View Full Version : WARNING - Is now a Christian/Religious Forum - Now a God Forum :(

07-08-2014, 05:56 PM
Here's your chance to speak up. Is this what you want. For this place to turn into a GOD forum? I'd advice you take a stand and speak out now before the rest of these people set up camp and bring more of their flock into the fold.

Is it worth losing senior members who have so much to offer and have been doing so for quite some time - to such a Trigger as religion. The word GOD has been used to flog so many of us and plays a huge role into fueling out Anxiety. Should not the people be in another forum where the basis is God, rather than prayer in our midst and create such tension whilst doing so. Has this place become a haven for religious folk who spread their deceit and self doubt. Must we be subject to see such rubbish that serves only to make us question our own strengths and rob us of ourselves.

If your of a similar mind to me - then speak up ...because more and more are digging in their claws and next thing you know - they'll be holding regular prayer meetings. Is this the HOME you want this place to be.

Speak up now or find yourself knee deep in the words GOD, JESUS, & that extra dirty one that implies you were born scum ----------> SIN

Is fast becoming a religious forum!

07-08-2014, 06:17 PM
I also put it this way - where I write in my Blog:

Hi guys,

Over the last few weeks it would seem more and more weirdos are joining the forum. Personally I have no great issues with such as it's more an individual thing and also the fact that I myself could be seen as such. Weird is not so threatening, however when you get religiously minded people together - then we are dealing with a presences that typical intimidates and often creates a dynamic where people are afraid to let others know how such a group has leaves them feeling unsettled.

If we don't speak out against the threat of religion taking hold - then it will be as I suggest - threads with prayer meetings breaking out all other the place. Do you really want to log in the Titles such as Jesus and Sin. The room full of self doubt in a place already filled with such low self esteem ... COME ON! Really ...

Religion loves preying on such weak people ... alas ... maybe we should just give them free reign ... let the place turn religious. Perhaps I should better learn to ignore the triggers that reign so strong in me.

I'm curious though - do others understand where I am coming from and do you also feel that such a religious presence be detrimental ?

If so - please to tell and explain how you see and why.

07-08-2014, 06:43 PM
what the hell is happening, we need to find different forum , I think, :(
check it up the prayer of sect is growing.........praying mantis (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?28910-How-to-start-praying-for-anxiety-relief)

I have to get out of here Mr. Ponder, the stink that f***rs spread is overwhelming........

07-08-2014, 07:04 PM
OK, here are my thoughts on the forum and religion. I personally do not think it belongs on there. Not because i am one religion or another but because it seems to throw more tension and more anxiety on those of us that go to the forum for that very reason. There are a lot of young folks on here some very young and they just need good sound advice and or support. I try to live my life the best i can and judging people for there beliefs or just plain judging is one thing i try not to do. I guess it is a public forum but i think that the religion thing may drive some one who really needs the help and support away.
We as human beings have been killing each other from the beginning of time over religious beliefs and that is one thing i will NEVER understand. It’s a virtual HOT topic that really should NOT be practiced on a anxiety forum. Even though i feel that some are trying to help in there own way it’s just not the best place for that simply for the fact that, Do you REALLY KNOW the person that you are chatting with? A good example might be; we have someone that is border line suicidal and we start throwing religion at him/her and push them over the proverbial edge. What we should have been doing is encouraging him/her to seek help right away. I am a simple man with a simple mind and i just want to help people with the experience i have of suffering with anxiety and depression for 30 + years and also get some help myself from some of the forum members. Peace to all

07-08-2014, 07:08 PM
John thank you!!!
This is my opinion also, ;) It is good to have you here John:)

07-08-2014, 07:15 PM
I guess we need to learn from it as well Dahila - But clearly the preaching, preying and quoting of Bible verses is out of place. Generally I have had high praise for the admin in allowing such free reign, but when it comes to such religion in places like these --- I think moderation is in need.

07-08-2014, 08:37 PM
I guess we need to learn from it as well Dahila - But clearly the preaching, preying and quoting of Bible verses is out of place. Generally I have had high praise for the admin in allowing such free reign, but when it comes to such religion in places like these --- I think moderation is in need.

Leave your peers be.

You are ignorant to many things (with intent now, listen)

1) by attraction you get what you dont want, you are attracting "prayer warriors" you called them forth. No exceptions.

2) having the stupid among us follow you is of no benefit other than to make you more stupid.

3) should you deny others their freedom, then you in turn will lose yours.

4) should you not show tolerance than you will be faced with judgement.

5) what you deal out, shall you meet, watch your footing.

You cannot start a thread and catch me in a web, for I do as I wish. What I receive I give, and it is always for the better.

I have given you pages on the God concept, I have told you the way of it, enough to open your mind and heart. Put the pages together and read them. I came in answer to your call. So in the meantime, do not cohort with fools, and you know who they are, leave others be, for they are free. What you do to your brother, you do to yourself, period. No wonder, the vibes. You are clashing with your own personality.

I will continue to help where I feel it. Should you allow others their freedoms than you will also be granted freedom. I behoove you to develop tolerance and if you cannot than contain the foolhardy within your mouth. You hate that which you dont understand, and in your personal life that hate will tear you apart, listen my good fellow, for that is the reason for the tense body.

Get your thinking right, stay clear of fools, and do not attract them. Having them agree with you is no achievement, and they will always follow your posts with praise for you, and hate for others, in an attempt to diminish them. For along the lines they have been diminished. They cry out that this forum is no place for this and that, never realizing their own character is the reason for their malady, and in tearing down others, so shall their fate be met in their bodies, as the nervous systems degenerate.

Lastly, faith and prayer make use of the creative imagination, inherently no connection with religion, it goes way beyond that. Without faith and prayer in a very real sense, you would not even be able to move your limbs, period. By analogy, those who are blind have lost faith in their eyes, thus they have forgotten how to see. The eye itself knows how to see, and recoup, even among the barrage of negetive suggestions (prayer) of its host, period.

End of post, end of topic, and discussions

07-08-2014, 09:20 PM
You see ... your doing it again I'm suffering -

I'm afraid you have not heard us at all.

I think it wise to simply ignore such tripe guys - that is the lesson I was referring too.

Is OK I'm suffering - we'll be right without your input from here on in.

That's a good chap -

07-08-2014, 09:26 PM
We are of like mind here - good run down john. Edit - Actually that excellently put John.

Again - this thread is for like minded people - please keep that door shut on the way out - I'm suffering - as to comeback will only serve to fuel the fire - Is what those religious folk are doing with their babel - nothing more nothing less.

If not the shit stirrer we think you to be, just be a good chap and stay the fuck out.

Love and light - mixed with whatever bullshit comes to mind.

that's a good boy - off ya go.

07-08-2014, 10:02 PM
The post shocked me ;))) I am so shocked by the preaching of Iamwhatever his face is...
I am watching the SG1 third season and he sound like Apophes:))) it is like scifi movie:))

07-08-2014, 10:27 PM
Ponder please tell us what it is that the historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth, has done to offend you so badly?

07-08-2014, 11:35 PM
LOL Dahila - I am saving the moments to again do that whole series ... I really love your analogy -

Is good we can now laugh about it as well as expose them for what they be. Much derailment of late with all that shit making its way in here. Not discounting the freak that talks down to all like children - ARRRRR tjat one maybe talks like a system lord as well. ahahhhahahahahahahaha

Thanks for the laugh Dahila --- much needed ... Thank You , hope this finds you well.

I sometime can't help but talk like TILC or however you spell his name - the one that teamed up with the SG1 crew ... I love the way he always say INDEED ... :) - but he not talk down like these others do. Huge difference. Again - great analogy ---- I now say Indeed. :)

07-08-2014, 11:56 PM
As for NF - not even worth replying (that one misses the point completely) - Take a note of all the trolls coming in Dahila - put them on the shit list :)


07-09-2014, 12:02 AM
I think it's less prayer for Anxiety and more PREY ON THE ANXIOUS!!! we be encircled by wolves hoping to feed on the weak and the vulnerable. Moderators HELP

07-09-2014, 01:03 AM
Hi Cully - I knew it would not be long before another takes a stand. Well said my friend - Well said. We really need not explain why we shall not tolerate threads of prayers, bible verses and preachers. Fuck Religion in all it's forms -


07-09-2014, 06:24 AM
I am suffering has been talking cryptic since he joined the forum. Noone understands a word he says.

As for religion, while it does offer some people relief and calmness, it's not for everyone. There's 2 subjects you should never talk about with people...religion and politics.

