View Full Version : Feel like I cant breathe.

07-08-2014, 07:34 PM
This is a common problem with me... I feel like I am not getting enough air and find myself gasping for it.
Normally this goes away free a few minutes/hours but lately it's getting worse.
At the moment I feel this exact way - I feel I cannot breathe, like I am not getting enough air and I keep gasping for breathe. But this time it hasn't stopped. It started the night before last, I woke at 3am and felt like I couldn't breathe. It's been constant since then.
I sometimes get a satisfying breath, but it's not often enough.
This is wearing me down. I need it to go go away and i don't know what to do.

I've tried rescue remedy, put on vapour rub, had my inhaler, opened a window... But it's still the same.

Please help me overcome this. How can I get trough this?

07-08-2014, 08:51 PM
Maybe try this.....breathing in through your nose (with your mouth closed) and then breathe out through your mouth. Close your eyes and lay down on your back. Keep doing this until you start to feel your heart rate go down....sometimes we push ourselves into hyperventilating without even knowing it.....

Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 02:42 PM
Are you still suffering from this? Are you any better?

Don't eat before bed.

Maybe next time try to go outside for a walk. Consider prayer. It helps me a lot when I have asthma attacks.

07-11-2014, 02:59 PM
I think it was all due to too much stress. It's not as bad now as it has been but I do occasionally sill feel this way. Mainly at bed time.

I never do eat before bed.

07-11-2014, 04:52 PM
I think it was all due to too much stress. It's not as bad now as it has been but I do occasionally sill feel this way. Mainly at bed time.

I never do eat before bed.

This is very common in anxiety, it's often due to over breathing (breathing too much), when we are consciously aware of our breathing (instead of allowing our automatic system to regulate it) we can end up with our blood gases out of balance, which can lead to the feeling of air hunger (not getting a satisfying breath) many people feel that the only satisfying breath is when they yawn.

The best way to rebalance is breathing into cupped hands/paper bag. Try to take shorter breaths (we naturally don't take that much air in normally) it feels slightly distressing at first but it will subside.

Another really good way to treat it, is physical exercise (provided you don't have asthma). A good run/workout allows the body to take back control over the breathing., and great for burning off the excess adrenaline.


07-11-2014, 06:23 PM
I was suffering with asthma for years. the tightening of chest was due the anxiety cause I was anxious i will get athma attack,
You have your inhaler and it does not help...try this take some air not too much and let it out like through the straw..
When I was old enough to drink coffee it was helping me.. when you are in bed I would not lie on flat surface, I always used two pillows. it helped my breathing.
I am kind of knowing what you go through, have been there my whole life. it dissapeared 7 years ago when I stopped smoking (not smart with the asthma is it ?)
14thanks for the advice, when I meditate it happens to me, I take a deep breaths, cause I am aware of it.. it takes some time to calm my body down, I will try the small breaths :)