View Full Version : Can't take the heat! Anxiety or just heat intolerance?

07-12-2014, 06:30 PM
So after plenty of google searches for various anxiety symptoms wondering if that is what I'm feeling, I've decided to tell my story here, and maybe gain some insight. I know the internet is no substitution for a real doctor, but I'm a bit suspicious of my doc; he seems to agree with whatever I say. First I thought my dizzyness was from heat exhaustion and dehydration. Well ok technically he thought that was the cause. Said to drink more water. Then I suggested allergies, and he prescribed Nasonex. Then I suggested anxiety, and he agreed. Thought that did really seem to be it...so at least he was right. I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and I was in Fluoxetine, then it worked so well I stopped taking it last winter. I felt great...until it got hot out again. Now I'm back on it. But anyway..here's the complete story from the beginning. It's long, but I feel the complete backstory is important here.

As a kid, I've always been anxious. I've always worried about things out of my control. And convincing myself that something terrible is going to, or is, happening, is just like me. I once convinced myself I had SARS because I had a nasty cold and it was right after a flight...from Florida, not Asia. At another time I convinced myself that my heartburn was a heart attack and I was going to die. I couldn't sleep, I had to sit on the couch watching TV until I fell asleep. I also suffered from some boughts of depression when I was in my teens and early 20's as well. Fast forward to 2 summers ago. My car broke down and needed to be dropped off at the mechanic. No one could give me a ride back to my place, but google revealed it as a mere 3 mile walk. I once backpacked in New Mexico 60 miles in the mountains, so I figured, even thought I was now 10 years older and out of shape, I could manage a measly 3 miles. Well I didn't. Halfway through I could feel myself getting a bit dehydrated. It wasn't crazy hot, only low 80's, but I might not have been very well hydrated. I was probably 2 miles in when I was really hot, my head was pounding, but I trudged on. I got probably within a few blocks from my place when I started getting light headed, my feet and hands tingling, and then I start to feel everything going dark. Fortunately I found someone outside that helped me re-hydrate and gave me a ride home. I stayed inside, drank tons of water, and had the AC cranked.

The very next day I felt ok, so I drove off to my parents house. They were on vacation and I had promised to mow the lawn. After an hour of mowing the lawn in probably that same heat (mid 80's) I was completely exhausted. I was well hydrated that time, and even drenched myself with the hose to keep cool. Once I was done I got in my car and blasted the AC. But the entire drive back I was feeling dizzy, like I was a bit buzzed from drinking. Then my feet started tingling. Fearing a total blackout I pulled into the first driveway I saw and asked the people there for a glass of water. I kind of wind up pushing my way in (I asked if I could come in and before getting a response just walked in) and sat in the AC. But no matter what I felt still completely out of it. I wound up calling an ambulance, and the paramedics checked me out. Their theory was I exhausted myself going to mow the lawn just one day later, but I was ok. Later on that week I wound up going to the doctor who told me the same thing. This was his first suggestion for my dizzyness. Keep drinking water.

Well that didn't go away. My dizzyness, which was worst when driving, continued on for a while. I could drive ok, as long as my car was kept FREEZING cold. To the point I was shivering. Some other symptoms made me think maybe I had developed some seasonal allergies, so the doctor prescribed Nasonex. I took that for a while, but it didn't seem to do much. Another doctor thought it was a sinus infection. She prescribed antibiotics. Still, no real progress. I was able to function in general, but driving was a challenge that worried me every day. And I couldn't walk down the aisles of the grocery store without getting dizzy...which of course made me anxious. That pattern continued until around November, when one night my face and ears were so hot I couldn't sleep. I had my window open, my apartment freezing cold, and I was still hot. The poor night's rest made me feel terrible driving into work the next day, which made me dizzyness even more worse. That was when I went to the doctor asking for something to ease my anxiety. Then he started thinking my dizzyness was anxiety. So he started my on Citalopram.

That seemed to really help, thought I did keep increasing the dosage. Every time, I would get used to the side effects, feel a lot better, then the dizzyness would come back. He increased the dosage to the max, and so switched me to Fluoxetine. I think I was on 30 or 40 mg eventually. I can't remember. I don't really remember if the dizzyness ever went away, or if I just forgot about it. But eventually I felt fine. I could drive, I could go to stores, and overall I saw a major change in my anxiety with social situations. I was doing things I had never done before, because I no longer feared them. I felt great. So great that by this last winter, around December, I weened myself off them. I thought I was ok. And I felt fine up until this summer, with the heat.