If the religious posts bother you, then a friendly message to the moderator might help. maybe he can set up a forum board for religious people or something.

I can see the religious posts bothering (or even offending) someone who is not religious.

07-09-2014, 07:16 AM
Not for everyone - John, Cully, Dahila, Pam, Myself are just to name a few - many others who are to fragile to say a word ... Thanks for the tip, we are well aware of the moderation in this forum - its been a dead topic for quite some time.

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07-09-2014, 08:23 AM
Wow impresive, Indeed, like Til'c would say .
We have to be strong and we survive, i am not kidding the frigging nicks will go soon, they get bored..........I think:))
Are they worth our time and energy? I do not think so....

07-09-2014, 08:53 AM
Ignore religion, It's not your problem if your a deist or atheist it does not affect you. Don't act like it's infecting you......
I'm not religious but I respect people who are.....
I say ban IRRELEVANT accounts, this can include religion.

07-09-2014, 10:08 AM
The heated discussion about religion, and the vituperative attacks, turn people off from this forum. They did that with me. I was a relatively new member. I was suffering and I came here seeking help. I also hoped to offer some help. But every time I signed on, I saw some person telling me that I needed to pray to Jesus Christ because he could save me, and another person calling that one a mother fucker (or whatever). There were very long, hate-filled chains about religion. Sadly, there were many fewer responses when a new person came here looking for some advice or comfort. So I left. I may check in here on rare occasion, but not much. The acrimony and the mutual disrespect turned me off.

I don't care if someone believes in Jesus Christ or not. Or if they believe in God, or Mohammed, or Buddha, or Vishnu, or Barney the Dinosaur (the purple prophet). And if someone believes in nothing at all, that's fine with me too.

But I don't want to be in a place where people are telling me what I need to believe in, or who can save me. And, equally, I don't want to be in a place where people are castigating others, often with profanity and hatred, for their beliefs. This would be a better place if those who believe in a deity, and those who hate deities, kept those beliefs to themselves.

So I just get turned off and don't participate much, or at all.

Now perhaps you don't care much about losing me. You don't even know me. So if I get turned off and disappear, that might not matter to you. But I am very certain that I am not alone. Others will also get turned off and decide to tune out. The only difference may be that I explain my reasoning, while they just move on silently. So you are missing opportunities to help people.

What are you trying to accomplish in this forum? Are you trying to prostlytize? Are you trying to demean people who have found comfort from religion? Are you trying to show your ability to use hate-filled obscenities on a forum in which (among others) children participate? Or are you trying to be a respectful, warm and welcoming community that seeks to offer advice, friendship and comfort to those who come here in need?

07-09-2014, 10:11 AM
Religion is a formalized panic about death.

Anxiety is a panic about everything including death, the future and everything else in the world and in one's mind and life.

Therefore it stands to reason that people find solise in religion. it's merely another safety behaviour that people with anxiety exercise.

It's not so different than expecting vitamins, supplements or exercise to cure your anxiety instead of addressing the real challenge that lies within the mind.

Personally i'm an atheist. i saw a lot of God botherer posts over the years and personally, since some of the older members are no longer as active, I prefer other forums to this one.


07-09-2014, 10:14 AM
Kuma I had seen you few times, and no doubts, there is not place for normal people here, many who needed help just left.
We have a group of people in Ponders threads who is very accepting and helpful, I believe. It is not many of us but each one has a lot to offer. I hate the though that someone needs help and can not find it. His cry for help is somewhere on page 20:(

07-09-2014, 10:26 AM
Love your first line! I'm against organised religion, but do believe that a non- intervening God exists, a prime mover
Religion is a formalized panic about death.

Anxiety is a panic about everything including death, the future and everything else in the world and in one's mind and life.

Therefore it stands to reason that people find solise in religion. it's merely another safety behaviour that people with anxiety exercise.

It's not so different than expecting vitamins, supplements or exercise to cure your anxiety instead of addressing the real challenge that lies within the mind.

Personally i'm an atheist. i saw a lot of God botherer posts over the years and personally, since some of the older members are no longer as active, I prefer other forums to this one.


07-09-2014, 10:45 AM

The sad truth of the matter is that those of us who genuinely wanted to help others with practical and caring suggestions have all but left for the very reasons you don't like what's going on here.

It is a shame because what was a wonderful environment some months ago has become tainted with religious nonsense and intolerant behaviour. Many replies to those seeking guidance are filled with the likes of " find god/Jesus/the holy grail" and you will be redeemed.

Anxiety sufferers have nothing to be redeemed for, they are people like you and I looking for strategies to help them through a tough time, or something as simple as someone to say " I understand".

07-09-2014, 12:06 PM
I really don't see why it has to be such an issue on a forum for adults. As I've stated before, if it upsets you so badly, don't click the post.

You want "religious people" to go find a "religion forum". There are plenty out there but we are on here because we are anxiety sufferers and we want to talk about anxiety. So why am I going to goto a religion forum and try to talk about my anxiety? How do I know if anyone their can relate and if they have the best advice to offer. If I am a Christian and Jesus is a foundational part of my life, than that means he is part of my sufferings as well. So if it pertains, I will talk about Jesus as it relates to my anxiety and my recovery. The two cannot be separated.

If I truly believe that Jesus played a huge role in my recovery, why would I leave him out just because a few might get offended?

Christians mentioning Jesus once and a while hurts no one. IF you don't believe in God than why do you care at all? If you think he is just a made up flying spaghetti monster, than how can he possibly offended you at all? I do not believe in aliens whatsoever. If people are posting about aliens I'm just going to shake my head and move on. It is not going to bother me. Im not going to freak out and start cussing the people talking about aliens. Christianity is the only "religion" that gets attacked. Everyone is cool with Buddha and all the others but if you say the word Jesus people freak out. Why?

I see Christians writing nice, good hearted posts about what they believe, and then assholes like Ponder coming in here and making it hostile. Ponder I am sorry you are so filled with hate. I will pray for you my friend. The more you talk badly about religion and complain about people talking about it, the more I want to talk about it. You can only tell a group of people to "fuck off" so much until the hostility begins.

07-09-2014, 12:07 PM
BTW 186 people have viewed this post and less than 10 have voted in favor of removing religion from this forum. I believe the verdict is in.

07-09-2014, 12:11 PM
Don't think the verdict is in at all. That number doesn't say that they were 186 different people. Most likely the same few over and over again.

07-09-2014, 12:42 PM
Where is that voting?????????

07-09-2014, 12:55 PM
About how many members would you say there are on this forum?

07-09-2014, 01:12 PM
over 119.200 members :))

07-09-2014, 01:15 PM
nf - did Jesus teach you to refer to a fellow anxiety-sufferer as an "asshole" -- or to respond to his/her hostility with your own hostility? Is that the way believers in Jesus are supposed to behave?

I certainly do not have any problem with someone mentioning that religious faith helps them deal with anxiety. But it should be done with an understanding that religion is a sensitive topic, and in a way that is respectful of those who have different beliefs. There is a difference between saying "I have personally found prayer to be helpful in reducing my anxiety" and saying "Jesus Christ (or Barney the Dinosaur) is your personal savior and he died (or became purple) for your sins, and you need to pray to him because he is the only true deity."

I also agree that non-believers should not criticize those who have found faith to be helpful in combatting anxiety. One guy uses CBT. Another uses Prozac. Another prays to Jesus (or Barney). Whatever works for you is great.

07-09-2014, 01:46 PM
I like the sound of Dahila's tree hugging! sounds the most peaceful calming faith to me.
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2933/14383736102_416a0ce1d1_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nV3pC3)

07-09-2014, 02:18 PM
How appropriate Cully! Spectacular pic!

07-09-2014, 02:19 PM
Thank you Pam so kind as usual.

07-09-2014, 02:27 PM
Ill be honest, I recently joined and have tapered off due to the flood of "religious" threads. I will say I have been very active up to that point.

I have nothing against religion nor do I think its something bad. I even like a couple of things some have stated. But its difficult as some feel that religion is the "Only way".

This is a forum and someone stated for adults, Its not just for adults its for everyone old and young, I am a 12year old in heart and spirit and forever will be. I love the guidance and info I get from ALL! Not just one.

This is a Forum, a collective. If it does turn one sided, and on the very first page of the forum there are like 3 or 4 threads of just religion talk..... well I thnk its getting a little much in my opinion.

Religion can be a facet, a sub forum, but I dont think this whole forum should run "just religion" as recently it has unfortunately been.

