View Full Version : Feel Like I am Losing it!

07-08-2014, 06:36 PM
After three weeks of having panic attacks (this is what my doctor has told me) I have started Zoloft last night.I had my first tablet late as i wanted to get most of the side effects while i slept.Well i didnt sleep.Was worrying most of the night about it and couldn't get it together.I feel like a zombie this morning and my head hurts.Please tell me it will get easier :(

07-08-2014, 07:26 PM
I take zoloft also and I will be honest, starting some ssris like Zoloft are tough. It took a full 4-6 weeks till I started feeling like how I felt pre anxiety......it is completely worth the effort though. Trust me! Will your doc give you a few pills of xanax to help get you through the initial start up phase? If so, that would be helpful!

Hang in there....and if you need to come here and vent on difficult days....please do so!

07-08-2014, 07:56 PM
I just hate feeling out of control......Never had so little control in my life!
Gonna stick to it and hopefully it works soon .

07-08-2014, 08:08 PM
Do you want to talk about your panic attacks? What brings them on? I get them as well.

07-08-2014, 08:23 PM
I dont really know what brought them on.I have had alot of things going on in my life!I have been stressing out more and more about things and just got into a negative headspace. I started getting really down to the point of obsessing over everything and i just kept having racing heart and breathing difficulties. I think i am just over it all to be honest.At the moment i feel drowsy like i m a zombie.

07-08-2014, 08:46 PM
Yes...the meds will make me drowsy.....I take mine at night. Hang in there...trust me, I was ready to give up a few times too and just stop the meds....but trust me, it will start to get better soon enough and you will begin to feel how you felt before the anxiety issues.

07-09-2014, 02:59 PM
The first time I took Xanax, I felt like a total zombie too! It was a terrible feeling. But after a couple of days I got used to it. I will say the anxiety of taking meds for the first time is a little rough. I just remind myself that it was prescribed by a doctor thats a professional and knows what they are doing! Again it was tough but eventually things settled.

There are other meds out there that really do some furniture moving like the meds Im on now, "Fluoxetine" that thing was a !@#$% but now 3 months later I feel way way better than I ever did 3 months ago!

So hang in there and try not to let the anxiety of taking meds take over you! It will be alright!

07-09-2014, 06:10 PM
Meds make you drowsy... extremely drowsy.

You probably felt like a zombie because you didn't sleep but i'm sure overtime these feelings will pass as long as you give yourself some good restful hours each night.

Good luck with the meds :D

07-10-2014, 01:23 AM
After three weeks of having panic attacks (this is what my doctor has told me) I have started Zoloft last night.I had my first tablet late as i wanted to get most of the side effects while i slept.Well i didnt sleep.Was worrying most of the night about it and couldn't get it together.I feel like a zombie this morning and my head hurts.Please tell me it will get easier :(

I been on Zoloft for 7 years and the first two weeks are hard. But honestly, right now I don't know what I would do without it.

07-10-2014, 04:56 AM
I been on Zoloft for 7 years and the first two weeks are hard. But honestly, right now I don't know what I would do without it.

Exactly, me too!