View Full Version : Meds making me fat

07-09-2014, 04:34 PM
So I've been on Paxil for about 4 months now & I recently noticed that hardly any I eat fills me up or satisfies me.

I started dieting today but it's been so hard & it's only 3:30 :(

I haven't weighed myself because I'm so afraid..

Is there any dietary supplement out there that is safe for us with anxiety?? I know most make you jittery & racing heart.


07-09-2014, 04:38 PM
Oh BrookeLynnn, you are to young and beautiful to worry about your weight. ( i have had weight issues all my life ) just watch what you eat. Shoot i gotta go before i burn the supper LOL how ironic. heheheh Talk to you later my friend

07-09-2014, 05:07 PM
brooke meds do not make us fat, but lack of anxiety does, we are not jittery so we have zest for eating. I know what I am talking about, after putting some stones on:((
Still I prefer to feel good and maybe overweight, it is not the worst....:) cut your carbs try to eat meat and veggies only without cheese or store bought dressing...salads and the meat...:)

07-09-2014, 05:43 PM
My weight is from lack of exercise i think

07-09-2014, 05:44 PM
I agree with Dahila, the absence of anxiety as I am assuming you are doing much better is a key to gain a little "Happy Weight"?

I dont think its the meds, I just think you are living a litte more normal, also a little bird in the back of my head says you made a new friend and you may be going out a little more than normal? Hows that going?

I remember dating my wife and getting a little extra pounds cause I was going out more (eating out) and not really watching my diet and exercise as I was preoccupied LOL!

07-09-2014, 06:08 PM
I don't recommend any crazy diets with huge food restrictions because you'll only get really angry and feel crappy about yourself. Who cares about some extra weight with meds... you need to focus on your health and a few extra pounds isn't hurting anyone.

If you really want to lose some weight and you're adamant on doing it, I don't recommend any types of diet where you feel like you're starving yourself.. I'd like to recommend the ketogenic diet. I've done it in the past and I ate loads of food and got lean pretty fast by doing it. I'm thinking of going back on it soon... look into it. Basically, you cut your carbs down to minimal amounts but you can eat unlimited meats, most veggies and some cheese/nuts... the whole thing is basically cutting down your carbs. It's the quickest way to lose weight and I think it's one of the best ways to lose weight as well. Good luck :)

PS: You're perfect just the way you are

07-09-2014, 08:49 PM
Thank you everyone for the advice & kind words!! :)

I figured I would start eating better & I started exercising tonight!

Pumpkin, I'm gonna try to cut out carbs!! That's a great idea :)

& you guys are right, I would take the weight gain over anxiety any day!!

You've all made me feel much better, thank you again :)

07-09-2014, 10:08 PM
Is it not similar to Dukan diet? which I believe btw:)

07-10-2014, 01:11 AM
So I've been on Paxil for about 4 months now & I recently noticed that hardly any I eat fills me up or satisfies me.

I started dieting today but it's been so hard & it's only 3:30 :(

I haven't weighed myself because I'm so afraid..

Is there any dietary supplement out there that is safe for us with anxiety?? I know most make you jittery & racing heart.


Hi Brooke,

I started putting on weight when my anxiety started. I could literally eat with my stomach being a bottomless pit. I went that high as 18.9 stone. I am still losing weight at the moment and am currently 13.12 stone. Dietary supplements really aren't a good idea because most of them contain so much caffeine and that will set you off like a dog during fireworks. I have lost nearly 5 stone with fitness-pal. Basically it tracks your calories for the day. You can eat plenty without going over your calories. You can find fitness-pal here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. You can use it on your computer or you can put it on your phone so you can use it anywhere you go. Exercise is also good, because then you use up all that adrenaline that makes you anxious.

I hope this helps you a bit.

07-10-2014, 08:28 AM
Just curious....how do stones translate to pounds (lbs)?

Also....I know that some have weight increase issues when taking SSRI. I have struggled to keep my weight at the pre SSRI level. I am hungry alot.