07-09-2014, 02:39 PM
nf - did Jesus teach you to refer to a fellow anxiety-sufferer as an "asshole" -- or to respond to his/her hostility with your own hostility? Is that the way believers in Jesus are supposed to behave?

I certainly do not have any problem with someone mentioning that religious faith helps them deal with anxiety. But it should be done with an understanding that religion is a sensitive topic, and in a way that is respectful of those who have different beliefs. There is a difference between saying "I have personally found prayer to be helpful in reducing my anxiety" and saying "Jesus Christ (or Barney the Dinosaur) is your personal savior and he died (or became purple) for your sins, and you need to pray to him because he is the only true deity."

I also agree that non-believers should not criticize those who have found faith to be helpful in combatting anxiety. One guy uses CBT. Another uses Prozac. Another prays to Jesus (or Barney). Whatever works for you is great.

You are absolutely right. I shouldn't respond that way. I've kept it very peaceful for years but I can only take Ponder telling me to fuck off and calling me a cunt for so long. You can only bash something that someone would die for aka their beliefs for so long until they get angry.

07-09-2014, 02:43 PM
over 119.200 members :))

Okay out of 119,200 members if we can get 1% of them to comment on this post and say they want religion banned, I will never say the words God, Jesus, ect on this forum. Actually lets make it even less, .05%. If it helps 90% of people but 10% hate it, how is it fair to the 90%?

07-09-2014, 02:48 PM
I dont think they want religion banned per say but fairly moderated..... I think again a Religion Sub Forum is a potential answer. You wanna talk religion, you want to look for religion go there. IF you want to talk general Anxiety, well lets talk general as this is the "general discussion" area =)

07-09-2014, 02:55 PM
Well said Exactice , btw, nice to see you.

07-09-2014, 03:01 PM
HEY PAM!!!!!! Nice to see you too, sorry I have been a little MIA, honestly got overwhelmed by the Religion threads and im-suffering talking it bubbles. Hes got good stuff but I need to read it like 10 times.... digest it... and then decipher it in my own words LOL!

Other than that how you doing??? Good I hope!

07-09-2014, 03:06 PM
You are absolutely right. I shouldn't respond that way. I've kept it very peaceful for years but I can only take Ponder telling me to fuck off and calling me a cunt for so long. You can only bash something that someone would die for aka their beliefs for so long until they get angry.

So here is my question to you....Ponder is not new here, apparently neither are you, why would you continue with the religion stuff if you know that it is a trigger for someone. Ponder has made it abundantly clear to us, politely I might add, that it is a major trigger, no shocking surprise to any of us. But you continue to poke an open sore wound. And you wonder why you get called those names? You might be angry, but what about what you and others like you have done to him.

Ponder is as much a member of this community as anyone else, and if we were aware of someone else's triggers we would respectfully avoid it. Ponder deserves the same.

Cut the crap, if this topic injures one person (as it does) then it belongs somewhere other than where those seeking help for anxiety issues.

07-09-2014, 03:08 PM
HEY PAM!!!!!! Nice to see you too, sorry I have been a little MIA, honestly got overwhelmed by the Religion threads and im-suffering talking it bubbles. Hes got good stuff but I need to read it like 10 times.... digest it... and then decipher it in my own words LOL! Other than that how you doing??? Good I hope!

I've been MIA too, same reason. I do keep up with a few, you sound terrific! Hope life is treating you well.

Cheers my friend!

07-09-2014, 03:55 PM
Yes, Thank You Pam. Nf has done nothing but provoke me with every post it has ever made to me. I no longer acknowledge it and put it with the same advice another suggested in ignoring these religious influence here. What I will not do is ignore the damage is capable of doing in a non religious forum and also one filled with many of its victims. Many of which I would add are oblivious to this fact. I agree this forum is full of children and given this new wave of religious influence here and so many who wish to defend it - it shows just how much ignorance abounds - just how held back many so be.


I have news for you too - Just ignore it - how's about you soak up some of this middle ground advice? I don't think so. Religion is a slap in the face - If you want to ignore that then so be it - just means your an ignorant fool not to see it for what it really is. No doubt many of these type are rather spoiled - Middle class types who benefit in some way from the conservative greed ... These ones tend to defend religion - some even attend religious events for the "status quo/popularity" it now attracts. Better schools, jobs, housing and so on - Religion also has many Tax free benefits.

Fact is - the larger percentage that endorse such elitism do so for all the prosperity and popularity it's now become.

Your right - I'll ignore the little children so blinded and lost in the more fluffy discussions of their Prayers, Little Sermons and Bible verses but address the real issues of how religion clouds the minds of even these little ones now claiming that whilst they don't believe in such children's tales and little fairies - that they can not see the trigger and or misleading concepts of spreading guilt and shame.

You don't my stand - THEN FUCK OFF ...lest you bee seen to be no more than one with nothing to do but fuel the fire - as that other to whom I give no mind.

__________________________________________________ ____________

FACT - every time religion comes to the surface - so does the HATE it generates. The more you ignore it the more that will up and leave. Now if you don't mind - I have some Anti religious Threads to make - Once you have been fucked up the ass - as those so empowered by religion love to literally do to little boys and girls - then I will give you an ear - until then go play in the fucking traffic and the half way mark and hide in the middle. Fucking Tossers ...


I'm done with these little shits Dahila - you keep saying it and I keep thinking it. You know the scope of my full potential - I now take it somewhere else. You know how much more I have shared and offered compared to these little fucks that bow down now in the middle - We know the truth.

Take care John - Cully - Pam - Dahila - Dorrie (one who knows how not to burden with her faith) -



You guys know where to find me.

07-09-2014, 03:55 PM
This is ridiculous people. I came to this forum in hopes of getting help ( which i did ) and in return i found out that i could also help others and that makes me feel GOOD. I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS FORUM OVER THIS CRAP!!!!!
I was born and raised a catholic by two loving and understanding parents. Catholic religion is all that i know so i am in no way qualified to judge or give advise on religion to ANYONE so i DON'T. I have met great people who are of all types of religion and some who have no religion. I have also met asses who are catholic and other religions.
Let's stop talking about religion especially talking in riddles and different tongues and start helping one another.
PLEASE, PLEASE remember that there are some very young people that have been getting on here and when people do come here they are at a very bad moment in there life. I think that we all can agree to that. So lets not drive them away before they can get some help. Peace to all of you.

07-09-2014, 04:07 PM
John C, Agreed....... Lets not make this bigger than it is,

General Discussion should be for General discussion,

If you want to make a religious thread do so, but dont make 5 of them in 1 day when its really all about the same thing.

Secondly, Yes there are children here....... They are innocent and need guidance, some of us that are ADULTS need to act like it and think of what best for them, how we can help them without sending them down a path unknowing. Now other adults here need guidance too.....some may want to include religion but I say if they ask for it then respond, if they dont ask for it.... well dont shove it down ones throat as that is probably not what they are looking for.

So my friends, we are here to help one another lets try our best to continue so and keep our direct personal feelings to ourselves, that means our love of our differences to religion. If someone asks lets respond, but if not lets be fair to everyone.

07-09-2014, 04:09 PM
I think we need to ban ponder.....

07-09-2014, 04:09 PM
Don't be a troll ponder you're better than that

07-09-2014, 04:13 PM
Just because others can not see the pain all this religious BS in here of late has caused, does not mean it's not there. I got really emotional dahila back at my blog because you all say so well and understand me very much.

I don't want to go because of the real friends I have made in here and how you guys really help me in my recovery -

So I retract - that I go ... just feeling really really overwhelmed ...

You understand how we say things we don't mean.

I come back later when feeling more grounded and also when the religious threads are much much less.

Seriously - I just speak to my friends ... you understand my background and I'm not about to go out seeking new friends - you know how hard that it.

Will see you guys back in the Photo thread :)

07-09-2014, 04:14 PM
I think we need to ban ponder.....
Joe, you have just joined and we just can not ban people over every little problem. Dave has a very legitatment reason for being the way that he is about religion. He stayed in his own thread and explained it all. He came here for healing like all of us. Someone just had to keep whacking the proverbial hornets nest is all and it's a very emotional subject.

07-09-2014, 04:14 PM

Sometimes opinions are best left unsaid. This would have been a good time to keep that to yourself.

07-09-2014, 04:16 PM
Again - are you wanting to fucking push me over the edge with the Troll comment - Hey ...

See what I fucking mean about vultures --- you never see or hear, but only in times like these

Hey fucking toxic this place gets - with religion simmering in the background --

never see these ones until the Hate come --- then we see them come out of the wood work

You wanting to keep shit going or what?

