View Full Version : Xanax withdrawal???

07-15-2014, 09:26 PM
Okay so please don't judge me anyone & please do not tell me how addicting xanax is..

The past few weekends I've been going out of town with friends & drinking. My anxiety is still iffy when I leave town so I take xanax..

Well Friday, Saturday & Sunday I drank & took a couple xanax each night & blacked out.

I slept all day yesterday because I was hungover but today I was out all day at school & working. About 30 minutes ago, I started having anxiety..

& also I have about 15 xanax left & I got it 4 months ago. I called today to see if I can get a refill but haven't heard back. I'm so afraid they're gonna say no & I'll literally full on panic.

I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore xanax while drinking but I always like to have it with me no matter what so if they don't refill it, I don't know what I'll do..

07-15-2014, 09:37 PM
Okay so please don't judge me anyone & please do not tell me how addicting xanax is..

The past few weekends I've been going out of town with friends & drinking. My anxiety is still iffy when I leave town so I take xanax..

Well Friday, Saturday & Sunday I drank & took a couple xanax each night & blacked out.

I slept all day yesterday because I was hungover but today I was out all day at school & working. About 30 minutes ago, I started having anxiety..

& also I have about 15 xanax left & I got it 4 months ago. I called today to see if I can get a refill but haven't heard back. I'm so afraid they're gonna say no & I'll literally full on panic.

I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore xanax while drinking but I always like to have it with me no matter what so if they don't refill it, I don't know what I'll do..

Ok, first thing you need to do is relax. If you filled your Xanax four months ago I'm sure they will refill it. The standard on refills is 30 days. If you have to wait try breaking the Xanax in half, that will give you 30. Xanax are Xanax and if you are just having slight anxiety and not a full blown attack then half will suffice.

Being someone who has been on Xanax for most of my life I know first hand how important it is to have them on you and how risky it is to drink while on them. You seem very intelligent, just be smart with your Xanax and you will be fine. Good luck and keep us posted.

07-15-2014, 09:39 PM
Ok, first thing you need to do is relax. If you filled your Xanax four months ago I'm sure they will refill it. The standard on refills is 30 days. If you have to wait try breaking the Xanax in half, that will give you 30. Xanax are Xanax and if you are just having slight anxiety and not a full blown attack then half will suffice. Being someone who has been on Xanax for most of my life I know first hand how important it is to have them on you and how risky it is to drink while on them. You seem very intelligent, just be smart with your Xanax and you will be fine. Good luck and keep us posted.

You're right!! Thank you!! I just need to take a deep breath & relax..

07-15-2014, 09:43 PM
Okay so please don't judge me anyone & please do not tell me how addicting xanax is..

The past few weekends I've been going out of town with friends & drinking. My anxiety is still iffy when I leave town so I take xanax..

Well Friday, Saturday & Sunday I drank & took a couple xanax each night & blacked out.

I slept all day yesterday because I was hungover but today I was out all day at school & working. About 30 minutes ago, I started having anxiety..

& also I have about 15 xanax left & I got it 4 months ago. I called today to see if I can get a refill but haven't heard back. I'm so afraid they're gonna say no & I'll literally full on panic.

I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore xanax while drinking but I always like to have it with me no matter what so if they don't refill it, I don't know what I'll do..

Take a look at Whitney Houston in the morgue, and picture yourself next to her, for this is how she died.

The combination of Xanax® and alcohol may increase the sedative qualities to a level that is not only undesirable, but also life threatening. Depending on the amount consumed of each substance, the heart rate can be lowered to a dangerous level. At the same time, involuntary breathing functions can be seriously impaired. If the individual does not receive medical treatment immediately, there is a very good chance that death will ensue.

There is nothing smart and intelligent about your thinking, as the previous poster suggested.

It is not about being kind or sensitive, and being helpfull does not mean a gang commiserating session. There is a clear lack of a strong role model here, lack of ideals, and distancing of a parental figure in this persons life. Overindulgence here because of repression can lead to dire circumstance. This one does not know if she is coming or going, and thus up to her own device, again for lack of a strong archetype. One sees in the physical appearance the attraction to negative influences and experiences.