07-10-2014, 08:30 AM
Hi trini a stone is 14 pounds:)) Nice to see you:)

07-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Hi D!!! !!

Good to see you too! I decided to pop in for a moment. It has been quite volatile in here the paste few days...I had to stay away. Thanks for the answer.....I. was curious and did not know.

Having a rough day today....my.stomach is doing somersaults.....not sure why but I just feel like climbing under my covers and going back to sleep.

07-10-2014, 08:39 AM
Can you go back to bed and sleep? Could you try to have a herbal tea and drink it very slowly? Do some breathing exercise?
As you see Hannah is not posting, eh the religious threads chased everyone away. I am sorry that is like that here.
:) the good news is we have an accepting group

07-10-2014, 08:53 AM
Just curious....how do stones translate to pounds (lbs)?

Also....I know that some have weight increase issues when taking SSRI. I have struggled to keep my weight at the pre SSRI level. I am hungry alot.

Hiya Trinidiva,

It's quite normal. I put on quite some weight cause of it, but it can be managed with a proper calorie diet and exercise. I was also taking something with cortisol in it, which somewhat made it worse. But again, a good diet helped me out. Uhm, to answer you question, I have lost 67 pounds or 4st 8

07-10-2014, 09:22 AM
Can you go back to bed and sleep? Could you try to have a herbal tea and drink it very slowly? Do some breathing exercise?
As you see Hannah is not posting, eh the religious threads chased everyone away. I am sorry that is like that here.
:) the good news is we have an accepting group

I wish I could. I am actually working from home and not being too productive today due to not feeling well. Ah well, at least my anxiety isn't kicking into high gear along with my tummy issues. I guess it could be alot worse. I have been sipping ginger ale and nibbling on crackers. Im too scared to try anything else. Lol.

Yeah....two topics that are sure to start major debates...politics and religion. Best to state your opinion and then just leave it at that. Yes, I agree, our group is very accepting which is a great thing.

07-10-2014, 09:25 AM
Hiya Trinidiva,

It's quite normal. I put on quite some weight cause of it, but it can be managed with a proper calorie diet and exercise. I was also taking something with cortisol in it, which somewhat made it worse. But again, a good diet helped me out. Uhm, to answer you question, I have lost 67 pounds or 4st 8

Yes, you really must watch your calorie intake and exercise........that is awesome that you have lost weight.....I am working really hard to stay right where I am but it is so tough when you feel hungry all the time. I have increased my water intake tremendously so that helps with the hunger sometimes.

07-10-2014, 02:01 PM
Hey Trini, Im sure everyone knows dieting and all that jazz... but my just some things I have found.

When I started Fluoxetine, my appetite dropped dramatically. I lost about 15lbs and I am pretty skinny already. But I stuck to it. Once the meds balanced them selves out and got my Anxiety/depression in check, I started to normalize and eat regularly. What I did notice though and I mentioned it before. As our life starts to get back on track, we start to be more active. This of course increase our need for food, In addition "going out more" we tend to eat out and of course eating out isnt always healthy.

So weight gain might not be a bad thing, it means that you are being more active and "happy" The thing now is to realize that, an do activities and eating in proper moderation. I bet you you look back you will notice, hmm yeah thats right I went out more after felling better...oh yeah I have been more active since I feel better etc.

And the simple technique for me..... snack, snack, snack....all day.... light snacks thats it.... no need to eat 1 or 2 huge meals.... just snack!

07-10-2014, 03:10 PM
Every two hours small snack will not let you get hungry and summing it up , you will eat less no more;))

07-11-2014, 01:35 AM
I put on 1.5 stone on Remeron. When i came off it, I haven't lost any of the weight. Annoying really as before then, for 10 years I never put on any weight whatsoever and now I have. Balls.


07-11-2014, 05:24 AM
Yes, I agree with the light snacking throughout the day.