I be no more than a target now Dahila --- you know how it goes ... they are good at burning others, are they not.

Shall we continue??

07-09-2014, 04:17 PM
Ponder said "I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE!!!!" in a anxiety forum, I think I best give my opinion. Sorry if this sounds obnoxious just not in the best of moods suicide and telling people to die really annoys me

07-09-2014, 04:23 PM
Bit of frustration Im sure.....

OK SO SINCE THERE IS NO MODERATOR at the moment, Can I step in for a moment as say, EVERYONE TAKE A BREATH. Lets, let this simmer for a bit and revisit when we have a moderator on so they can give us an input of how they want their site.

I have already sent a message to them so hopefully they will be here to let us know!

I would hate to see something so wonderful hit rock bottom!


07-09-2014, 04:26 PM
I apologize if I offended you Ponder

I'll put it like this if it was 'real life' I would have snapped at that post you made, that's a overreaction

07-09-2014, 04:27 PM
Has now been revealed for the light it really is - this is the product of religion. Threads such as these.

I agree though - I need to simmer down.

Hence I come back when the air is clean.

Thanks for the moderation attempt. :)

Christ knows it's needed. hehe

07-09-2014, 04:29 PM
Product of religion? I agree! ( in so far as Christianity goes)

Has now been revealed for the light it really is - this is the product of religion. Threads such as these.

I agree though - I need to simmer down.

Hence I come back when the air is clean.

Thanks for the moderation attempt. :)

Christ knows it's needed. hehe

07-09-2014, 04:30 PM
lol - why discriminate?

07-09-2014, 04:32 PM
Evangelical Christians to be precise ( I think) lol
lol - why discriminate?

07-09-2014, 04:35 PM
Yes - it is true, some are more toxic than others - and I will even acknowledged that various aspects in some cultures have been more positive than good - but I doubt I could never explain it well enough.

If a door be opened I am calm enough for now to enter it. I think your comment says it rather well for me - You seem to know that angle well enough.

07-09-2014, 05:01 PM
All right. Ponder do not worry I will save you, with my own chest uncovered for the stilleto :)

Nf with the numbers, if you behave like cunt, you are cunt. I am watching you and you are nice to no one!!

Our Ponder have charisma which is lacking in you. He must have something good in him to have a group of people who follow him and call him ; Friend...

Objectivity is not your strong point Nf with numbers? Is it? when you come here try to behave, please. Almost everyone here is mature and we will take no shit from people like you. Would you think that you are stronger than me?
You use a fisherman who is not alive over two thousand years as your support? Do it but leave us alone please.

Ponder I am as much of target as you are, do not worry together we are strong:))
Just remember (not to insult any American friends) the statistic say in 1976 45% of americans believed , literally believed in every word in bible (the book rewritten by thousand monks who added to the glory of Jesus, and changed his history, just remeber he was from a big family with a few siblings. He created the sect and then someone used it to have power over people. People are like sheep , most of them , they need the dog and shepard to keep them in line) today only 27 % of people in US believe in bible, and at least 15% comes here :))) I am joking now

07-09-2014, 05:06 PM
I think we all be sorry in our own ways - regardless of wrong or right, no one likes to feel hate.

Seriously I try to write from my own perspective but only to share in a way that brings better understanding to me, for those who really don't know me. Why it is that people like me react the way we do and find religion such a violent trigger. I no longer care for the attempts of others to come in and reason for middle ground - instead I write what comes to mind.

Here is the Issue for me:

I think its well known when the religious folk and yes, more the western type with the club mentality of sign up, join today and receive a free cup of tea. (Recruiters at that) Christians have come a long way for the Den. It would seem they are the ones that hold the power, build great monuments and cities. They have moved well beyond the church - they are now fully fledged societies and hold their own "Arena Events" - Oh how the tables have turned! The young, The Old, The sick and all Beings found to be Weak - These be easy prey that give of themselves willingly - Easy Sheep for the taking - Pacification is a brutal ploy used in many ways to which I am sure many of you would agree ... even all those conspiracy theory to which one is then label mentally ill for having thought of such a thing. The real threat is how religion has hides itself in politics - band controls though like in here who are appeased so quickly to find middle ground - they control them ones too.

I see I'm suffering has logged in - Pay no mind to him ... Sigh

Anyone that opposes the almighty dominion of western religion (much the same with the rest) Shall find themselves in the Lions Den - Hell - they even sing praises to the damnation of anyone who does not beleive like them - HMMM - you don't even have to really believe other than simply just BOW DOWN - Kneel and give way to the mighty power of the West! - It is so true - Right now we have a Nazi like government taking control - Jesus fucking Christ, they have really fucked things up right now - but is another story - you know this one very well in Canada too!!!!! I am so glad I have many Canadian friends ... what I would do without I know not.

Where was I - Oh that's right ... those power mongering self righteous God fearing - instilling Authoritarians now claiming to dominate the world in the name of Peace - This be the followers in here that praise the name of Jesus, God and talk all that rot about Sin, overcoming bestowed guilt - the shit they spread with their bablings on how anxiety will never be appeased unless one sees the light as they so devoutly do.

You know it's a tough job going to their churches and seeing the way they jump up and down - First you have to overcome all the electrically charged energy that lights up the room - You best be wearing a pair of rubber shoes, because the static charge generated is liable to kill you. All that flapping and convulsing - You can literally see the hair on some people begin to rise as those who sucked enough dick be out the front with their hands raised above the heads of others - chanting and blabering about how much guilt and shame still reside within ...

Very powerful stuff the brainwashing methods employed - hmmmmm cuppa time ............ BRB

07-09-2014, 05:17 PM
:)- Thanks so much for having the guts you do Dahila - your words so warm too. Guess What? ... I made a new friend. The kind you can trust. This whole thread is worth is just for that alone.

You said what you said so well. Not all of them are under the spell, however what oppression for those who speak out against what is. John is my only American friend and I am so honored that he accepts me even though he knows my passions against such government and religiously brainwashed societies. It is true many of pacified and dubmed down ... but not all - I say so because I want others to understand we are open to all peoples - just not bound up with all that repressive shit like Flags, Denominations and all that kind of BS that they themselves froth at the mouth about - sing great songs and brainwash their kids.

Oh I see you are on - I start up my other browser for Chat.

Big friendly Hug to you for being the real mate you be. :)

Edit - Our contires are fucked up too.

07-09-2014, 05:20 PM
Ponder - your obscene and vulgar comments -- calling people cunts and the like -- undercuts whatever credibility (if any) you might otherwise have. It makes you appear to be a lunatic. As my prior posts have suggested, I share some of your views about people who come here and tell others what saviors they should pray to, etc. But, at the same time, I respect the fact that religious faith has helped some people deal with their anxiety.

Whatever suffering you may have experienced at the hands of SOME religious people does not excuse your abusive language and your ad hominem attacks on others. I regard you as having no credibility whatsoever -- less than a Jesus freak -- and I hope you are banned from this forum.

07-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Will never happen - How much you miss if that is all you hear. Mores the pity for you. Are you a spelling Nazi as well?

07-09-2014, 05:27 PM
I attack no individual but the whole of religion - it is you that wished to refocus and make it personal. If I do speak out against a name, I do so in retaliation for the bull shit that reigns. If you have something other than reprimanding to offer then speak it - or do us a favor and stick to the subject.

07-09-2014, 05:40 PM
OK to continue on in this crude fashion of mine -

The holding of hands standing in circles for all to see - out in public to make a stand ... on the street corners and knocking on doors ... "Do you know the Lord Jesus" - "Fire and Brimstone" - - "He is the only Way" - "He died For YOUR SIN"
Then you have the children preaching too ... sing damnation to those who do not believe - the Jesus camps and so on teaching these children how a society should be. Very scary stuff - many of these kids now in here!

Time to go play in my garden - I remain open for attack.

Please do - make some kind of point other than cry over the use of less than polite words. We are not here to pamper like so - Make a point or Fuck Off!

Is this place to become G rated as well as religious???

Edit - Excuse me - The Aliens are calling me. BRB

07-09-2014, 05:46 PM
Hey Ponder, For now if you do not mind, Lets keep the forums to Anxiety and not Religion. I think that is best for now. Lets not battle this out in the open just yet. I dont think its healthy for all of us!

I know you have some views you want to discuss about it, but I dont think this is the right section to do it. If the mods can create something we can do deeper discussions in but airing our dirty laundry out in the open Forum may decrease credibility for all. Not just you or me!

Just my honest friendly opinion!

