View Full Version : vision problems.

07-16-2014, 09:34 AM
i have been experiencing 24/7 vision problems for the a few mounths and seems to be getting worse had eyes tested a few weeks ago
i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks every time i look at walls or the sky static fuzzy and blurry vision also get a soap feeling in my eyes and floaters
been worried about it mounts and need some advice i have been suffering with headaches my eyes seem very sensitive to light or the sun could it be hayfever i have headaches blocked nose and blurred vision going to doctors tomorrow see what they say, can any one relate im very worried need some advice thanks

Irish Sammie
07-16-2014, 10:26 AM
Hi Sean,

I have exactly what you have. I understand exactly how you feel and it really is horrible. I honestly don't know what advice I can give you because I'm struggling with it myself and all I can do is to think that it's part of our condition. You have to keep telling yourself that the reason why your eyes are like this, is because your nervous system has crashed, and it's slowly, steadily trying to pick back up the pieces and regain normal vision. Your nerves are hyper sensitized, and your eyes contain thousands of nerves that at this time, are a bit frazzled. Personally, I've been in two minds over this because some days it seems to be really bad, and others not so bad. I'm now getting red blood splotches around my Iris's when I get bad "eye-headaches". This is what I experience...

1.) The snowing/static fuzz (like a TV that doesn't have a channel tuned in) however, I only notice it if I look for it.

2.) The feeling as if you're constantly visually drunk, nothing seems to be settled around you.

3.) My eyes can go out of focus very easily. Before, if I ever wanted to do that I'd have to force the muscles in my eyes to de-focus. Now, it happens much easier and often feels like I can't control it.

4.) Photosensitivity. Some days this is really hard to deal with, others (when it's more over-cast) it's easier to deal with. I'm squinting most of the time I'm outside.

5.) My cone of vision feels as if it's got more narrow. I feel like I don't see as much when I look at something infront of me, that my peripheral vision is more out of focus.

6.) When moving fast (Car, bus, train) and if I'm looking out infront of me, I find it really hard to take in all the visual information that my eyes are taking in, and can make me feel very uncomfortable. As if my brain was a computer and it was going into overload. (That can conjure up panic feelings).

7.) Eyeball strain and forehead headaches. Dr.Claire Weekes describes it as if a strong metal strip has been attached to the front of your head, applying pressure to it and your brow/eyes. Lately I've been getting this everyday which only exasperates the vision issues.

Part of me wants to go and see a nerve specialist, the other feels like they're going to tell me that there's nothing wrong with me and that I've just gone and wasted hard earned money. I don't know what you're doing about your anxiety/panic but I know that if you can improve your situation with those, your eye issues should lessen as it gets better, you know?

Do you spend a lot of time alone? Do you spend a lot of time infront of a screen? Do you get out much?..Exercise?

07-17-2014, 08:30 AM
I have most of these eye issues also, and at the moment they are the biggest roadblock in my anxiety since I obsess over them often. It's true, there's thousands of nerves in your eyes and they are in hyperdrive when we have anxiety. The eye doctor told me my eyes are perfectly healthy (aside from a minor astigmatism).

Thanks for sharing guys.

Irish Sammie
07-17-2014, 08:41 AM
Yeah, they told me the same thing, but that was 3 months ago at this stage. How long have you been having this yourself JLK?

07-17-2014, 09:20 AM
Irish Sammie, I am unable to reply to your earlier message, something about needing to post 10 times before I can send a PM, even as a reply??, if you can go through my website please, just email me, thanks Jules

07-18-2014, 08:25 AM
Hi Thanks for the reply Been to doctors and they said my eyes are fine going to talking therapist on Thursday.
what you are experience sounds what i have i don't spend my time by my self im always with my family and i rarely use my laptop
i do get out allot every were my dad goes i go will this ever go away? i am suffering with hay fever so that's not helping my eyes are burning and i have been very dizzy lately is the vision problems supposed to be here 24/7 sorry if non of this makes sense