View Full Version : Workplace Panic...

07-07-2014, 08:47 PM
Does anyone else feel that sometimes they just aren't built for the work force? Every job ive had starts off well but in time I start feeling that people dislike me, every little thing stresses me out, I feel as if I don't work over time or finish what I need to im going to get screamed at or sacked (both have actually happened as well) I constantly feel a need to prove myself and I end up sick and stressed almost constantly... I just don't know what to do anymore... my current boss is a stress head too and when I don't keep up to date (no matter how hard I try its impossible...) she gets cranky and annoyed and refuses to train me further or anything. However when I offer to stay back late and catch up she gets even angrier because she doesn't want to pay me extra hours!! I swear im over it... im 21 and Im already sick of having to work for a living. I sick of shit employers im sick of customer abuse and Im sick of dealing with endless waves of shit that I cant keep up with. Im freaking out because she does want to teach me more and the other girl in the office is leaving so she has to teach me and I already cant keep up with what I already do!!! How the hell can I do more?! I am either not built for the work force or not built for this industry. Its just that ive spent years and thousands of dollars on TAFE qualifications to get me here and all I do is fail.... HELP!!!!!!!!!!

07-08-2014, 06:46 AM
I feel this way sometimes. I think I have been a conflict avoider and have sought out my own "ashram". Thing is, even if you do find a perfect oasis in an Ashram the guru will eventually kick you out to struggle in the real world. Because that is where the conflict is, and that is where your work has to be done.

The work is breathing through every experience, finding the true emotional uprising within you, and letting it dissipate. You can't learn that without 'negative' stimulus.

Of course, the dosage is important :-)