07-09-2014, 05:58 PM
Ponder - your comments on this forum make you appear to be a nut case. My reaction is "If Ponder is against religion, then I should be for religion -- because whatever Ponder believes, I should believe the opposite."

So I guess I will light some candles to Jesus, in honor of you, Mr. Ponder. Hail Jesus - fix Ponder.

07-09-2014, 06:17 PM
Sorry KUMA - still speaking with the aliens - you'll have to take a number and wait my friend.

Exactice - if you wish to be my friend ?, you'll have to respect my own ways of dealing with such things. I'm afraid I will continue to speak out as I must. I do not seek to silence the reaction to such a trigger, but more so deal with it. Others can choose not to take a seat. Again I have accepted your reaching out, but I will not be silenced as a result.

I welcome you freindship and even noted it on my blog - but will question it if you continue to steer me like so.

Is up to others if they come or go. Just as it is for me.

People reap what they sow.

I'm not done yet - please do not ask again - my answer will be the same.

EDIT - Thanks Man - I note we fix our thinking on this issue in PM - cheers EXatice - we all want peace ;) )

Too late - what has be shown has been shown - why turn away.

Learn from it and let be

07-09-2014, 06:25 PM
Understandable! Again no offense meant on my part, just a friend speaking his mind to another! Just remember there is the young audiences out there that can be influential so lets "try" to be good role models if you know what I mean!


07-09-2014, 06:29 PM
Here is the deal - Dahila ... I speak with you now because you are more important to me - It is true they do not understand and seek to sabotage us. It will always be US and THEM as is how their religion works - they will never understand and you get my point on the middle grounders too ...

This be my Thread - and they will not be permitted to high jack it as they make lousy pirates.

The best course is to simply ignore them from this point and keep the text as to why religion should not be a part of the anxiety forum and or how it is that is destroys lives - and how it does way more harm than good.

That is the best course to stick too.

This be a platform for us - and not them. Let them bitch and moan the way they do - let us stick to words that expose the truth.

Hows that sound?

I now have a passion to make this thread very much like so. Busy today - But what better opportunity to show the foolishness in destructive force it really be.

07-09-2014, 06:30 PM
Thanks Man - is good - I am glad you are here. :)

07-09-2014, 06:32 PM
Thanks Man - is good - I am glad you are here. :)

The pleasure is all mine! :)

07-09-2014, 07:01 PM
Hi Exactice i respect you a lot, having pleasure to read your posts. I have this idea, we ignore the frocks and they will be bored and gone in not time. We can do it, we know our value and our only sin is that we do not love denial. I do not want anyone to laugh at me for being follower of Wicca, or tree huger:))) I am tree obsessed .
We will ignore them and they stop coming here, and we will not go to religious threads and post there, I think it is the best. Saving on our sanity,,,,whatever is left:)) What about that?

07-09-2014, 07:10 PM
Hey Dahila, been doing that I have ignored many of the threads and just paid attention to the ones that I think I can help, just tough when 5 new created threads about the same thing spam page 1 LOL.........

But I digress I do what I can to help the others!

07-09-2014, 07:23 PM
the problem is ; it is difficult to see the people who need help their treads are pushed off the front page:(

07-10-2014, 01:08 AM
Yes, Thank You Pam. Nf has done nothing but provoke me with every post it has ever made to me. I no longer acknowledge it and put it with the same advice another suggested in ignoring these religious influence here. What I will not do is ignore the damage is capable of doing in a non religious forum and also one filled with many of its victims. Many of which I would add are oblivious to this fact. I agree this forum is full of children and given this new wave of religious influence here and so many who wish to defend it - it shows just how much ignorance abounds - just how held back many so be.


I have news for you too - Just ignore it - how's about you soak up some of this middle ground advice? I don't think so. Religion is a slap in the face - If you want to ignore that then so be it - just means your an ignorant fool not to see it for what it really is. No doubt many of these type are rather spoiled - Middle class types who benefit in some way from the conservative greed ... These ones tend to defend religion - some even attend religious events for the "status quo/popularity" it now attracts. Better schools, jobs, housing and so on - Religion also has many Tax free benefits.

Fact is - the larger percentage that endorse such elitism do so for all the prosperity and popularity it's now become.

Your right - I'll ignore the little children so blinded and lost in the more fluffy discussions of their Prayers, Little Sermons and Bible verses but address the real issues of how religion clouds the minds of even these little ones now claiming that whilst they don't believe in such children's tales and little fairies - that they can not see the trigger and or misleading concepts of spreading guilt and shame.

You don't my stand - THEN FUCK OFF ...lest you bee seen to be no more than one with nothing to do but fuel the fire - as that other to whom I give no mind.

__________________________________________________ ____________

FACT - every time religion comes to the surface - so does the HATE it generates. The more you ignore it the more that will up and leave. Now if you don't mind - I have some Anti religious Threads to make - Once you have been fucked up the ass - as those so empowered by religion love to literally do to little boys and girls - then I will give you an ear - until then go play in the fucking traffic and the half way mark and hide in the middle. Fucking Tossers ...


I'm done with these little shits Dahila - you keep saying it and I keep thinking it. You know the scope of my full potential - I now take it somewhere else. You know how much more I have shared and offered compared to these little fucks that bow down now in the middle - We know the truth.

Take care John - Cully - Pam - Dahila - Dorrie (one who knows how not to burden with her faith) -



You guys know where to find me.

We are arguing about how the word Jesus and God are triggers for some and yet I was just told to COMMIT SUICIDE. I was just told I was a "cunt" and to "fucking die". I never thought I would see the day where I was encouraged to take my own life on an anxiety forum. My best friend actually killed himself earlier this year. Maybe I will do the same thanks to the kind words of Ponder. People literally come on here posting their confessions about suicidal thoughts and now we are encouraging them to go ahead and do it? You have no idea who I am, what I've been through, or what a comment like that could do to me. This forum has gone to shit. The hypocrisy kills me. People care more about their opinions than right and wrong. Lets all raise hell because their are folks talking about prayer but who cares if our members encourage others to commit suicide.

This post is going no where. Absolutely no where, just like all the other religion arguments we have. Christians defend their faith and non-believers insult it and beat it down. In the end no non-beleiver believes and no Christian stands down or stops believing. Neither side is going to change the others minds so why are we wasting our time? I have no intention or have even tried to convince anyone on this post to agree with what I believe. I believe in the right to believe whatever the hell you want and not get bullied for it. I don't know where you are from but I live in America and we believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion. You post about your unbelief and others post about Buddah and this and that and I could care less. It doesn't offend me. I don't agree with it but its your right to believe whatever the heck you want. People can have different beliefs and voice them and still be respectful. So we can either end this hate filled debate now or just keep going with it.

Look, your not going to convince Christians not to talk about Jesus. People across the world are literally murdered for their faith daily. I think standing up for your beliefs on a public forum is the least we can do. And for the record, in all the years I've been here I don't recall making many Jesus posts. If faith comes up, ill talk about it. I never force it on others. If it is being attacked, your damn right ill defend it.

God help the new members of this forum that see the hate in this thread. I am not innocent by a long shot. Yeah I get angry when something I love is attacked and talked about like its scum. But the pure vulgar language, hate, and encouragement for suicide is just horrible. That is what a new member is going to see, in big capital letters, "I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE". Now if that isn't the master of all triggers I don't know what is.

So we can either start fresh, hopefully delete this whole damn post, and move on. I personally will only talk about my beliefs when I think it is helpful to the situation. I will even be so considerate as to say "I believe.....". I've never been one for condemnation or threats of hell so you don't have to worry about it. I will try to be considerate of others and theirs triggers. I will try my best not to "poke the hornets nest" as long as the hornets are not attacking me. In turn I think it would be nice to have members stop talking down on the beliefs of others, period. If you want to say, like so many nice folks have, hey I don't believe in God but thats just me...more power to you! There is no need to talk about it like its brainwashing, rubbish ect, call us "those people". If you want to talk about Buddah...cool, I respect that. If you wanna talk about Allah...cool, I respect that. If someone posts about prayer and Jesus just keep scrolling or ignore it. These are life skills. You are going to run into triggers everywhere in life. You can't try to avoid them at all costs or you will never grow. I don't know where you live but I see people on street corners every week with signs about Jesus. Your not going to be able to control that. You may work for a boss that loves Jesus and has prayer in the office. You may join a sports team that prays before a game. You may meet a guy or girl that has different beliefs than you. You have to face triggers head on. You cannot try to avoid them all of your life. That goes for me too. Plenty of things trigger my anxiety but I can't just avoid them. By doing so I put myself in this little bubble where nothing can upset me. Its not healthy and it will not encourage my recovery from anxiety. You control your emotions. No one can make you mad except you. Someone can cut you off in traffic and then you chose to either let it go or be mad about it. You are in control.

