View Full Version : Quitting my job due to anxiety?

07-14-2014, 12:16 PM
I haven't seen a doctor yet about my anxiety, but I will this week. I'm still living at home with my parents, but I'm moving out soon because I'm transferring colleges (I'm 21). The thing is...since I'm not sure how to control my anxiety or what kind of anxiety I really have yet, I'm considering taking a break from work and letting my boss know whenever I'm ready to come back. Because I'm moving soon though, I'll be leaving my job anyway. It's only a part-time job over the summer, but I have read things on here that say it's a bad idea to quit your job because then the anxiety wins. But, I've also read some things on here that say it might be a good idea if the job is causing the anxiety. My anxiety is partly the job. I just need to learn how to keep myself busy if I quit. I do have things I need to work on (getting my driver's license...still can't drive) that could keep me busy and I can learn how to set a very regular daily schedule: waking up, running with the dog, chores, etc. What are your opinions?

P.S. I do not want to become dependent on medication either so hopefully therapy can help too. I have experienced slight anxiety before, but nothing that made me want to quit my job. I used to really enjoy my job...I don't know what happened.

Prayer for Anxiety
07-14-2014, 12:26 PM
Work, school transfer, moving out, 21 y.o....you have plenty of things on your plate! It's no mystery that you are anxious. Seeing a doctor is good. Don't rush into taking any meds, even if the doc recommends them.
Maybe it might not be a bad idea to quit work. Don't think of it as losing... think of it as choosing wisely.
Moving is very stressful. Once you move out and get settled things should look better.
Focus on your studies... that's your long range goal.

07-14-2014, 03:08 PM
Only you can decide what to do, but you need to sit down and think clearly about it all because at the moment you're obviously torn about a lot of the things you're having to decide on. I suggest you get some paper and a pencil and use it to get your thoughts down in a tangible form which will make it easier for you to figure out what you're going to do and, perhaps more importantly, why.

Some things you might want to think about:
1.) You used to enjoy your job, but that changed. Can you pin-point when this started to happen? Was it around a particular event or was it around when the anxiety began?
2.) How will you cope financially if and when you do quit? You probably already have some idea about this, but it's always good to think about in any case.
3.) What are the benefits to staying at the job (other than financially)? Are there any? Is there anything you would really miss/lose out on by quitting?

In any case, don't worry about meds/therapy yet. Wait until after you've seen the doctor. Make sure you discuss everything with him/her before deciding. Lots of people take meds and find it a great relief, others choose not to or find that they don't help. Some have both meds and therapy and say the two work together to help with different things. Keep on with your studies and good luck!

07-15-2014, 03:19 PM
I know how it feels as I have quit a job because of anxiety. What I did was I thought about what do I actually want to do, do I want to stay at a job that makes me feel anxious or move on and start fresh some where else. To me you seem to have a plan in place which is a good thing as I didn't. If I was you I would do what you really want to do, your moving college anyway, so do you think you could can continue in this job til then? Can you vent your concerns to anyone that you know? (You never know and they might understand what you are going through) as sometimes talking about some issues can help.

I know many people have their views on whether it's a good or bad idea, but for me I did it because deep down I felt I had to move on, aniexty may of won this battle but I refuse to let it happen to me like this again and I will make sure of it.

If you feel that that you need to keep busy, then do exactly but don't rush into it, take it easy. Take some time to reflect and then plan what you want to achieve until you move college.

In summary, do what you think is best for you and ask what do you really want to do? I learnt that there was no right or wrong answer to my question about this, but it's about what i did afterwards that matters and what I can take from this moving on.

I hope this helped :)

07-16-2014, 05:54 PM
Work, school transfer, moving out, 21 y.o....you have plenty of things on your plate! It's no mystery that you are anxious. Seeing a doctor is good. Don't rush into taking any meds, even if the doc recommends them.
Maybe it might not be a bad idea to quit work. Don't think of it as losing... think of it as choosing wisely.
Moving is very stressful. Once you move out and get settled things should look better.
Focus on your studies... that's your long range goal.

Is it strange my doctor didn't seem too concerned about my anxiety? I told her I experienced it a while back and I experience it at the dentist and I experience a bit of the same symptoms at work, but she didn't seem too concerned. Does that mean I shouldn't be too concerned? My anxiety doesn't affect my everyday life. I can still go out and enjoy myself for the most part. I will be monitoring it though to see if it gets any worse or better. I'm starting on magnesium taurate as well. Maybe that will help.

07-16-2014, 07:57 PM
Hey Kaybee, Wow! You have a lot on your plate, I am not surprised that you are a little overwhelmed and feel a lot of Anxiety. Now, just responding to above, the doctor didnt seem to concerned about your anxiety. I will be honest too.....Im not worried about your anxiety (Of course respectfully, I will explain) What I mean by that is that you are going through some "Growing Pains". Much that many people around the world are dealing with too! Now I am not down playing your situation. I am more down playing your sensations of anxiety. What I mean is, your anxiety is not a bad thing as many people in your situation would feel anxious and struggle with stress. You are doing a lot and dealing with a lot.

Now this is the thing, there is a difference currently between you and another 21 yr old. You are focused on your anxiety. You are so focused that its taking control vs you having more control of it! Do you remember when you were in High school and you had finals and you stayed up late cramming and stressing to get as much studying in. Im sure you had a similar amount of stress.... you just didnt realize it.

So at this point dont stress so much about the anxiety. You are so focused on it that is making you feel uncomfortable, focus on the task at hand. You have delt with many stressful similar situations! The only difference is that you are more aware now than back then!

Take it slow and rebuild! If you need to leave the job no shame in it! But if you can power through it! Imagine the strength you will get for getting through it! A huge triumph!