View Full Version : An update on my anxiety and some questions

07-14-2014, 12:04 PM
My anxiety I think has really improved since I joined this forum!

Back in February to around April I did not go out of the house, had 5+ panic attacks a day and was just scared of everything, even things like walking down stairs. When my laptop and TV broke at the same time I kind of forced myself to go out on my Garden which led to me going to a shop briefly, that was a improvement. I was still really bad, having vertigo and panic attacks etc but was not giving into them.

When I joined this forum I was feeling like a relapse coming on and my mind was just all over the place, for instance I was CONVINCED I had a brain tumor and just the word was giving me panic attacks. Something like a week later I had a really good chat with someone on this forum about my vertigo and brain cancer, what he/she said really put into perspective brain cancer and my vertigo/anxiety which dissolved my conviction that I was dying. I no longer think I am dying, I am so grateful for he/she's help with that, I think it was Fourteen14? I do still have panic attacks but for no 'real' reason just like a dread feeling comes and then boom! But I still see progress. Probably the biggest thing that has helped me these past few weeks with my anxiety has been accepting it is ANXIETY and not a potentially deadly disease like cancer.
In all honesty most of my physical symptoms are still there and some of them are pretty intense but my mental symptoms have really faded, I ruminate much less!

Just a question, as I have said I get panic attacks for no 'real' reason, I've always thought getting rid of 'bad' thoughts stop panic attacks, so what can stop these? They just happen....

07-14-2014, 03:54 PM
No reply's?

07-14-2014, 04:52 PM
No reply's?

Nope. Jk

Beliefs are pretty powerful Joe.

You have the belief anxiety is scarey. This belief you took on in the traumatic first episode, or perhaps as a child watching another suffer, or talk incessantly about it.

There needs to be decent energy behind the impetus or birth of a new belief. So today right now, you have the unconscious, subconscious belief, anxiety is scarey. No amount of conscious thought will change that, it will conflict with it, causing more anxiety. You cant tell yourself to stop breathing, same principle.

So youve got this automatic now, subconsious belief anxiety is scarey.

The belief must be felt to be experienced, you must experience your beliefs or you wouldnt have them, so the belief out of the blue surfaces as an emotion. To bring the subconscious to the conscious you then translate the emotion into words which then trigger you back to feeling, back to the subconscious letting it know your ego is doing its job reporting back, and your beliefs are working, which they should. Then the soul feels it, and the cycle is complete.

Each successive stronger emotion reported back to the soul reinforces the belief and that its working correctly.

It is not words, that trigger emotions as it is fashionable for conventional psychiatry, since the proof of the inner self is not concrete.

It is -

Beliefs, then emotions, then words, the belief is made real and created, the ego gets to flesh it out, reporting back its conclusion about reality to the inner self as the words are translated back to feeling.

That was easy enough.

You wear your adrenaline like an IV drip, so you are always at the ready for an attack.

Now anxiety is scarey is not the core belief, but an offshoot, a bridge belief. It does no good to attack the bridge beliefs, you need to destroy the core which is heavily fortified. You protect your beliefs af all cost, they are your identity, and the self would not dare shatter the identity, without a backup plan.(accepted belief change).

The core belief that holds them all together might be, I am weak or helpless, setting up all kinds of secondary health beliefs.

Your issue is you are attacking the bridged beliefs, and the core remains. Setting off periods of panic based on seeming no triggers, yet as explained now, you are just acting naturally based on the belief systems.

Coupled with the body and its nervous systems working hand in hand to create your reality.

Go after the core. Start with anxiety is scary, then continue rearranging the furniture, anxiety is scary, I feel out of control, im worthless in my attempts, I cant function normally, by body rejects me, my body is weak, anxiety keeps getting worse, I am helpless.

From the core belief I am helpless, that would suit a 5 year old now in the face of the big bad parents, this is a belief you no longer need, for the truth of it shatters the belief, but it must be found first. You are not helpless (blanket statement), you are quite able to help yourself. You cannot leave the ego high and dry, so if you shatter a core, it must be replaced.