I've always been a bit sensitive to heat...I've always said I run hot. I wear Tshirts in the dead of winter. Since my heat exhaustion incident 2 summers ago I've had a couple more events, that may have been heat, or may have been plain old anxiety. I was at a football game, on a cool 70 degree day, but sitting in the direct sun. I was roasting, since I was wearing a black jersey over a black long sleeve shirt, and jeans. I didn't want to drink too much water since I didn't want to get up to pee a lot, but before halftime I started feeling really dizzy. I went down, drank 2 water, got some food, and eventually went back up to the seats, feeling like crap the entire time. Thought I felt ok enough to make it through the game and the long walk back to the car. My 62 year old diabetic father, dressed similarly, didn't drink any water at all...and he was completely fine.

I felt ok around heat for a while after that one (that was before going on the meds), thought I always stayed indoors during the hot days anyway. Last summer I went to a festival and was outside from 2 PM on. It was low 80's, but bright and sunny, not a single cloud. I had on my sunglasses, hat, dressed in light colored clothes, and drank a ton of water. About 8 bottles in a 3 hour period. But eventually I started feeling dizzy again. Thinking it was low blood sugar (I was hungry) I went to get a rack of ribs. I carried this rack of ribs to a shady spot to eat, and once I put them down my arm was cramping up really bad. I couldn't get my muscle to relax. I made it through that night, staying till the end, but I spend most of the time from then on until the sun went down, in the shade. A month later I was on vacation and out kyacking in the sun, feeling just fine. It was 10 degrees cooler, but still.

So now we come to this summer, where everything seems to be going wrong. As I pointed out, I've been off the meds since last December. I've been feeling fine. In May I went for a walk in a park, only about a mile, thought it was a good 80 degrees out and I was in direct soon. I couldn't do more than a mile I was so hot and thirsty. But I didn't feel like passing out. A few weeks later I went out for lunch at work. It was probably in the mid 80's. I was sitting in the back of my friends convertible, wearing a black shirt, and even thought we were moving most of the time I felt like I was on fire. Then we ate outside, which despite being covered felt like it was 100 degrees to me. I felt out of it and slightly dizzy the entire time, but still ordered a beer with lunch. But I couldn't wait to get back inside. Once back at the office I drank a ton of water and felt like crap the entire time. And once I was at home I felt freezing in the AC, even thought it was no colder than usual. This same symptom occured every time I had one of my "heat incidents".

As June went on things only got worse. I was feeling hot and kinda dizzy just being outside for a minute. I was at my parents house gathering up the camping gear for a trip planned the next weekend. Just packing everything up and taking it to my car in the heat (upper 80's), I was sweating, and as soon as I started driving I was dizzy again. I wound up canceling the trip due to these persistent symptoms and the fact that it was supposed to be upper 80's that entire weekend. The Sunday night the weekend I was supposed to be camping I couldn't sleep. I was feeling hot in the face and ears all night and kept waking up. The next day going to work I felt light headed. That lasted all week, eventually rising to a point where I didn't go to work because I felt light headed. I was already planning on going to the doctor but I moved up that appointment to as soon as I could get in. He said he still thinks it's anxiety, said to start taking Fluoxetine again, and took some blood just in case. I didn't hold back in describing my symptoms, telling him about every little thing bothering me. He's sure it's anxiety.

(contiued below)

07-12-2014, 06:31 PM
(Continued from above)

A few days later it was the 4th of July. I went with my parents to a BBQ at a family friends house. It wasn't too hot, maybe 82 tops, and the BBQ wasn't until 4 anyways. I felt so fine while I was there I agreed not only to play bags, but also decided to drink a beer too. Only my head was getting any sun while playing, and I kept ducking behind a tree to stay out of it. Nothing that should have been a problem, but after maybe an hour tops I was feeling dehydrated and dizzy again. I downed 2 bottles of water and still felt awful. I stopped the game, sat in the shade, and was not great company as I felt so out of it I barely talked to anyone. But I wasn't hot. I drank probably 4 more bottles of water. Later on we went to the fireworks where I felt pretty good...of course it was also about 60 degrees out.

