View Full Version : Headspace APP

07-10-2014, 03:30 PM
Hey guys!
I have recently found this app called 'Headspace' and for anyone who feels anxious, nervous and stressed, this app helps take your mind off of it for 10minutes. It basically starts you off with a 10minute session a day so, it's only 10minutes of your time a day, for 10 days(to start with).
I have just tried this out now, with my first session as I am feeling extremely nervous about going to work tomorrow and really stressed, I have to admit, this app did help take my mind off of it for a few minutes and it felt good:)
I'm not usually into the kind of 'breathe in and out.' Thing where people talk but this app was pretty good!
I would definitely recommend to try it out :) xx

07-10-2014, 04:01 PM
It sounds good :-)

I use one called SAM it hasn't got anyone talking or anything but has games and things on to help distract when anxiety is high.
It also has a place to track anxiety levels so you can see if there is a pattern in your anxiety.
It's also free and I'm sure it was developed by the NHS

07-10-2014, 04:37 PM
It sounds good :-) I use one called SAM it hasn't got anyone talking or anything but has games and things on to help distract when anxiety is high. It also has a place to track anxiety levels so you can see if there is a pattern in your anxiety. It's also free and I'm sure it was developed by the NHS

I also have that! Haha:))

07-10-2014, 08:47 PM
Love headspace!