View Full Version : Relationship anxiety - break up or not?

07-10-2014, 09:45 PM
Hi, thanks to anyone writing back or even reading this!

I've struggled with relationship anxiety with basically relationship -- short or long -- that I've ever been in. I currently have a girlfriend since almost 10 months back and I think I really love her. She's a great person in so many ways and our interests are really similar, she always makes me laugh and she sort of understands me, and I think I understand her, which I think is relatively rare for two people.

But she is also the trigger for so much of my anxiety, even for most of it. We're currently doing long-distance for a few weeks and I try to make up excuses to not have to talk to her when my anxiety is the worst. Most often I just tell her that I'm too anxious to talk.

We just had a fight, it was eventually resolved but then we somehow touched upon the topic of what is ok and what is not in relationships with regards to other people, like ex boy/girlfriends etc. That, and everything related to other people (like flirting etc) is the worst part of my relationship anxiety, it gets to me more than anything else. I was probably the one who brought it up now, when my anxious thoughts even keep coming up a little bit they don't stop and I just go all in...

What I'm struggling to understand is whether or not to decide that she's too much of a trigger for my anxiety for our relationship to be able to work out. Sometimes I feel like I love her so much I could actually see us getting married in a not too distant future. Sometimes I just think I could never live with someone who triggers my anxiety like this. Part of it is that we had a bad start with different definitions of when we were actually "exclusive", and I do think she has a very flirty personality. But then again I very much do too.

One thing I've learned about my anxiety through the years is to cut out or change things that trigger it to as large of an extent as possible. But this is different -- this is not like trying not to check facebook so frequently or trying to exercise more often to alleviate it. This is someone I really love but someone who also brings me to my worst states of mind relatively often. I know my anxiety is primarily about me, but I'm hoping that someone here can tell me how they manage to decide when something is too much of an anxiety trigger to remain in your life, i.e. friends, habits et cetera. Because I'm at a loss. All I know is that it can't go on like this, either I have to find a way to deal with it or I have to end the relationship, which a huge part of me really doesn't want to do. Thanks in advance for any sort of advice.

07-11-2014, 01:00 AM
Ask yourself if the bad times outweigh the good. Those prone to depression and anxiety won't have it simply disappear when dating. in fact it'll increase your anxiety and depression cos it's another person to worry and fret over. So, whilst the initial honeymoon period of happiness and care free joviality will seem like you no longer have anxiety or issues, that feeling won't last indefinately.

Personally i'm not dating again until I sort out my anxiety and depression. It's not fair on anyone involved.


07-11-2014, 12:48 PM
You may find this helpful


Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Maybe it is not her, maybe it is just being in a relationship that makes you anxious. Have you had similar past experiences?

If it is true love, it will survive. Talk this over with her. Communication is essential to the health of any relationship.
It might be worth taking "time off" - not an actual break up, but just a bit of distance.

Any serious relationship can cause anxiety. It is something you learn to deal with as time passes.

I like Ed's advice too.

07-12-2014, 12:43 AM
Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for your thoughts. It was very helpful. I do think it's not her. Yes, I have had similar experiences in one form or the other in virtually every relationship, long or short, I've ever been in. I have thought many times that maybe I should just not date anyone until I figure things out. But I really don't want to loose this girl. Beyond all the anxiety and problems caused by it, and ways I reflect the anxiety upon her, she really is a person that it makes me happy to imagine actually spending my life with. These are scary words for me but rationally I do think it's true. I see us laughing with each other even 40 years ahead in the future, and I haven't seen that with many other people I've ever met.

So I guess ultimately, the only choice I have is to just get over her past, our past and other things that worry me. I know my anxiety is creative enough to find things to worry about in any situation, and it projecting its evil image on certain aspects of a girl I really love is not going to win over me. I won't let that happen.