View Full Version : Skin crawling!

07-12-2014, 08:38 AM
Please help! I have been having tingles in various parts of my body on and off for a few months now... but just this past week I have had this crawling/tingling sensation beside my nose and a patch on my back, like something moving under there.
I have been very anxious over having MS, and gave up googling a long time ago, but sometimes when I'm trying to find reassurance that it's just something like anxiety or something benign causing it, usually within the top 3 search results MS will show up... I'm so worried! Does anybody have this? I know it's common in your scalp to have this, but mine are just in the same exact patches, on my back and beside my nose!
Uhh I'm worried sick! I had a CT scan about 4 months back, which came back normal and a blood test which just showed a slight iron deficiency... but I don't think MS would show up on either of those anyway!

I'd be extremely grateful to here from any of you!

07-12-2014, 09:05 AM
Are you on Iron supplement? I have it but it goes away after some time. Many people here complain of the same symptom. I do believe it is caused by anxiety. The best would be to check out thread "anxiety symptoms list" on general forum:)
welcome to the forum btw, we had not meet, yet:)

07-12-2014, 09:21 AM
Hey, nice to meet you! I posted about a year ago but lately I'm not doing so good, it's one thing after another! But they all seem to point towards MS, anxiety is a bitch because it can mimic so many real diseases and the bain of my life is differentiating what is serious and what is just anxiety :(
Anyway as for the iron, I am away from home, in Romania at the moment, so I went to the pharmacy and bought an iron supplement, only been taking it for a week so guess I'll have to wait until it kicks in.
This sensation just came on about a week ago, it seems to be when i'm sitting down/slightly bending or hunched over. Usually tingling for me only lasts a day or so on and off, this is the longest and freakiest feeling!

07-12-2014, 10:08 AM
It is not MS. You have anxiety and you know you have anxiety. This is how I was. I'd search my symptoms and MS would always be there when I hit enter. Of course that is scary, but it's the internet. Your symptoms can be a number of things. BUT we know for sure it is all nothing but anxiety. Anxiety affects your whole central nervous system, just like MS. That's why the symptoms can be similar, but it will never get exactly like MS because it isn't MS. Your whole nervous system is in stress. You're going to get these sensations because of it. Once I overcame my anxiety disorder these sensations slowly went away. I started to have one particular part of my stomach twitchy few times a day. I searched what it was. It was just anxiety and it doesn't happen anymore. Very rarely will it happen again but life is naturally stressful so things like this will happen to even the most normal of people. Just not as often. It is anxiety and nothing more.

07-12-2014, 12:43 PM
I would think our mind is a powerful tool. When we are scared of particular disease, our body responds and is giving us what we ask for or programmed it. I am terribly scared of cancer cause it runs in my family. I had even some begin tiny growth but it is the Actinic Keratosis, not dangerous.
I fear cancer so every smallest pain in the body screams Cancer. My GP is a bitch too, instead of telling me; wait for the results, do not worry, she says "yes it could be cancer" If you guys have a doc like that run fast:))
Iron will kick in two or three months. You may lose less hair, if it happening. I had low count and I was constantly dizzy. You will feel better that's for sure:)) Keep us informed:)
Please try meditation

07-12-2014, 01:33 PM
Thanks for responding guys, much appreciated! As I said I am well aware that anxiety can pretend to be many serious illnesses, but one day it may well be the real deal and we'd just be brushed off for being hypercondriacs. Anyway I'm hoping this is just anxiety, I know tingling is a typical symptom of anxiety, which I have had in the past, but this time it is just locally in one place and feels like I have bugs or something moving beneath my skin... and the thing is I'm well informed with anxiety, I know most of the symptoms and when they are 'just' anxiety, but this time I was on a beautiful beach on a biology trip, having such a great time, anxiety free you could say and and it came on, so how does that work? Because I know the tingling is caused by hyperventilating during extreme stress (in the case of anxiety) But how can it be so strong if you are already relaxed? This is what leads me to believe it is something more than just anxiety.
Also I am having a bit of trouble with the keyboard, I seem to be misspelling many words and just feel clumsy! Tough times... health anxiety sucks and I just wanna live my life now, but feel that until I get this sorted and know for sure that it is or isn't, I cannot!
Yes Dahila, I did notice more hair falling, so hopefully the iron will make a difference soon enough. I'll give the meditation/relaxation a go, usually I don't as I have tinnitus so find it hard to sit in silence and concentrate within! But once again thanks guys for the advice!

07-12-2014, 04:54 PM
Oh I have tinnitus like hell, even with my hearing aids it does not go away. They are top of the line and do not mask tinnitus. Try to take vitamin b complex it helps to deal with stress:))

07-12-2014, 08:18 PM
Thanks for responding guys, much appreciated! As I said I am well aware that anxiety can pretend to be many serious illnesses, but one day it may well be the real deal and we'd just be brushed off for being hypercondriacs. Anyway I'm hoping this is just anxiety, I know tingling is a typical symptom of anxiety, which I have had in the past, but this time it is just locally in one place and feels like I have bugs or something moving beneath my skin... and the thing is I'm well informed with anxiety, I know most of the symptoms and when they are 'just' anxiety, but this time I was on a beautiful beach on a biology trip, having such a great time, anxiety free you could say and and it came on, so how does that work? Because I know the tingling is caused by hyperventilating during extreme stress (in the case of anxiety) But how can it be so strong if you are already relaxed? This is what leads me to believe it is something more than just anxiety.
Also I am having a bit of trouble with the keyboard, I seem to be misspelling many words and just feel clumsy! Tough times... health anxiety sucks and I just wanna live my life now, but feel that until I get this sorted and know for sure that it is or isn't, I cannot!
Yes Dahila, I did notice more hair falling, so hopefully the iron will make a difference soon enough. I'll give the meditation/relaxation a go, usually I don't as I have tinnitus so find it hard to sit in silence and concentrate within! But once again thanks guys for the advice!
That is exactly how I feel. I know it's a panic attack,, but in the back of my mind I am thinking maybe this time I really am dying.