View Full Version : thought i was over panic attacks

07-12-2014, 08:05 PM
I have suffered from these for several years, but over the last few years they had became less frequent and less intese. Monday I was at work and felt fine and all of a sudden I had a major one that lasted almost 3 hours, since this episode I have had one everyday this week. My questiion is,when you have them do they come in clusters like this? I can usually ride them out without any meds, but I have had to take a benzo with everyone I have had this week.

07-12-2014, 09:19 PM
I've always experienced them in waves. So you aren't alone.

Look back over the last month or two, what has changed? Stress levels up a bit? Diet? Sometimes even the smallest change can affect them.

07-12-2014, 09:43 PM
i gave blood about 3 weeks ago and had 1 the next day , and now I have a about 5 this week.

07-13-2014, 08:30 PM
I thought I was gonna make it through the day with no meds or attack was feeling good. 8:45 I felt it coming tried to do some of the tips I have read , tell myself your ok all that jazz. It kept getting worse so took 2 benzos an hour apart starting to feel better but still have some anxiety. I don't know if I should go back to the doctor tomorrow or not.

07-13-2014, 08:54 PM
I have gone weeks and for no apparent reason, one will come. I guess there are stressors around us that cause it but I have yet to find this out myself.

07-14-2014, 02:36 PM
My honest answer........ We will never rid ourselves of panic attacks..... Now that being said, is not a bad thing.... let me try to explain.

1) Panic Attacks are our Fight or Flight mechanisms out of whack. This mechanism protects us from danger, again not a pad thing.
2) Anything can trigger our fight or flight, and when we are more excited or anxious it can be triggered easily.
3) Learning proper techniques to deal with a panic attack is key, in addition to rationalizing what is going on.

My whole point to this, having panic attacks or sensations of panic attacks are Normal..... Dont fight it and reason why its a normal thing. The abnormal thing is why our mechanism is out of whack, do if a panic attack comes on dont say OMG something is wrong automatically. First Do your breathing exercises to gain control, then tell yourself, there is no danger....there is no reason why, I should be having a panic attack.

It will get easier! Also when an attack comes on out of no where you will be better prepared!