View Full Version : Anxiety After Exercise

07-10-2014, 03:52 PM
Hello....I am new here and have suffered from mild anxiety for over 10 years. I am now in my 30's. I am a trainer and have always depended on physical fitness to relieve tension. I pushed my body real hard a few months ago and training for a tri athlon and now everytime I lift weights for the next few days I have this fear! Can't sleep...feel like something is going to happen to me...Have spontaneous panic where my heart rate jumps and goes back down in 2 min! Went to docs everything checks out.. This is relaly frustrating. I tokk a month off .. came back and first day felt good.. worked out yesterday and woke up with a bit of fear again and been anxious all day! What is going on??? I would appreciate any help!!!

07-11-2014, 01:23 AM
Anxiety raises your heart rate and releases the fight or flight chemicals. It's very common to feel anxious before/during/after exercise. It'll pass. Keep at it. have to face your fears and what provokes anxiety in you. Face it daily and over the weeks/months this will gradually reduce. You'll empower yourself by facing the situations that cause most anxiety. Do this daily, look into CBT workbooks and meditate daily. it takes a lot of work to overcome anxiety and a lot of determination and willpower, but it's certainly achievable for anyone who has the dedication to do it.


Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 02:37 PM
Did the competition raise anxiety issues in you?
Do you have any new stress in your life (family, career, money, etc.)?