In any case, coddling and acceptance from a board of strangers, each one in their own unique pain, is not in the best interests. Like attracts like, so this soul returns here for approval. The blind leading the blind. This one needs face to face therapy, for anger, resentment.

Not expecting a rebuke, and without clear respect for authority, (again, lack of parenting), the true personality surfaces, as will be seen in forthcoming posts, as angry knee jerk responses.

You have given up, throwing your hands up, and caution to the wind. Better think long and hard, set yourself right.

07-15-2014, 09:54 PM
Take a look at Whitney Houston in the morgue, and picture yourself next to her, for this is how she died. The combination of Xanax® and alcohol may increase the sedative qualities to a level that is not only undesirable, but also life threatening. Depending on the amount consumed of each substance, the heart rate can be lowered to a dangerous level. At the same time, involuntary breathing functions can be seriously impaired. If the individual does not receive medical treatment immediately, there is a very good chance that death will ensue. There is nothing smart and intelligent, as the previous poster suggested, in suicide. You have given up, throwing your hands up, and caution to the wind. Better think long and hard, set yourself right.

I had just stated that I was no longer going to drink & take xanax. Every night, we went out of town so I took one & had been drinking. I understand the consequences which is why I've learned not to mix the two.

07-15-2014, 10:13 PM
"I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore xanax while drinking but I always like to have it with me no matter what so if they don't refill it, I don't know what I'll do"

"Well Friday, Saturday & Sunday I drank & took a couple xanax each night & blacked out"

You know who you are talking to?

Damn last post got erased.

I'm not trying to start a fight or cause controversy but we are all guilty of making mistakes in life. When I was going through my nervous breakdown the doctors said no caffeine. I got rid of it, got better, and went back to soda. Anxiety returned. She realizes she made a mistake and owned up to it. Just cut her some slack, we are all here to help each other and not judge. If we can't put aside our own personal philosophies and help those who reach out then we are doomed to fail ourselves. Brookelynn is going to keep a level head in the future and we will all continue to support her.

Kindest regards.

07-15-2014, 10:21 PM
Nothing has been learned, yet. "I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore xanax while drinking but I always like to have it with me (to take if needed), no matter what so if they don't refill it, I don't know what I'll do" "Well Friday, Saturday & Sunday I drank & took a couple xanax each night & blacked out" Go to the library and pull up pictures post mortum of dead bodies from xanax and alchohol. Better yet spend a week at a funeral home. You know who you are talking to? Nothing more on this subject, the message is given.

"Okay so please don't judge me anyone & please do not tell me how addicting xanax is.."

If you have nothing nice say, get the fuck off my thread. I didn't ask you to lecture on suicide.

All you know you about me is exactly what was posted so preach else where.

07-15-2014, 10:23 PM
There is no coddling the soul here, who cries out for help. Not a cry to fill a script, as the surface wording would suggest. For this soul blacks out, and is and continues to test the body in dangerous activities. The blackout, the drunken vice, the drug vice, all ignored in lieu of where to fill the next script. This one is on the edge, and pushing the boundaries. This one is unhappy, unfulfilled, stifled and inhibited. Only through this cocktail is some freedom found. Well, freedom is found in death as well.

This weekend was the only weekend I blacked!! I learned my lesson obviously if I'm able to admit I was in the wrong.

07-15-2014, 10:25 PM
Damn last post got erased. I'm not trying to start a fight or cause controversy but we are all guilty of making mistakes in life. When I was going through my nervous breakdown the doctors said no caffeine. I got rid of it, got better, and went back to soda. Anxiety returned. She realizes she made a mistake and owned up to it. Just cut her some slack, we are all here to help each other and not judge. If we can't put aside our own personal philosophies and help those who reach out then we are doomed to fail ourselves. Brookelynn is going to keep a level head in the future and we will all continue to support her. Kindest regards.

Thank you.

07-15-2014, 10:39 PM
And next weekend will be the only weekend you died No more in this thread, should you want a reading, then feel free to PM.

That is absolutely horrible.

Why the fuck would I wanna PM you??? Leave me alone.


