View Full Version : Phobia social

07-12-2014, 12:50 AM
Hi all i need a help cuz i try a lot of medications Prozac, Paxil,lexapro ,Buspar and few others but all the ssri that i toke did help but i got sexual disfunction now i am on Wellbutrin almost 6 months , did help in few things but i am still very anxious sometimes and panic attack i never had but when i am in situation that make me remember of panic attack i start to think about negative things from when i had and i start to feel somethings but is not thAt bad . But what i really want to fix now is my social phobia is kill me i go to place and i cant talk to people , i hate these , like i am on the gym someone start to talk with me is like i cant think i start to talk fast and not clear than i start thing how im acting before i was acting normal, but than when i start to think i start to act stupid , so i try to avoid people. i cant Solve my problems cuz i dont even like to talk on the phone , but with prozac i was doing a lot better but because of side affect had to quit so what can i do cuz Wellbutrin is not helping what should i do thanks very much