Maybe if we can settle this once and for all we can get back to the real reason we are all here....to help or get help with anxiety.

07-10-2014, 01:17 AM
To be honest, I was raised catholic but I don't shove my beliefs in other people's throats. Even though I don't go to church (I don't believe in church), I believe in a god and take some aspects from other religions that I find good. Don't like the bible... Anyway what I am trying to say is that using this forum as a conversion for people that are looking for a help is wrong. I have nothing against posting it just the once, but spamming religion constantly is really not necessary. Let people believe what they want to, don't shove it down their throat. Leave it for an environment where people are looking for religion, not trying to take advantage of people who suffer an anxiety disorder. I think that is really uncalled for and maybe even abusive.

07-10-2014, 01:54 AM
Dude - you can't hold onto stuff like that - It will kill you. People know I don't mean everything literally. That seems to be the major problem with my mother and how she preaches to me. People place too much emphasis on the words. For isntance whilst you choose to concentrate on those words of mine, to which with a following post I stated my regret - you would not think I would care to pick a flower and share it with you like so:

Is it cool or what! There is a reason I take meds and not well balanced in the head. No matter my extremes, I am alright for the most part and well understood by others who also suffer but are mot the sum of their words. For the most part I don't hold grudges against individuals and actually as my name is suppose to suggest, quick to surrender - again tough ... what is in a name. I am not all hate - I don't like holding onto such things - I'm actually quite a compassionate guy - perhaps gullible and simple - but I see those things as good traits - maybe ignorant but selectively more so selectively as part of a copping thing.

I have agreed with others who have approached me to explain that not all Faith believers are deliberately out to make others suffer and nor are they responsible for my faults and that of which I have been spazzing about. I've been toning it down despite still being quite passionate about the spazzing of the church. I know there are believers who actually agree with much of what I say and again, not all people are in it for the fame, popularity and prosperity as so commonly sold.

I admit I have to re-read in here to catch up - for now though, its best I simmer down. May I suggest you do the same? - I have much yet to talk about ... but for now, I need to smell the flowers.

This one comes from a weed. It is awesome is it not?

TIA ;)

PS - Cully - the flash photograph I learn now it called "High Key" - it allows me to put a transparent background on - this flower I now put in a vase and enjoy it while it yet lives.

07-10-2014, 02:07 AM
I think is best to leave this - Deleting in not facing the triggers - we could all learn something from it. People should choose to delete their own posts not others. I think this thread is only one of many that has reacted in the past. How I deal with it is not your problem or anyone else's. You choose weather to take a seat or not. Society does enough sweeping under the carpet - this threads takes a stand against such things. Again - I think it's good for people to see how others think - no one is asking you to keep reading.

The brainwashing I was subject too is a dangerous thing - I babble on that a little later - is good opportunity for me

Peace Out.

07-10-2014, 02:40 AM
Alrighty guys -lol misspelled and the spell check ready Almighty hehehehe ... I get coffee 1st too ... I am feeling happy to share my Son is coming home soon (or maybe I am worried he changes hit mind) I share anyway as is good story. BRB - I revert to my quirky live commentary.

OK sip sip

One thing I make clear - Is I am your number one Trigger Facer - I was beaten for it many times by one that hid behind the book and cloth ... however what was far worse was all that brainwashing that followed through a trail of religious intervention. I face many of those triggers in another thread which resulted in a number of others who finally came to face their own after many many years. So don't be preaching that one to me. It is many that claim to believe in things not so easily explained and or more appropriate to pass on their troubles with a quick prayer and admonishments here and there. The whole system of religion is well designed to run and hide bury and cover up - I am your number one trigger facer - call me Mr Backfire! lol just kidding ... I just felt the need to correct your assumption that I do not face trigger ... I am well known as someone who confronts - in ways others would do better to make more effort - instead of beat about the bush with words and accusations ... I now share my own experiences.

You'll have to contact Admin if you wish it all removed. I'm over the fencing now - I now face this dread trigger of religion and how it suffocates and continues to do so in our lives - my perspective - my family. PS - The more I am pushed - the more I will show.
__________________________________________________ ____________

Righto - I hit enter as I think now about my Son - the prodigal Son or some other term to best fit wher it is to the dysfunction that reigns.

07-10-2014, 03:17 AM
Hmmmm- No need to give me lesson on the people who face and live with Suicide everyday - who they are and how they come to be and or arrive in here. My brother now not long dead victim to religiously induced schizophrenia. They can call it drug induced, but I'm here to shed the light on the truth. My Son rings me up and despite the last time he was here - then wanting to beat the living shit out of me to which I see irony with the word DRUGS - I called him out for the drug addict he be - long story short after I was done having a spazz and disowning him - true to form I kept my arm held out and let him know the door is always there. Fact is whilst he would only reach when no other option was available ... the long deeps scars that angle down across his wrist is like a post that others would rather delete - Hell I have a daughter who just made me a granddad after a long haul of abortions - she too has scars ... her arms look like a cross hatching fill in someones sketch pad - 50 cuts all close together ... cut cut cut ... then onto the next arm - I can only imagine what was going through her head. I was devastated - but I understand how it was that the Christian school blamed and ridiculed her - worst of all, how it was that I was brainwashed to let it all happen.

Do not lecture me on hurt and vulnerable children!

OH BOY OH BOY - Generational curses is how those controlling types - the ones that promise if only you do this or that ... generational curses they told us. Mum calls me the devil. She wont admit it, however my wife could not believe it when my mum coined those words and delivered as she did to my wife. Its more to do with the fact that when she sees me, that she sees the man that help make me. The religious connotations she always put on everything just makes it easy to pass off her own inability in dealing with her own issues. Societies Well Educated Types come up with all sorts of fancy terms, then come the meds and their other ways of hiding too - depends how you view ... this being about deceptions and cover ups ... many undesirables are swept aside with lables, drugs and lock ups.

You see - this is where many of the middle class spoiled brats have no idea ... they can't tell me shit. I just happen to be one that is educated and self taught to explain as I do ... regardless of my tainted past. Medication and phyco therapy can indeed help .. when I am not looking from such a paranoid induced state. I seem to somehow just sit on the edge and make it back - yet still volatile and easily set to explode.

Is no easy task thinking all this through - Generational Curses was where I was at:

Is what they would have me believe. Have you ever been subject to an exorcism? They need not be endorsed by the Vatican or have some one dressed in cloth or carry a holy stick - The Evangelicals do it all the time. Actually many denominations do it. I don't wish to confuse with naming this or that denomination as they all feed off each other, swapping doctrine that varies from year to year - the only things that do not change are like keeping them TAX FREE with Australia having like so many thousand different denominations/registrations - Religion is a billion dollar industry with money that dictates how the bell rings. Sigh - have not even touch on the topic yet.

Hmmmmmmmmmm - I think more on the number of exorcisms done on my brother and I ... brb

Is good to be writing again -

I hope you swing by Pam. Your presence always encourages me to write with an open heart -- helps me see these things that still simmer so deep ... is a good thing :)

07-10-2014, 04:23 AM
Hmmmm - its the hard core version of "The Devil did it!" -

First you are sat down and asked a series of questions:

"Were your birth parents married?"
"Were they religious and what church were they affiliated with"
"What can you tell us about your parents"
"Have you ever played a singing bowl"
"Have you ever has statues or trinkets of other faiths"
"have you had people of other faiths in your house"

I think it says a lot about the hang up religious people have regarding "status and position" Very similar to birth rights and all that aristocratic way of determining a persons worth. I also think it show just how binding these people be. Very backwards to say the least! Anyways some of the more FAD type churches would go on about even more trivial issues such as rock music - association with pop culture and so on. It was more those who seem to strive for position amongst their own brethren that seem more intent, passionate and focused on getting the job done right. Those ones created fear where it had never been. This is the danger of how one can be mind fucked to such going ons.

Now before I set the scene good and proper, I want you to understand that these churches act like so in today's schools. No matter that they call themselves private - These schools are the ones that you see those well to do, dressed kids on billboards that boast guaranteed success with white pearly teeth that makes a parents sing. These schools present as if your everyday happy go luck private school full of glee. Well - I have been there too ... albeit a string of charity cases that has rung true for me, my kids and many others like us too. I already mentioned once about the interview I sat through for my kids - Man oh man ... as soon as he talked Jesus I could feel the LIES reign through my veins. If there is one thing I have learned - through the unlearning process ... is how if it feels wrong, then its wrong! - These types of Christians are talked about in their own book and I know many here understand the sad tale I tell. These are the billions so proudly listed to attest for the worth of religion, yet the Bible tell a far different tale. I would like to talk more later - as is when I had such strong spiritual connections (as is natural for all - very much so the abused) ... Your a fool to believe that these magazine, radio, real time glorified masses are anything but followers of Christ.