I stayed in the rest of the weekend. I was off work Monday, and Monday night was another bad one. Hot face, couldn't sleep, kept waking up. I felt so dizzy (note, dizzy this time, not light headed) that I couldn't drive into work. For the first time ever I got down the highway and was so bad I actually turned around. To get through the rest of this week I've been taking sleeping pills so I can get a good nights rest. I've still been rather dizzy driving (possible side effect?), but I made it through. At work I've varied between feeling in a fog, and feeling like I'm going to burst into flames. Friday night I shocked everyone by going home earlier than I ever do. That was because my face was so hot, I didn't think I could take it anymore. My pits were sweating all day long and despite having a fan on, my cubicle seems to always be 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the room. Once I got in my car and blasted the AC down to 68, I felt pretty good.

So now it's Saturday. My parents are out of town and I promised to stop by to water the plants. I decided this would be a great time to return the camping gear from that trip I cancelled. It's about 85 and humid as hell today. Just 3 quick trips to the car and I was drenched in sweat. The profuse sweating made me feel even more anxious, and I felt dizzy and out of it again. I wound up deciding to stay home tonight and stop by their house tomorrow, when it might be cooler, or I might be better...maybe. I'm feeling better now, because I cranked my AC down low and I don't have the anxiety of going anywhere. This is my 11th full day on Fluoxetine, and my 1st being on the higher 20 mg dose.

So, if there's anyone left after reading this novel of a post.....any advice? Has anyone experienced anything similar? Since I've had a heat illness in the past I know that I'm more prone to one again. But it could also mean I'd be particularly anxious about heat and summer in general. It's only heat outdoors that bothers me. I take steaming hot showers and love a hot tub.

07-12-2014, 09:36 PM
Hi Mrstress,

I feel for you, I don't deal well with the heat either. Anything over 80 and I'm a mess. But I can chalk that up to being 49 yr old female who is perimenopausal. Anyway, that's me.

The first thing that comes to mind for you is this.... Have you been thoroughly checked out for diabetes or hypoglycaemia? You obviously are familiar with diabetes as you mentioned your dad has it. Both my parents are type 2 diabetics and neither one does particularly well with heat. You also mentioned that you seem to feel better when you eat and cool off.

The other thing that comes to mind is a bit of electrolyte imbalance. That too can make you dizzy in the heat, and if you drink a ton of water it is quite easy to throw them off. Adding a bit of sea salt (not table salt) to your diet can help this.

The anxiety is likely triggered by the heat and the memory of how awful you felt when you had heat exhaustion.

You may want to look at your diet, something you are eating may also be causing some of these issues.

Good luck, you can and will get through this.


07-12-2014, 11:55 PM
I second the comment checking for blood sugar issues. Also sounds like it could be dehydration. Sometimes more water is not enough. Needtogetwell is dead in in their suggestion to add some sea salt. Also get your thyroid checked, it regulates body temp among many other things. If you doc is open enough maybe look at your aldosterone level. That is what controls the sodium retention in your body.

07-13-2014, 12:01 AM
I've had a blood test when this all started happening a few years back and everything came back normal. The doctor did have another test done when I went in recently, though I haven't heard back from anyone about the results. I'm assuming no news is good news. One of the things he wanted to check was my thyroid.

Perhaps I do need to add some sea salt to my diet. I do tend to drink a crazy amount of water in a typical day.

07-13-2014, 12:21 AM
You might want to call and check on those results but yes no news is good news generally. Look into "the water cure". You should drink half your body weight in ounces per day. Plus mix some sea salt in there. I don't remember the ratio off hand but you can look it up. So if you weigh 150lbs you would drink 75ounces of water per day. Then add in the SEA SALT (must be good quality sea salt like Celtic or Pink Himalayan).

07-13-2014, 03:13 AM
Hi mrstress

I can really relate to everything you have wrote. That is my life right now.
I also have, had every test done and everything has come back normal.

I always run on hot but lately I feel like a certain body part like my face or back is literally on fire, I then feel dizzy or spaced out and it usually ends with a pounding headache.
I've been told to put it down to stress or anxiety.

I'm going to try the sea salt too as its truly tiring feeling like this all the time.