View Full Version : Moving out

07-08-2014, 09:37 PM
I recently just finished my masters degree and about to start my first full time job. I'm moving out of my family house into a condo with one of my best friends. I'm a bit nervous to leave my house.

My mom died when I was 13 and I'm an only child. My dad is one of my best friends, so I'm just getting nervous baout moving out and not living with him/ where I used to live with her.

Does anyone have any moving out advice?

07-08-2014, 10:10 PM
Keep in touch with your dad and just think, you can always go back there. I bet the place will wait for you. You are going to be fine and conquer the world. Congratulation on Master degree:))

07-09-2014, 03:33 PM
Your dad is your best friends, Just because you move doesnt mean you cant still be best friends! Dahila said it best, keep in contact with him, im sure he will always be there for you!

Moving out is scary but fun at the same time! Its your chance to make your mark on the world! Congrats, huge accomplishment on your masters!!!!!!!!

Prayer for Anxiety
07-10-2014, 02:47 PM
Plan dates at home with your dad and nights out with him. This will keep you grounded.

But also, don't be afraid to spread your wings. This is a time for you to grow and explore.

07-11-2014, 03:27 PM
thanks guys :) good advice