one good thread to look at for you may be Health anxiety exposed its done by fourteen14.
I am with you on the weight thing always a battle.
One thing i would do if i were you is to follow up with your doc and let him/her know about your family history and what you have been going through. Good luck and do not hesitate to ask a question.

Prayer for Anxiety
07-16-2014, 01:43 PM
Hi Ale - At your age, and with normal medical studies, the chances of you having a heart problem are pretty much zero. It does sound like anxiety/panic.

First of all, I would recommend some mild exercise. Get out walking once a day for 15 minutes to start. That alone can clear up your thoughts.
Try writing down the things that worry you. Also, find someone you really trust and just let it all out talking. Don't look for an advice giver - look for a good listener.

Keep us updated. We are here to help.

Hope this helps, and you are in my prayers,

Tyler Duczeminski
07-16-2014, 03:46 PM
You sound so SO much like me its not even funny. Except I am afraid of hospitals, so when I was in the ER for a totally different issue, my heart rate was about 110 or so, even worried the nurse enough to give me something to calm me down. I was also dehydrated which exacerbated the high heart rate. Looking back all my anxiety stemmed from me thinking I am having a heart attack/stroke and that was Jesus, 5th or 6th grade. I am 23 now. it sucks, I am here with you, if you find anything that helps you let me know and I will do the same. Good luck and if you need to talk let me know I have been dealing with this like I said since 5th grade or so. Sometimes it is good, sometimes its worse. but you are defiantly NOT ALONE. Oh and a side note, sometimes chest pains can be gastro-intestinal, IE heartburn. And by the way you have a lot to be proud of being married, a good job you like and a son, I am 23 still in college, single, work part time, and live with my parents, so good for you!!

07-16-2014, 06:29 PM
thanks everyone for the kind words now I know I am in the perfect place and perfect people to talk to..

One thing i would do if i were you is to follow up with your doc and let him/her know about your family history and what you have been going through. Good luck and do not hesitate to ask a question.

Thank you John. I have been with my doctor twice already, and he knew I have family history.

Hi Ale - At your age, and with normal medical studies, the chances of you having a heart problem are pretty much zero. It does sound like anxiety/panic.

First of all, I would recommend some mild exercise. Get out walking once a day for 15 minutes to start. That alone can clear up your thoughts.
Try writing down the things that worry you. Also, find someone you really trust and just let it all out talking. Don't look for an advice giver - look for a good listener.

Keep us updated. We are here to help.

Hope this helps, and you are in my prayers,

Thanks buddy, yeah I have been doing little exercise now, I realize walking is good so far, I have just to be busy on something not stressful is the best thing to do like reading the bible and know Jesus words is the best.

I'll try writing down my worries. Yes I have lot of worries perhaps this is my anxiety came from.

You sound so SO much like me its not even funny. Except I am afraid of hospitals, so when I was in the ER for a totally different issue, my heart rate was about 110 or so, even worried the nurse enough to give me something to calm me down. I was also dehydrated which exacerbated the high heart rate. Looking back all my anxiety stemmed from me thinking I am having a heart attack/stroke and that was Jesus, 5th or 6th grade. I am 23 now. it sucks, I am here with you, if you find anything that helps you let me know and I will do the same. Good luck and if you need to talk let me know I have been dealing with this like I said since 5th grade or so. Sometimes it is good, sometimes its worse. but you are defiantly NOT ALONE. Oh and a side note, sometimes chest pains can be gastro-intestinal, IE heartburn. And by the way you have a lot to be proud of being married, a good job you like and a son, I am 23 still in college, single, work part time, and live with my parents, so good for you!!

Thanks Duczeminski, I am happy someone understand exact situation. Try walking during cold weather like early in the morning or 6pm up when it's cold I find it very good.

07-16-2014, 07:49 PM
Hey Ale! Welcome to the forums...... To start off..... you are not alone! We fell you my friend! Yes your health is an important factor, but as stated above sounds exactly that, a panic attack. It comes out makes it tough to breath and feels like you are losing control. But guess what? Its normal!!!!! Hard to believe right? I know I didnt believe it at first too. But in truth, its our fight or flight mechanism (Thats GOOD by the way) Its just out of whack and we are so sensitive now. You just need to deprogram and relax a little thats all.

