View Full Version : Sharp stabbing pain of left side of ribcage under left breast!! Help please!!

07-08-2014, 08:04 PM
so ive had this before but recently im getting this again but suddenly i will get a stabbing sensation under my left breast on my upper left ribcage. The pain doesnt allow me to take deep breaths because the pain gets worse and i can feel it intensify and spread out under the left breast. I had this problem days ago. it came and went throughout that day, and it was difficult to sleep. Yesterday, i didnt get the pain as much. But today, the pain came back and it hasnt gone and its been hours and i dont know what to do. I cant move certain ways,still cant take a deep breath or else it hurts, and somtimes it will hurt if i lay down. i can still breath but i just cant take in deep breaths. i dont know what this is and i doubt its heart related(even though i am fearing that it might be). But the reason i dont think its heart related is because ive been to the hospital and doctor many times because of chest pain(thinking it was due to heart problem) but a lot of test have been done like ekg, bloodwork, xrays, etc. and my heart is normal. Does anyone go through this or have you gone through this ?? Does anyone know what causes this?? What this is?? i know asking online isnt a wise thing to do when it comes to someones health, but i know doctors will find nothing wrong with me like they have before many times, so im hoping someone can help me.

Thanks to anyone who answers and take the time to read and answer my question!!! I really appreciate it!!

by the way im 16 and a female

07-08-2014, 08:56 PM
Not yo be funny....but I get gas pains like that in that exact area. You could try to see if it is that by laying down on your back...draw your knees up to your chest and kind of force the gas out. Or...you could try something like gas x. I believe you are right....it isn't heart related so don't worry about that.

Have you eaten alot of green veggies recently like broccoli or cucumbers, etc....those are very gassy vegetables and will create alot of gas in your chest.

07-08-2014, 09:33 PM
I get this when my anxiety is up. It's hard, but I just remind myself that it's anxiety not health related and it normally passes quickly!

07-08-2014, 09:58 PM
Gaz x is the best or some exercise, to move the muscles of stomach, which will help to relieve the colon gas;)

07-10-2014, 01:17 PM
Claire Weekes mentions this pain in one of her anxiety books. I think (if my memory is wrong someone go ahead and correct me) that she refers to it as the 'knife under the ribs.' It's part of the anxiety. Purely stress. Especially so since you've had all of those tests come back normal. :)

Prayer for Anxiety
07-10-2014, 01:57 PM
Since you are 16 and female then a serious problem is very unlikely. Still, it does not hurt to get checked over by a physician (which you already did). Why is this good?

1. If it is something serious, you can get treatment - this has been ruled out in your case
2. If not serious, it helps calm you - this is important for you to remember

It could be gas, intestinal cramping, or anxiety.
Also, use your head. You saw a doctor and they told you there was no "serious" problem. Think about that. Find assurance there.

When I get stressed, I pray and it helps a lot. You might want to try it.

BTW do you have a new, or old, stress in your life?

07-10-2014, 03:26 PM
Omg... I had that the other day... I really thought i was going to die! I felt if i held my breath, the pain went and it hurt to breathe , it comes and goes... Sometimes really bad and other times not as bad! I didnt realise until a while after that the pain came when i was anxious and the more i thought about it the worse it got. I dont know if this is similar? But honestly the pain was sharp and horrible! I told my therapist what was happening in detail and she instantly said it was anxiety... Im 15, female... And she said at our age, it is soooo unlikely it is something serious unless you were born with something but that is picked up when you are born so its just anxiety! I dont know if this helps but its worth just mentioning it! :) hope you are okay now!

5 minutes after writing that... It triggered it off... That how silly anxiety can be at times! Its obviously because im thinking about it but still something says this isnsomething seriously dangerous!

07-11-2014, 01:25 AM
Gas or muscle tension. Read about the fight or flight response. The chemical filled blood goes to chest wall muscles to strengthen muscles to protect organs from impact. When you have anxiety the fight or flight response fires off daily and will eventually cause muscle fatigue and spasms which can cause aches and pains anywhere in the body. Chest is one of the most common locations.

16? Speak to your school/college counsiller. Therapy is invaluable. To overcome anxiety you must treat the issues in the mind and identify the stressors in your life and learn to handle and process stress correctly.