View Full Version : Mu anxiety disorder and maybe it's cause?

07-13-2014, 10:51 PM
I've had rough symptoms the last 2 months. Sweaty palms and feet, high blood pressure, the constant thought I'm going to have a heart attack, bubbly chest muscle twitches, lose of vision, hot spot in my foot. And more.. I'd have symptoms all day constantly it seems. It was bad today. Always of edge for the next panic/ anxiety episode.... But I feel better tonight...

I had quit drinking when I had the first attack... It's been constant since. But I really feel it's some sort of alcohol withdraw symptoms... And I'm not googling anything again... But I like posting on here and hearing peoples experiences... It helps me and I hope I can help others.

07-13-2014, 11:41 PM
I suffer from an array of panic symptoms. Much like the ones you are. Always will say get checked out by your doc if you are concerned.. But otherwise sounds like you are in the awful club called panic and anxiety. :/

07-13-2014, 11:51 PM
I suffer from an array of panic symptoms. Much like the ones you are. Always will say get checked out by your doc if you are concerned.. But otherwise sounds like you are in the awful club called panic and anxiety. :/

Yea I need to. I've been to the urgent care and Er in the last month or so. Both said anxiety... I've been coping but it's so overwhelming. When it effects my chest and arm on the left I get worried

07-14-2014, 05:09 AM
Yea I need to. I've been to the urgent care and Er in the last month or so. Both said anxiety... I've been coping but it's so overwhelming. When it effects my chest and arm on the left I get worried

You wanted help (all of you reading this can benefit), so take the time to read slowly, and then do

The drinking (for you, everyone else has their own vice), was a safety blanket - remove the blanket and you are exposed, in your terms all sorts of demons will pop out. Better to drown them or bury them then. Its too scarey in there.

Well, in there we shall go -

(It is recommended you bring a sword and a torch my mental warrior, for we are going in to do battle, and youll need to edify the dark areas)

Self assessment:

What was it like growing up for me? How was my family life, loved, nurtured, safe, secure, esteem building, joyful, healthy, care free, did my parents build my self worth. How was school, how did I feel inside day to day.

Why did I drink so much, what did that numb, what happened 2 months ago that I quit, did i have a breakup in a relationship, did someone die that I love, do I have a great job, enough money, am I rigid, angry, hateful, resentful, spiteful, jealous, at anyone, any group.

Do I like my body, how do I feel about death, loss, criticism, health, love, old age.

Do I like myself?

As a child, did I witness a death, or chronic health issues in a family member where they recovered after a long battle or died, was I yelled at, abused physically or mentally, or both, was there blame, did a parent leave, was I abandoned, left alone, did I feel guilty and afraid, was I bullied, or called names, weak, made fun of, was I alone most of the time.

Were you hit, insulted, raped, beaten, or were you verbally abused, told you are worthless, no good.

Did I worry over health problems, as my mom did, or my father, did they overly worry, obsess about you or could they care less about what you did, did you hold emotions in, were you allowed to speak, or were you told children should be seen and not heard.

Do you have an alternative lifestyle, gay, and an addictive personality, to drugs alchohol, did you hide your urges, stay in the dark, bury (what i was told was) unnatural feelings, did you think you were sinful, were you religious, afraid of hell, were your parents zealots, that broke the commands themselves.

Did you run away, hide in the shadows, afraid to be social, how do you feel about the opposite sex, relationships, the world, do you hate people, are they stupid, behave like idiots, beneath you or perhaps you are not good enough. Are you different, you dont fit in, misunderstood.


Your symptoms are adrenaline dumps, because of your bewilderment of the symptoms and the fear of a self attack by your body, do you dump excess hormones into your system, like an IV drip, continually. The reason for the bewilderment, confusion, fear, is because you never questioned yourself and your life, you never looked inside and so this is what you have manifested.

Perhaps you have soul searched, and looked. But looking and finding without releasing, accepting, will do no good. Dont get stuck in mental masturbation, find and release. Have a purpose, and a focus.

Take the self assessment above in all those questions. You are to dig up what you buried long ago, and face it.

In the meantime, realize that because you are naive to the cause, and perplexed by the symptoms, you are doubling up the body reactions, adding fear to fear. Allow and accept the first fear, without dumping excess hormones on top of it, curb your emergency thoughts during the onset, and sit in it knowing youve been there before, and wait it out, without the OMG, OMG, OMG.

