View Full Version : Feeling better today. Doc upped my Effexor. This forum is invaluable!!

07-15-2014, 08:57 PM
Woke up in a whirlwind of anxiety, took 1mg of Xanax at 7am followed by another 1mg at 11:00am. Settled me down a bit. Went to my psychiatrist and he upped my Effexor from 150mg to 225mg and told me to take Xanax as needed. It's almost 8:00pm and I'm feeling better than I have in days.

It's just so tough and disheartening after having a nervous breakdown on March 17th (my only sons 10th birthday) and checking into a mental Heath facility for uncontrollable anxiety, getting out and then fighting tooth and nail to get better and then having it all crash down on you. I guess what I'm getting at is the feeling of never being safe from this affliction and being scared that it's only the Xanax making me feel better and a relapse could happen at any time is always on your mind.

Anyway, you guys and gals are awesome with all your support and stories and are helping to once again reassure me that I am not alone and we are fighting this TOGETHER.

07-15-2014, 09:06 PM
Woke up in a whirlwind of anxiety, took 1mg of Xanax at 7am followed by another 1mg at 11:00am. Settled me down a bit. Went to my psychiatrist and he upped my Effexor from 150mg to 225mg and told me to take Xanax as needed. It's almost 8:00pm and I'm feeling better than I have in days.

It's just so tough and disheartening after having a nervous breakdown on March 17th (my only sons 10th birthday) and checking into a mental Heath facility for uncontrollable anxiety, getting out and then fighting tooth and nail to get better and then having it all crash down on you. I guess what I'm getting at is the feeling of never being safe from this affliction and being scared that it's only the Xanax making me feel better and a relapse could happen at any time is always on your mind.

Anyway, you guys and gals are awesome with all your support and stories and are helping to once again reassure me that I am not alone and we are fighting this TOGETHER.

Stay strong!! One day none of us here will have to live this way anymore and it will all feel like just a bad dream. :)