View Full Version : Trigger warning: hypochondriacs do not read

07-11-2014, 08:11 PM
I know that title will keep some of the hypochondriacs away, but since I know my stubborn self would still click on it, I'll keep this with as few details as possible.

My suffering is becoming more and more debilitating. I often feel as though I can't breathe (I've had numerous chest x-rays and leg ultrasounds to check for clots -- no sign of them according to my primary and 4 different ER doctors). But I'm still convinced, I've gone out and bought an oximeter and bring it with me everywhere I go. It's all I think about. This has been since January. In the past couple of days I've suffered with sharp pain in my left shoulder blade that comes and goes. Also sharp pain under my left breast and armpit. I've also had a heart ultrasound .. So I'm good there.

Has anyone had these symptoms? Were you ever properly diagnosed?

What ways did you all overcome debilitating fear? I've tried medication -- no longer working. I've tried hypnosis -- doesn't work. I've tried therapy -- no luck.

Any help is appreciated!

07-11-2014, 08:15 PM
Have you tried the meditation? I gives a relieve to so many peoples..:)

07-11-2014, 08:19 PM
Meditation works temporarily. I use it mostly for sleep.