Nothing major. Of course again your health is important so best to make sure you are taking care of yourself it does help with the panic attacks as it gets your body in better shape. Also seeing a doctor just help rule out any health issues where I am going to say 90% of us here, had our first panic attack and thought it was a heart attack. We all went to the doctor, we all did the EKG's and stress test, did the oxygen meter readings and it all came back fine! LOL

Panic/Anxiety is a pain in the butt, but thats all it is, it wont hurt you. The only thing that will hurt you (ALL in Humor) is the google search ahahahaha so. Take it day by day...... slowly wins the race!

Take care!

07-17-2014, 06:14 AM
Hey Ale! Welcome to the forums...... To start off..... you are not alone! We fell you my friend! Yes your health is an important factor, but as stated above sounds exactly that, a panic attack. It comes out makes it tough to breath and feels like you are losing control. But guess what? Its normal!!!!! Hard to believe right? I know I didnt believe it at first too. But in truth, its our fight or flight mechanism (Thats GOOD by the way) Its just out of whack and we are so sensitive now. You just need to deprogram and relax a little thats all.

Nothing major. Of course again your health is important so best to make sure you are taking care of yourself it does help with the panic attacks as it gets your body in better shape. Also seeing a doctor just help rule out any health issues where I am going to say 90% of us here, had our first panic attack and thought it was a heart attack. We all went to the doctor, we all did the EKG's and stress test, did the oxygen meter readings and it all came back fine! LOL

Panic/Anxiety is a pain in the butt, but thats all it is, it wont hurt you. The only thing that will hurt you (ALL in Humor) is the google search ahahahaha so. Take it day by day...... slowly wins the race!

Take care!

for exactice. I find it true about having it normally and it wont hurt me. However, I've done many research about this disorder and found out if you are having anxiety during going to sleep and can't sleep at all through the nights it will affect your heart, that's exactly my concern about. I felt like I'm very vulnerable about this stuff since I have family history. Wew, Only God knows how and when I would die, but now I'm not yet ready....

07-17-2014, 07:35 AM
You sound so SO much like me its not even funny. Except I am afraid of hospitals, so when I was in the ER for a totally different issue, my heart rate was about 110 or so, even worried the nurse....

No one has addressed the core issue of the OP and the above quote from another response, both equally concerned with heart rate and heart related issues. Here he specifies 110 and over anxious about hospitals.

If the nurse was worried about 110 in a patient that is stirred up and afraid, then she needs to go back to school. It is not uncommon (for her to see) rates of 150+ as the adrenaline dumps into the system, compounded by fear.

She was probably, listen, reacting to your panic, in a sympathetic way to your current mental condition, rather than the condition itself, your perception skewed to begin with. Professional fighters, martial artists, after centuries, still cannot fully control their mind and bodies reaction to adrenaline, and they purposefully raise it to train it. So, under those conditions, never expect clear thought.

110 is normal. Next time you have a panic attack instead of being perplexed at the rate, exacerbating the symptoms, you will know your ok, thus the rate can drop without the addition of the fear response.

Anxiety before sleep, etc will not hasten your heart to some degenerative disease, as you are worried over it. You might find the occasional med, taken at the times described that worry you the most, would help take the edge off, talk with your doctor in regards to a plan.

Prayer for Anxiety
07-17-2014, 08:03 AM
Hey Ale - How are you today? You say that God's word is good for you. I agree! When you are feeling stressed, try reading the Psalms. You can start with Psalm 3, 4, 5, and 6. When the verses talk about "enemies" you can picture this referring to fear and anxiety.

Remember: You are God's son. Nothing can change that.

When I am anxious, I concentrate on controlling my breathing, and as many times as needed, I repeat this simple prayer: Jesus, I trust in you.

07-17-2014, 01:21 PM
Hey Ale, Totally understandable about the family history part. That is always a personal concern to anyone. Again as im-suffering stated there is a point where its somewhat normal. Adrenaline is pumping and we are going into a panic....of course our heart rate will jump, what happens when the panic attack goes away? It drops again. Now if you are having weird hard rates just doing normal things and no panic attack then maybe you need to be concerned. But I think you are like many of us, We have a panic attack that we think is a Heart Attack. Many people on these forums have felt the same.

I am no doctor though, so getting checked is always a good idea =).