In the self assessments then you will find the reason for the anxiety(s) to begin with.

That is all.

07-14-2014, 06:16 AM
Yea I need to. I've been to the urgent care and Er in the last month or so. Both said anxiety... I've been coping but it's so overwhelming. When it effects my chest and arm on the left I get worried

Various symptoms happen to all of us. I get all of the above and then some. The key is not to worry about it. Worrying will only make it worse. Don't fight it and don't get angry about it. Just let it run it's course and stay calm. As AB said, if it really concerns you, then see your doctor.

CBT will really help you as well. I have been going for a while and it's helped me immensely.

Hope you feel better soon!

07-28-2014, 08:17 PM
You wanted help (all of you reading this can benefit), so take the time to read slowly, and then do

The drinking (for you, everyone else has their own vice), was a safety blanket - remove the blanket and you are exposed, in your terms all sorts of demons will pop out. Better to drown them or bury them then. Its too scarey in there.

Well, in there we shall go -

(It is recommended you bring a sword and a torch my mental warrior, for we are going in to do battle, and youll need to edify the dark areas)

Self assessment:

What was it like growing up for me? How was my family life, loved, nurtured, safe, secure, esteem building, joyful, healthy, care free, did my parents build my self worth. How was school, how did I feel inside day to day.

Why did I drink so much, what did that numb, what happened 2 months ago that I quit, did i have a breakup in a relationship, did someone die that I love, do I have a great job, enough money, am I rigid, angry, hateful, resentful, spiteful, jealous, at anyone, any group.

Do I like my body, how do I feel about death, loss, criticism, health, love, old age.

Do I like myself?

As a child, did I witness a death, or chronic health issues in a family member where they recovered after a long battle or died, was I yelled at, abused physically or mentally, or both, was there blame, did a parent leave, was I abandoned, left alone, did I feel guilty and afraid, was I bullied, or called names, weak, made fun of, was I alone most of the time.

Were you hit, insulted, raped, beaten, or were you verbally abused, told you are worthless, no good.

Did I worry over health problems, as my mom did, or my father, did they overly worry, obsess about you or could they care less about what you did, did you hold emotions in, were you allowed to speak, or were you told children should be seen and not heard.

Do you have an alternative lifestyle, gay, and an addictive personality, to drugs alchohol, did you hide your urges, stay in the dark, bury (what i was told was) unnatural feelings, did you think you were sinful, were you religious, afraid of hell, were your parents zealots, that broke the commands themselves.

Did you run away, hide in the shadows, afraid to be social, how do you feel about the opposite sex, relationships, the world, do you hate people, are they stupid, behave like idiots, beneath you or perhaps you are not good enough. Are you different, you dont fit in, misunderstood.


Your symptoms are adrenaline dumps, because of your bewilderment of the symptoms and the fear of a self attack by your body, do you dump excess hormones into your system, like an IV drip, continually. The reason for the bewilderment, confusion, fear, is because you never questioned yourself and your life, you never looked inside and so this is what you have manifested.

Perhaps you have soul searched, and looked. But looking and finding without releasing, accepting, will do no good. Dont get stuck in mental masturbation, find and release. Have a purpose, and a focus.

Take the self assessment above in all those questions. You are to dig up what you buried long ago, and face it.

In the meantime, realize that because you are naive to the cause, and perplexed by the symptoms, you are doubling up the body reactions, adding fear to fear. Allow and accept the first fear, without dumping excess hormones on top of it, curb your emergency thoughts during the onset, and sit in it knowing youve been there before, and wait it out, without the OMG, OMG, OMG.

In the self assessments then you will find the reason for the anxiety(s) to begin with.

That is all.

I'm suffering. Your posts are a lot to grasp for me. You come from numerous angles at once..

I had I decent childhood. I'm married with 3 kids. I had a great party lifestyle I guess. I did well with the ladies and friends and always felt bulletproof in a since. Eat a ridiculous amount and not gain weight. Didn't go to hospitals when I broke fingers or toes on got injured or sick.. Drink all night and recover with soda and energy drinks... That all changed fast. Hungover one day I had a crazy lose of vision and my first anxiety/panic when to urgent care. It continued every night. Until I had my worse one. I went to the hospital. They took blood and said you have anxiety. I had backed off my drinking. After that I quit 16 days without a drink..