That interview lead to the cross hatching mutilation of my daughters arms - Sigh ... Also the one, where my daughter "Stood Up" when questioned on parade "who hear does not believe in Christ?" I fucking kid you not - I was outraged when my daughter many years later told me how this unfolded. Fucking Kudos to her!!! She witnessed first hand as the older sister to that of the cutter - how the ridicule was aimed so true with my kids always in sight. I tell you for all the evil that lives in such well hidden dens - hmmm I refrain from saying for now. Is so cruel how this religious schools operate - Further ridiculed because they did not speak in tongues. Is what is preach of the Pentecost and this I know so well. Basically the blessed are given this gift to spread the word of God in other tongues of other countries of the world. Typically it sounds like bable and is often the same syllables said by the same people - It makes no sense that they keep pushing this point of faith in a world now so versed. Its hysteria nothing more or nothing less.

Ass soon as I heard about the ridicule my kids face for NOT talking in tongues and resisting the Prey-ing over from the teachers - It was time to get them the fuck out of there - The teacher are like brainwashed one in here who know no different - do not know when to keep it in or how to stop pushing it. Point is - It's allowed to carry on in the schools as complaints go unheard and or the schools just carry on. The denominations associated with these schools has flourished in the last 30 years - They have built most of the town in which I was schooled back then. They basically run the town, have their fingers in the council, politics, and all things that make decisions that effect the lives of so many. Big business - is why they can do the things they do. Things like the Royal Commsion are just bufferers to look as if safety nets are in place. _

You see - you can't just say - "Oh but thats the Pentecostals your talking about" NOPE - thats the ones I am proficient in talking about - they are all very much deceitful and selfish in all they do - again - It's even written in the rule book they prefer preached rather than used! It's appropriate that they have one rule book for the brainwashing and another for punishing - church and state - yet the church runs all.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

But back to the brainwashing - demonizing --- Oh yea - The part where they tell me I have demons in me. This one is called that and represents this - I'm sure some of you have heard of ASMR AKA - Autonomous sensory meridian response (https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAutonom ous_sensory_meridian_response&ei=GGm-U7T4DsTGuATS_oHgDg&usg=AFQjCNF2u0kwBVQR65FspSeTJnar94CuQQ&sig2=OyNx6uhzM_s3r9xsqE425w&bvm=bv.70138588,d.dGI)
These guys will give you some Tingles.

... break time.

edit - I play some computer games - I need a proper break - always happens when I get to the good bits. Bit like when I got to the part about that priest who bedded us boys - one day I guess. First I see if I can make sense of how religion has mind fucked me - is good therapy thus far - My religious involvement extend way beyond one denomination ... again just naming one and leaving it at that does not work for me. I don't think it works in the book that they keep changing so much - they seem to put more faith in the foot notes than anything else. Pffft ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

07-10-2014, 05:52 AM
I'm here Dave.

Unfortunately our time differences has each sleeping when the other is awake.

Your thoughts are becoming more ordered and less volatile, a good thing.

I do hope that all you are writing is therapeutic to you, otherwise I fear it my be pointless. I think that there are those here who don't much care about the specific damage caused by the church and will continue to wave the bible against all they consider evil. You can put case after case before them and it won't matter, the bible is their shield and forever will be. The sad part is, by being so focused on that supposed sacred book, they cut themselves off to the wonders of the unexplained, and the culpability of each person for their own actions.

It is all an illusion, a way to deflect blame for their own human failings. I often wonder how primitive man survived without church and state. Quite well I would assume. They survived or did not survive based on their own hand, their skills to hunt and find food, their ability to flee from predators. There was no one else to blame for their failures.

Religion in whatever form you choose, right from the beginning has always had some element of conflict, violence and persecution of those who don't fall into line. It has also had it's own methods of keeping the believers in line through absolution and the promise of going to whatever pleasant version of the after life they have.

What would our primal ancestors have thought of this? Probably not much, if it didn't fill their stomachs it wouldn't have mattered. All that mattered was their own self sufficiency, a lesson that many today can learn from.

I hope I make sense, have a monster headache from yesterday's pain pills.

07-10-2014, 06:17 AM
Makes perfect sense to me and I think your right - the steam has already fizzled out. My meds kicking in ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz

Yep - you make me think how much I feel like I should of been born so long ago - the feeling is more strong when I dig my garden and grow food. They have now made such mind sets a symptom!!! LOL Society now has an answer for everything. You summed up so much with so little words - is a skill you have. :)

I never got to do my update video - but I did get the shopping out of the way -

GOOD NEWS! I bought TEN PAIRS OF SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooooooo - was the highlight of my day, a long time coming. Nine dollars too - I take comfort in the fact that there is 10 of them. (still in the car come to think of it)

I repaired me tiller - with replacing one of the tines - I may do post on it later ... eBay seller replaced free of charge and was not even their fault - Life can be indeed be good

I finish up with the sordid stories and resort to finding the good things in life through others ... I will try.

I am even sorry for being mean to people who we think deserve it - I don't like that feeling and feel bad inside now to think I have been so mean - I truly don't like hurting others - I know we all just want the same things.

I don't know anymore - and then I think I do, but I really don't - your damned by some for showing regret then others for not ...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz we all be special - that much I know - even those we don't understand and or despise.

Goodnight - Be Well Pam -

07-10-2014, 06:44 AM
There is nothing I like better than the feel of new socks! After the first wear they just aren't the same! Enjoy them ....I'll get my new ones sometime in October or November when it cools down.

07-10-2014, 06:47 AM
You are special Dave! Don't ever lose sight of that.

07-10-2014, 07:11 AM
Now, the way towards health in most situations involves acceptance. And the understanding of allowance.

Should a family member be a vitim of theft, you may cry out with intolerance against all theft. In truth, theft is allowed, period. The thief draws his energy from the repression.

Ancient man still exists. For time overlaps itself. There were sects, chiefs, called babboo, (close enough) and a hierarchy resembling what you have today. You had the timid underground, where hearing was developed, they could hear trouble, and used a series of underground tunnels to navigate.

Now im not going to do a full reading on ancient man, I could in PM for our scientifically inclined.

The was a time when man walked in a haze, he was not even aware of his body sensations, this was fledgling man as you know it, and had nothing to do with apes. They coexisted. Either way one form or another there was always religion, period. Just not one you could understand, or interpret.

The writings on cave walls included scripture of early times, millions of years ago in human terms, and there were priests of sorts and medicine men.

The point here, is just as you know anxiety to be relieved through acceptance, allowing it to happen, so to speak, you must allow and accept all human conditions, even those called atrocities. Do you understand?

No hate, no fight, no resistance. When you can observe others having these experiences, or merely talking about them, and have no reaction, then you have succeeded, no exceptions.

End of post, no edits for structure, grammar, etc.as is

07-10-2014, 08:19 AM
To above; nonsense..
Dave I am with you on ignoring the post which triggers your memories. No one knows what you went through. I do not think the brainwashed guys are able to read your posts, no way, they have a very short attention span.

I am going to ignore the posts,however i checked the ******* prayer for anxiety godchildren bs. This guy is showing himself as a doctor what a shitty head, He never was, maybe he was a nurse and worked in some places. The bs he writes about his working with children Hiv children is very upsetting. If this is the world and these are people I have to interact with, I rather check out.

The stupidity and narrow vision or not vision at all is killing me...

Just imagine what that c**** I am being civil now, can hurt others, who come here looking for help.

Ignoring such brutality is difficult. I had never seen it coming. I had never seen such crazy religious folks together. I frequent a few forums, Dave you know some, for years and situation like here would not happen. When two people report insulting, or upsetting others post, the thread is closed and deleted. It is so fast done, and there are almost no threads asking about private life, insulting others, the most gentle place. I have a very good friend there from Australia too, he posts beautiful pictures. There are people from every country in the world and from every religion, and they communicate so well. I am 8 years there and planning to be next 8 at least:)

I do not understand the moderating here, if there is any.

