View Full Version : constant worry

06-03-2008, 05:14 PM
Hey, I'm new to this forum so sorry if this subject has previously been posted in another thread >_>'
For as long as I can remember, I always seem to be in a constant state of worry - the best way to describe it would be that things never seem quite 'right', I can rarely be content. My life is fine; there are no outside triggers for any of these feelings. However, I am always down about something. For example, I tend to worry a lot about being pregnant - even though there is very little reason for me to be concerned. And of course, everything is always ok. Needless to say, I think I have become somewhat of a hypochondriac - any unfamiliar feeling raises the alarms and I will start worrying.
Once one worry is not a 'worry' any more, I seem to forget it easily and then move on to the next thing to worry about. However, each time a worry arises, I believe I think too much and just make it worse. Eventually I just feel depressed and get emotional, if it's a more substantial worry (but still irrational!). I guess what I mean is that these thought processes are all unwanted and they are brought about unconsciously.
The frustrating thing is, I know I'm being silly, but it is very hard to push away these thoughts. Consequently, it is rather tedious for friends that are trying to help me because they cannot understand how this problem works. I don't even know that!
I have suffered from anxiety related symptoms many times - including a panic attack, tight chest, tension, tension headaches- even pressure and twitching in my eye.
It's very hard to sum all of this up; as everything is very confusing - I'm only 21, so I wonder whether life experience will help me overcome this :P
I would much appreciate to hear from other people who suffer from similar things as I do; I'd like to know that I'm not alone!
Apologies for the long post! :)

06-03-2008, 10:21 PM
I have same problem. LOl every plane that flys over my house i get worried i think it could be a terroist gunna drop a nuke lol funny.
or if i eat somthing in never eaten b4 i get worried i might be sick or die wtf LOL. so sounds like me

get well

pm me every one i help u with anxiety . doesnt mean fix but ''HELP'' dunno i could fix it

06-16-2008, 12:20 PM
Hey, so I wanted to hear people's opinion of this:

Just now, I managed to get myself into a right panic. I used to wear braces, and my teeth were perfectly straight after i used them. Two of my front teeth kinda grew back towards the position they used to be in. This is fine, as that seemed to stabilize years ago and hasn't gotten worse.

However, I just got paranoid that they have gotten worse recently - They probably haven't, but I'm so worried that they have. This lead to me frantically looking at pictures from a few years ago to try and see any difference. I then got that sinking/sick feeling that I am familiar with; when I am really anxious about something, and felt that I wanted to cry. I've calmed down a bit now, but it's bugging me. I'm well aware that this is a trivial thing, and there is probably nothing to worry about, but I was just in such a panic about it.

I tend to get this; when I'm worried about something, it seems *so* serious, and I *must* deal with it asap. I can't just let it go. However, once I calm down a bit and think more rationally, it's not such a problem >_>'

Having read around anxiety, I believe that I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. What do you guys think? Is this typical of the disorder? It's very confusing!! :(

06-16-2008, 01:20 PM
I am 32 years old and have been the same way for as long as I can remember. My life has been pretty good overall but I have a habitual worry habit (I believe it comes from having parents who worry all the time)

My worry would get so bad that I if the worry went away, I'd worry that another worry would come back. Pretty soon I'd forget what I was worrying about. I've had bouts with upset stomachs, anxiety, pretty much all my life.

What has really helped me was Eckhart Tolle's book "New Earth". I've been downloading Oprah's web classes to my iPod. I'm not usually one to read those enlightening type books but it really made a lot of sense about how to control the worry. I am at my wits end and would try anything.

The key to beating worry/anxiety is to NOT push away those thoughts away. I know it seems logical to want to wish them away but the more resist them, the more they persist. So what the book teaches you is to really stop and let those thoughts come in. Don't judge them but allow them to come to you and the more you allow them, the less they can torment you. It has really worked for me. The reason anxiety takes over people is because they wish it away rather than trying to deal with it or accept the feeling or negative emotion they are experiencing.

It doesn't mean you have to like being anxious/worried, it simply means you have to allow it to persist. And when you simply sit back and separate yourself from those thoughts and watch them like you're watching a movie, they can't control you anymore. The key is to not identify yourself with those thoughts. I know it sounds cookie but it really works.

Most people don't get upset because of the situation. They get upset because the thoughts, anxiety and emotions that arise from the situation. Then they beat themselves up for feeling sad or anxious or worried. But the more you try to keep it away, the more it will haunt you. Pretty soon you're so controlled by your mind, you have this non-stop anxiety.

Anyway, the book and free web classes really helped me. You can go to oprah's site to learn more about it and download the free web classes. I wish you all the best.

06-16-2008, 01:27 PM
Thanks! Yeah that totally makes sense; if the problems aren't dealt with, they will persits, just like any other problem!! :)