07-15-2014, 10:46 PM
This is not a place to judge others. This is a forum to help those who need help regardless of what that person may or may not have done. I've made more mistakes in life than I care to expound on. You know what? My mother and wife have NEVER given up on me. Had they, I wouldn't be here right now.

This woman recognizes her mistakes and weather she does it again or not is not for us to judge, it is for us to HELP. Life is not easy, it is full of mistakes and learning. I don't think she will repeat her mistake, but if she does, you know what? I still will not judge her and will still lend an open ear to help her. Personal biases and negative feedback have no place in this forum. Constructive criticism is a different story, try that next time please .

07-15-2014, 11:16 PM
This is not a place to judge others. This is a forum to help those who need help regardless of what that person may or may not have done. I've made more mistakes in life than I care to expound on. You know what? My mother and wife have NEVER given up on me. Had they, I wouldn't be here right now. This woman recognizes her mistakes and weather she does it again or not is not for us to judge, it is for us to HELP. Life is not easy, it is full of mistakes and learning. I don't think she will repeat her mistake, but if she does, you know what? I still will not judge her and will still lend an open ear to help her. Personal biases and negative feedback have no place in this forum. Constructive criticism is a different story, try that next time please .

Thank you!! I came here for advice & not for someone tell me I'm gonna die.

07-16-2014, 04:31 AM
Brooklynne, Did I spell that right? I just wanted to chip in and show my support. You need to remember one thing. Even though we should always support one another,, it is a board, and someone, at one time or another will say something you really didn't want to hear, or you wouldn't be here. I know how that feels. I used to let it just eat me alive yrs ago...but today...it's all good. I know in my own mind and heart what I am doing is reaching out for help. Whatever the case whoever, or whatever, or what brought us here, we are all here!!! There's some awesome people on this site. Try and chill out and relax. I am a long going user of Klonopin as well. I had full blown panic, that made me feel like I was going to die. My Dr. made me take it. It was a lifesaver. But I will tell you to be careful, girl, taking it while drinking. Been there done that, wrote the book, got the t-shirt. That can be dangerous. Please be careful honey. And I've been really working on telling myself...whenever I am going into one... "This will be ok. Some how, some way, I will make it through this and still be alive. I'm glad you wrote in. There are a lot of people out there, that could use a board like this, but they don't want to be computer nerds. lol. I always try to throw some humor in if possible. Today will be good. I get to spend the whole day with just me and my little guy, and we"re headed to the movies later. :) I hope something makes you smile today. I think I told you in another post that you look just like my daughter!! And she's beautiful. Have a great day honey. dorrie P

07-16-2014, 06:33 AM
This is a possibility, should you continue to sleepwalk.

When she needs a life lesson, she will go to a life coach. When she needs support for her anxiety, she comes here. Instead of telling people how to live their life, offer support. That's why she's here.

If you can't offer support on this forum, don't post. Simple as that.

07-16-2014, 07:18 AM
If you were a loving father, would you give her a script and send her on her way? Or would you rebuke her behaviour and set yourself as a role model.

Would you as a loving father send her off to commune with strangers who are of like mind, rather mostly out of their mind, about your childs welfare?

Do not speak at me, for you have ears but hear nothing, like attracts like (to her) thus you rebuke me instead. End of responses to this thread. Advice has been given page one 3rd post.

You are not her father, so let her father worry about that.

By making statements like you have been making, you open yourself to scrutiny so accept it and deal with it.

07-16-2014, 08:54 AM
If you were a loving father, would you give her a script and send her on her way? Or would you rebuke her behaviour and set yourself as a role model.

Would you as a loving father send her off to commune with strangers who are of like mind, rather mostly out of their mind, about your childs welfare?

Do not speak at me, for you have ears but hear nothing, like attracts like (to her) thus you rebuke me instead. End of responses to this thread. Advice has been given page one 3rd post.

Artaud, is that you? ;)

You have an uncanny resemblance to a guy that was banned from here. Search his username if you like, you'll find his post history so you can see for yourself...... If you aren't him that is.

07-16-2014, 04:30 PM
Hey Brooke, Its happens, sometimes we mix things we shouldnt....You know now and you can move forward! Remember the last time we talked, the felling of just having the Xanax as more of a security blanket vs needing to really use it! Take your time and let your body adjust first. Then you can start mixing in the randoms!