I hope the normal people find the way to come to us. Kixxi welcome and we are not against people who believe , we are against jerks who do harm to others. Anxiety forum is not place for Christian fanatics, unfortunately I do not see any other religions here. It could be easier if there was others........
I am so tired with blabbering of that idiots.....

07-10-2014, 01:35 PM
OK, see this is what pisses me off and I will say I am pretty level headed, we have a hot topic, talking about jamming religion down peoples throat. I make a suggestion to keep topics to a minimum and just post them in one single thread. Low and behold a "NEW" thread talking about religion yet again when there is 5 threads already cluttering the first 2 pages.

More so its a cut and paste so I am going to say spam/troll. More so to me that is a blatant disrespect to some members here that have asked nicely to respect others as we have respected them. So we a talk about acceptance, this to me is a direct slap in the face.......

Prayer for Anxiety
07-10-2014, 02:27 PM
I would be happy to post my faith based perspectives in a sub-forum. Can anyone set this up?


07-10-2014, 02:30 PM
Which threads Exactice?
thank you for accepting my request :))

07-10-2014, 02:36 PM
Which threads Exactice?

I think Exactice is possibly referring to the cut and paste from prayer for anxiety' website (where there happens to be the opportunity to purchase a book) yet another God for sale.

07-10-2014, 02:45 PM
I would be happy to post my faith based perspectives in a sub-forum. Can anyone set this up?


I do not know how to set up a sub-forum, but another near equivalent would be a single thread within this "General" forum dealing with religion. It could have a title such as "EVERYTHING REGARDING GOD OR PRAYER OR RELIGION SHOULD BE POSTED ONLY IN THIS THREAD."

That could be a place where religious people could talk about how praying to Jesus (or Zarathustra, or Mohammed, or Barney the Dinosaur, or whomever) is helpful. Those who feel compelled to do so could proselytize in that thread. If they want to talk about how there is only one eternal truth, or what people "must" believe, or about the risk of eternal damnation, or about how some guy died for their sins -- whatever -- it would all be in this one single thread.

In the same thread, those who want to spend their time insulting religious people, trivializing the benefits of faith, calling people who have found solace through prayer "mother fuckers," complaining about what some priest did to them 30 years ago, making accusations about brainwashing, etc. could do all this stuff.

Personally, I would prefer that none of this happen at all in this forum. But the next best thing would be to have it all happen in ONE SINGLE THREAD. Those who want to participate, could spend time in that thread. And those who want to seek, or offer, help with anxiety could use the rest of the forum for that purpose.

07-10-2014, 02:54 PM
Thank you 14:) yeah, everything is on sale, let's go to get some salvation through books:)
Kuma you made me laugh, maybe it is not your intention , but you have funny way of writing, I mean humorous:)
Your solution makes sense and could be done, if only the religious could keep up some rules, but would they sell it?
No one wants to insult someones believes we just ask to behave like human being. decent, helpful compassionate. Compassion is a big key on this forum.. We have many awesome people, here.

I am watching a lot of SG1 and no System lords will beat us down:))

07-10-2014, 03:23 PM
I would be happy to post my faith based perspectives in a sub-forum. Can anyone set this up?


Prayer my friend, thank you for your understanding, I think it would be best to consolidate your thoughts rather than constant new threads about the same thing. Just my opinion, Flood the first page with 1 topic does not help the new members that are asking questions when it is pushed to page 2 or 3 and lost.

Consolidate your thoughts in one thread and I think we can all be happy. At that point people that dont want to click will know there is a dedicated thread and those that want to learn more can be highly educated by you and the other members!

07-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Kuma Exactly my point!!! Thank you!!!!!

07-10-2014, 04:31 PM
This thread is turning out good for the most part. I really feel that. I know that some of us can really be hard to understand. I have later talked in message with some folk I previously yelled and scream at. I ended up giving an expression of regret and gratitude. A large part was because they themselves were patient and compassionate in their ongoing dealings with me. I am very thankful for that.

I think now I need not react to those who still so plainly seek to undo the space we have gained. Those words are huge for me, because It took some work to beat back the ongoing prods so clear to see. The friendly PM really helped me ground myself with regards to that. TY – much appreciated.

Takes a breath. : What I will do though is "explain" why it is I am guilty of the following things.

"spend their time insulting religious people" I do it because I feel this forum is not religious and that their presence trigger me and also others not just me. Religion has damages more lives than it has healed. The presence of religion in such a forum as this is in fact an insult in itself.

Next: "trivializing the benefits of faith" - I do much more than trivialize - I speak out against how it is sold and how compromising such has become. This is an opportunity I will now explain to those who have faith were strong enough to shake hands with me, unlike your prodding still set to derails me. I will not come undone.

"calling people who have found solace through prayer "mother fuckers" - same reply I gave NF - It happened, I have moved on, continuing to focus on such hate will only bring more about. I for one have moved on.

"complaining about what some priest did to them 30 years ago" This one kind of shows just how insensitive you are and how you really need to think before your write:

I need not go on about the abuse itself - however the damage it does and how anyone in here with their own suffering should never ever have it thrown back in their face with being told to keep quiet due to it happening so long ago. ALWAYS SPEAK OUT ABOUT ABUSE - no matter how long it happened ago. Being threatened, beaten and then fondled with by such entrusted beings held up so high under the banner of religion. My God Man - (excuse the pun) - but that explains all my bias regarding all your continuing prods - now so listed.

"making accusations about brainwashing" I'm not making accusations - I am telling you my experience as is.

lets be clear about one thing - with regard to your statement:
"I do not know how to set up a sub-forum" - this could be misconstrued that you somehow have control over doing such a think. I make it clear that this person does not have administrations rights although it comes across speaking like such.

To surmise - most victims of the church/religion are Atypically left scared for life - if truly you are the essence of your faith, then show it with patients, love and kindness as opposed to the more so common bickering, quoting and need to always be right. Listen rather than preach - pray in silence rather than boastfully bee seen and hear in the street (public) - try a more humble approach and admit when you've done wrong. If you need a place in which to fellow ship - then be in the world but not of the world - create your own space wherever you be, but do not become the very thing you seek to avoid.

The latter unable to let go - unable to express the essence of their faith, creating more unrest than any kind of benefit, otherwise sort through fellowship.

It is a sad fact that there is too much compromise in the word faith as it was once lived. But that is another story in which was a huge reason, I turn from my once devout faith. I continue later in this thread of mine.

Your welcome to stay - but please refrain from bring up what has past ... Some of those that claim to have faith ... seem to want to hear ...

Kuma - Is there anything more negative traits of me you wish to bring up - do so now - or hold your peace.

07-10-2014, 04:46 PM
Pam - is ok ... I like to face how it is I turned from my faith. The part I say about compromise is massive one that is destroying the meaning of the word. Our lives now so simple (eat -drink - sleep) and how greedy we have become - makes people jealous, selfish ... still hungry when yet they have eaten. I can see how faith was once a good thing in the times when we all had to strive for simple things. It's a kind of different Faith to what the church made of it - or should say how it was corrupted ... it was a faith that all needed and was able to better sort through the toil the church made out to be nothing more than punishment for sin. I think hardships when suffered as a whole are in fact a good things - re early man and his appreciation for what the day brings.

People talk too much on the suffering of hard work back then and now (more so when introduced to easier things and how that introduction took and take place now) - I so yearn for it and find it the source of so much relief. Hard to explain in less words. I try again later.

Thanks to those of you who reached out as my PM brought me much relief - I struggle with Kuma's reply but have done my best not to fly off the handle with that one.

Take care all - please don't m ind my ramblings - please be thankful I try to be more accommodating - in this thread of mine. I feel and see now we need to get along. In order for me to deal with the trigger of religion I need to put in many words. My wife is even giving me slack as I spend hours on my keyboard sorting through such a thing.

I think now most of us have moved on -

I will continue on just dealing from my own experiences and seek not to abuse others here in that process - imply anything of them and or bring up other posts with continual quoting. If you find offense with my ongoing dealings with what I must - then please do that in a space to which you better mingle. (yes I did quote - but a rarely seek to do such a thing - this is well known of me - I have pet hat for quoting ... not so much the ers...having said that I always watch out for them - you can tell the ones who do it for memory sake Vs those still so bitter)

TIA - BRB - I have a garden to dig :)

Again - thank you for the kindness in my PM and Chat - It grows well. :)

07-10-2014, 04:59 PM
Out of respect for others - I make new thread in the Social Phobia section. I welcome people of all Faiths. I learned much and remained humbled.

07-10-2014, 10:24 PM
Thank You for advising Admin that I had the guts to address my own faults make amends and then move on.

I appreciate very much.

Thank You.