These are just examples, I hope you understand. There is a 'real' reason.

Irish Sammie
07-14-2014, 05:00 PM
Hey Joe,

I'm glad to hear that your anxiety seems to be lessening, good job man! I'm a bit like you actually. I don't think so negatively so much anymore which is good, but most of my symptoms are still there. Infact, only today I was in the car with my mum and dad, and as I'm sure you can relate, when with people you trust, you tend to be more safe and much less likely to have an attack or hightened feelings of anxiety. However, I felt a panic attack coming on which I thought was so bizarre. They were no more than 2 feet away from me and I believe that it was my symptoms that brought it on, not the anxiety itself. I focused my breathing and concentrated, just telling myself that it's just my body reacting irrationally and that I'm safe. It faded within about 5 minutes having not let it get 100%.

What I mean, is that one of the reasons why you could still be having them, is that your body at times will find it hard to manage the heightened awareness of your sensitized nerves. I assume that you're much more aware of your surroundings? Everything sounds louder? The little things bug you much easier? Much less patience than before? I experience these and they have contributed to my body panicking because it can't deal with the environment that I was in and what was going on around me. As you know, there is not just one element that can fix our condition. It's a combination of a few important steps that we must take in order to rid ourselves of it. CBT, meditation, a good diet, sleeping regular and decent hours, getting out to places where you are scared to go the most, keeping yourself busy, positive thinking, vitamin supplements (B-complex, zinc, magnesium (all good for the health of nerves) ), and plenty of exercise.

Even now when I write this, it's made out to be a simple path to take, but I KNOW how hard this is. My biggest on going issue is my vision and it's a nightmare to live with. 24/7 I feel like I'm visually drunk and my field of view is has narrowed significantly. It's only when I focus on it does it get worse. I'm glad that the profession I'm in allows me to concentrate on my work for hours at a time. However, I understand what is going on with me and because I've done a huge amount of research on this, I know that it's not permanent and I know it's treatable. It's just a condition that often takes a long time to get rid of.

Please, if you can, read the self help books by Dr. Claire Weekes. She will enlighten you about what's going on in your head and your body. I've recommended this book to anyone who's still slightly in the dark about things.

Here's the amazon link to a book that would be hugely helpful to you: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1405378781&sr=1-1

You won't regret it :)

07-14-2014, 05:03 PM
Now back to our regular scheduled programming, read my post 2 up, thats your answer.

I do honor Ms Weekes however, as a sidenote.

07-14-2014, 05:09 PM
Hi Joe, It's common for me to have a panic attack right out of no place BUT after 20 years i know what they are and battle through them. Sometimes i do know what triggers them because i am thinking of something and that usually happens when my mind starts to wonder. Just take it as they come and you know that you are not dying so it makes it a little easier to get through. good luck and its not easy. Peace.

07-15-2014, 09:07 AM
Thanks I'm suffering, you do have a point!
Nope. Jk

Beliefs are pretty powerful Joe.

You have the belief anxiety is scarey. This belief you took on in the traumatic first episode, or perhaps as a child watching another suffer, or talk incessantly about it.

There needs to be decent energy behind the impetus or birth of a new belief. So today right now, you have the unconscious, subconscious belief, anxiety is scarey. No amount of conscious thought will change that, it will conflict with it, causing more anxiety. You cant tell yourself to stop breathing, same principle.

So youve got this automatic now, subconsious belief anxiety is scarey.

The belief must be felt to be experienced, you must experience your beliefs or you wouldnt have them, so the belief out of the blue surfaces as an emotion. To bring the subconscious to the conscious you then translate the emotion into words which then trigger you back to feeling, back to the subconscious letting it know your ego is doing its job reporting back, and your beliefs are working, which they should. Then the soul feels it, and the cycle is complete.

Each successive stronger emotion reported back to the soul reinforces the belief and that its working correctly.

It is not words, that trigger emotions as it is fashionable for conventional psychiatry, since the proof of the inner self is not concrete.