As for Im-Suffering, he may be a little misguided but he does have the intention to help. Im sorry that he came out in a way that was probably in appropriate, but I would suggest when you have calm down and have taken a breather. Try and re read what he sent.

Its tough love, but I see his intent.

In any case, there is no rush to get things fixed today, there is always tomorrow! Enjoy life! Its fun!

07-16-2014, 06:56 PM
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

07-16-2014, 07:27 PM
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Love it !!!!!!!!!!!

07-16-2014, 07:33 PM
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

HAHAHAAH Touche my friend touche!!!!!

07-16-2014, 10:31 PM
I've always been afraid of Xanax and my psychiatrist won't even give it to me. I am so afraid I will get dependent on it. He gives me Tranxene which is longer acting and he says non-addictive. They make me so drowsy I only take them if I get desperate.

07-17-2014, 08:19 AM
Is not Xanax like Ativan? the last one is addictive too. Tranxene works like Klonopin....

07-17-2014, 11:13 AM
I worry about myself and Xanax. I have been on it for 14 years now and take it every day. I do not abuse it or take more then what the recommended dosage is but for me to get off of it would be a hell of a battle thats for sure. I have been on the same dose for last 10 years. Just thought that i would throw that out there. Idk

07-17-2014, 11:51 AM
john my psdoc told me that a lot of people are on small dose for years never upping it, and it is not as dangerous I people think. I am myself on small dose 0.5 Klonopin/clonazepam and I do not up it. I remember the meds they stuffed me and can not believe. Years ago there was not information at hand. I know few people here, one for sure is 18 years on the same med as I am and he never needed more. Maybe you could switch to something like mine;still benzo but a long time 8 or 9 hours. Small dose also.
Occasionally I have a small beer with it, like once a month maybe...no problem at all..

07-17-2014, 06:22 PM
Brooke. But having a few drinks and throwing back a Xanax sure is fun, no?

It's no big deal. You have come so far

Don't dwell on the fact that you take that out of habit

But don't let the Xanax be a habit

You can get more. I get it, it's nice to have just in case

You are good. Doing fine.

07-18-2014, 06:40 AM
Brooke. But having a few drinks and throwing back a Xanax sure is fun, no?

It's no big deal. .

I wonder how these people would respond to you: (not as cordial as I)

Anna nicole smith
Michael jackson
Elvis presley
Marilyn monroe
Whitney houston
Jimi hendrix

And ofcourse the millions yearly in the morgue looking down at their corpse saying, oops screwed that up! Never mind the driving to get home, killing everyone else.

There is never an excuse to harm the self, or strip you and others of their bodies, no matter how badly one feels inside. One gets help, saying "I do (or think) this and that", which is antisocial, because it has potential to harm.

Those of you reading this that lurk, mixing cocktails of death, you know who you are, and yes, it is unacceptable, reach out to loved ones, now.

Further, this thread is not about an adult, and an earnest request to wean off or inquire about refills, or tolerance. This is about obtaining more, in fear, after starting to abuse. The abuser is blind only seeing pollyanna in their endeavors. "I have found I feel better, my troubles are gone, when I mix my scripts with booze, but now im running low"

Now there have been some fools in this thread, so I fully expect their return following this post. They cannot restrain their foolishness. It is on the tongue, like a poison.

07-18-2014, 08:30 AM
That is absolutely horrible.

Why the fuck would I wanna PM you??? Leave me alone.


Brooke lost her thread it was hacked by you !!!! She said it all

07-18-2014, 02:36 PM
Its funny..... SOMETIMES PEOPLE WANT TO VENT......not get lectured on how we messed up. Brook is an "ADULT" contrary to your belief suffering. It takes an adult to admit their mistakes and faults. Something that now I see you struggle to do as you enjoy find faults in others post and threads. Then feel like your advice is "Gods words" unbelievable.

My respect is lost I think I will use the ignore button on his post and just spam the report button now...

Brooke, look no further! It takes a lot to realize the mistake we make. Thats the first step, you know what you have to do! As I always say, take your time and dont rush things. Have fun!

07-18-2014, 06:20 PM
Exactice ;)............................