View Full Version : Lung Cancer Anxiety

06-02-2008, 11:07 AM
Hi Everybody

For a few months now I have been getting niggily sharp pains in my left side of my chest that can go up my left shoulder and left arm. I have been to the doctors 3 times about this and they have all said it is muscular and that my anxiety will be fuelling these pains. I still get the pains (not all the time) they are very intermitant. When I do get these I get very panicy and start to convince myself it is Lung Cancer. I just can't seem to accept what the docs are telling me.

I am also at CBT sessions and I don't think these are helping!! Can anybody give me some advice?

Many thanks for reading

06-03-2008, 05:04 AM
Actually, I don't think that sharp pains are a part of lung cancer. So I would try my best not to worry about this. The problem at this time is that you have developed a habit of worrying about lung cancer. So whenever you feel the pain, you are cued to this thought. Next time you feel these pains, simply accept them, as well as any thoughts about lung cancer. But try not to react with fear as best as you can. You will probably only be able to do this a little at first. But over time, this should become less of a problem.

One more thing. Lung cancer is actually EXTREMELY rare if tobacco is not a part of our life (either as smoking by yourself, or exposure to second hand smoke). So if this is the case for you, then lung cancer is a REAL long shot. If you DO smoke (and unfortunately, ALOT of people with anxiety problems seem to), it would certainly be good for you to quit. This would probably do ALOT for you in terms of alleviating your fears of lung cancer.

06-03-2008, 10:05 PM
CHeck the symtomps out on google. Donesn't sound like lung cancer. Get well :D

06-06-2008, 09:34 AM
I experience nasty chest pain for about 4 years or so now. At first, I thought it was myocardiac infarction symptom as the pain is exactly at the left side. The pain not only localised but it radiate to the left arm. The burning sensation deep in the chest that radiate to the back which we assume as lung cancer symptom is the effect of chest pain. Now, we need to understand that anxiety disorder is a kind of nerve disorder as well. Nerves function or dysfunction is beyond my comprehension though(being a lay man). To make my point here, I had ECG done twice over the period of 4 years. the result is NAD(no abnormality detected). Chest x-ray done once proved no abnormality detected. However, if anyone of you aged 40 yrs and above, do go for check up especially ECG because by then, generally health is going downhill, irrespective of anxiety sufferer or not.

Perhaps, pressing and kneading of the painful muscles will help.