06-03-2008, 01:34 PM
Hi, I'm a 40 year old divorced mom of an 11 and 7 year old (and I wonder why I have GAD and some ODC). :shock: Anyway, I had a bout with anxiety and depression in the fall of 2006 following a high dosage of prednisone for a sinus infection. Have been on 150mg of Zoloft since then and doing fine. However, last week, my stomach was upset (for no apparent reason). I thought I was just fighting a bug and didn't pay a lot of attention to it. But then over the weekend, I just didn't feel like myself and noticed that I was counting things (one of my favorite ODC-type symptoms) and that songs were getting stuck in my head and I was singing them over and over and over, etc. So I've got a call in to my psych. to see if we need to change/increase medicine. It just boggles my mind as to where this comes from, just out of the blue. My real fear is the depression that I fought through in 2006 following the onset of the anxiety symptoms. Lord, I don't want to go through that again. Any advice?