View Full Version : anxiety diets

06-03-2008, 10:16 PM
Hey every one im back. Feel free to pm and ask me some questions. Make sure you eat a lot of vitams not to much.
what i eat.

( weetbix ) <<< VERY GOOD >>>>
( fruit ) GOOD
(juice) GOOD ( thats my breaskfast

make sure ur eating enough minerals protien and magnisem.

pm me if ur having bad times i can help you. 8)

06-04-2008, 02:15 PM
hello iam 24 and i have had anxiety since i was about 18 when i had my anxiety under control due to paxil i started to embark on my career i found a passion for cooking i love cooking it make me happy. i really struggled with anxiety threw my year at chefs school. there were times when i wouild not go to school for days and make up exucess. i was almost kicked out but i pulled it together and graduated. now the cooking profession is a very stressful environment. a alcohol and drugs use is very common among people in the cooking industry. i wonder if cooking is the right path for me. i have spent alot of time and money towards becoming a chef. it hurts to think i might hav to give it up something i have suck a passion for and which makes me happy. but on the other hand it may be fuling my anxiety. once in my life i was doing very well i was a sous chef at a very successful restaurant. i was making good money and had alot of responsibility and was trusted. i was of paxil and had minor problems with anxiety. then the day after my well deserved x mas break i came back to work to find out the restaurant was closing. at the time it did not really hit me i was kinda in shock. my anxiety started back up again when i had to go back to school for 6 moths to upgrade my course i think what triggered it was being back in the school i had such a bad experience with before. i remember many times throwing up before goin to class and goin to class starving of hunger. but in the end i did pass the final exam but it was not easy at all. after that i was unemployed for about 2 months then and old freind of mine which i looked up to got me a job in a kitchen that lasted a day after my long first shift i new that this was not going to work. i lost a very good friend because of that and i feel embarrassed and a failure. now i have a fear of getting a new job and have the same thing happin again. i have never been the same since the restaurant closed i lost alittle passion. well i guess thats it every time a write i only want to write alittle bit but i have so much to say so much bottled up inside. i have never really been able to talk to my family or friends about my anxiety. this is why i joined the forum it feels good to talk