It is -

Beliefs, then emotions, then words, the belief is made real and created, the ego gets to flesh it out, reporting back its conclusion about reality to the inner self as the words are translated back to feeling.

That was easy enough.

You wear your adrenaline like an IV drip, so you are always at the ready for an attack.

Now anxiety is scarey is not the core belief, but an offshoot, a bridge belief. It does no good to attack the bridge beliefs, you need to destroy the core which is heavily fortified. You protect your beliefs af all cost, they are your identity, and the self would not dare shatter the identity, without a backup plan.(accepted belief change).

The core belief that holds them all together might be, I am weak or helpless, setting up all kinds of secondary health beliefs.

Your issue is you are attacking the bridged beliefs, and the core remains. Setting off periods of panic based on seeming no triggers, yet as explained now, you are just acting naturally based on the belief systems.

Coupled with the body and its nervous systems working hand in hand to create your reality.

Go after the core. Start with anxiety is scary, then continue rearranging the furniture, anxiety is scary, I feel out of control, im worthless in my attempts, I cant function normally, by body rejects me, my body is weak, anxiety keeps getting worse, I am helpless.

From the core belief I am helpless, that would suit a 5 year old now in the face of the big bad parents, this is a belief you no longer need, for the truth of it shatters the belief, but it must be found first. You are not helpless (blanket statement), you are quite able to help yourself. You cannot leave the ego high and dry, so if you shatter a core, it must be replaced.

These are just examples, I hope you understand. There is a 'real' reason.

07-15-2014, 09:10 AM
Thanks Irish sammie! I'll have a look at the book!
Hey Joe,

I'm glad to hear that your anxiety seems to be lessening, good job man! I'm a bit like you actually. I don't think so negatively so much anymore which is good, but most of my symptoms are still there. Infact, only today I was in the car with my mum and dad, and as I'm sure you can relate, when with people you trust, you tend to be more safe and much less likely to have an attack or hightened feelings of anxiety. However, I felt a panic attack coming on which I thought was so bizarre. They were no more than 2 feet away from me and I believe that it was my symptoms that brought it on, not the anxiety itself. I focused my breathing and concentrated, just telling myself that it's just my body reacting irrationally and that I'm safe. It faded within about 5 minutes having not let it get 100%.

What I mean, is that one of the reasons why you could still be having them, is that your body at times will find it hard to manage the heightened awareness of your sensitized nerves. I assume that you're much more aware of your surroundings? Everything sounds louder? The little things bug you much easier? Much less patience than before? I experience these and they have contributed to my body panicking because it can't deal with the environment that I was in and what was going on around me. As you know, there is not just one element that can fix our condition. It's a combination of a few important steps that we must take in order to rid ourselves of it. CBT, meditation, a good diet, sleeping regular and decent hours, getting out to places where you are scared to go the most, keeping yourself busy, positive thinking, vitamin supplements (B-complex, zinc, magnesium (all good for the health of nerves) ), and plenty of exercise.

Even now when I write this, it's made out to be a simple path to take, but I KNOW how hard this is. My biggest on going issue is my vision and it's a nightmare to live with. 24/7 I feel like I'm visually drunk and my field of view is has narrowed significantly. It's only when I focus on it does it get worse. I'm glad that the profession I'm in allows me to concentrate on my work for hours at a time. However, I understand what is going on with me and because I've done a huge amount of research on this, I know that it's not permanent and I know it's treatable. It's just a condition that often takes a long time to get rid of.

Please, if you can, read the self help books by Dr. Claire Weekes. She will enlighten you about what's going on in your head and your body. I've recommended this book to anyone who's still slightly in the dark about things.

Here's the amazon link to a book that would be hugely helpful to you: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1405378781&sr=1-1

You won't regret it :)

07-15-2014, 09:27 AM
Thanks john very good advise
Hi Joe, It's common for me to have a panic attack right out of no place BUT after 20 years i know what they are and battle through them. Sometimes i do know what triggers them because i am thinking of something and that usually happens when my mind starts to wonder. Just take it as they come and you know that you are not dying so it makes it a little easier to get through. good luck and its not easy. Peace.