View Full Version : How long will i feel like this?????

07-11-2014, 08:06 PM
Day 4 of taking Zoloft...
I have really been struggling and still feel like a zombie...
Worst part is my head symptoms...
Feel dizzy and not all there....Keep getting headaches....
Can you take panadol while on antidepressents?
Hopefully it will start to go away soon......

07-11-2014, 08:13 PM
Hey Taryn, sorry cant be much help on Zoloft, but I will say this meds are very unique, another member liked to use the words "Furniture moving" Right now your body is getting accustom to the meds and the changes in the body related to the meds.

Zoloft as many have posted stated that Zoloft does have is tranquilizer like characteristics to it. So its will make you feel like a zombie. With that there is the dizzy and not all there feeling. Headaches is something I have been fortunate to avoid, but have heard that is the hormonal changes that cause the headaches.

Again give it a couple more days... if the symptoms dont start to tamper a little then go talk to your doc and let them know. Again Im sure this is pretty normal, you are introducing your body to something foreign, I cant imagine automatically its going to be happy


07-11-2014, 08:56 PM
Im so sorry you are having a rough time. To be brutally honest with you, it took a full four weeks until I started to feel better. It was completely worth the wait though. My stress level is in a much better place then where it was before. I am able to do so much more then when I was stressed out. Hang in there!