View Full Version : The Study Of Self – Finding a branch that works for you. WARNING -> Nutters Within

07-07-2014, 06:15 PM
I'm not sure if this Title adequately covers the enormous insights that you have to offer "Imsuffering" but it is my attempt in allowing space for dialogue between ourselves and any other who would like to know more about the existence of ourselves and all that which surrounds us. There are so many branches to such a study that it melts my mind to think of all the names and titles then more so the various definitions.

I am all for the wonder - The Cosmos - Nature - and the Mind within.

Mystically speaking - Hmmm is such an entanglement that skirts too much - always seems adrift without much grounding to what is known. No doubt a subject feared like a space walker without a tether. All the same, I am intrigued regardless of my now thinking of one life lived and never another. You know my view on religion - man made - man created - philosophy spun and woven to give purpose to an otherwise meaningless life - OR NOT - what is wrong with just being and knowing nothing ... I now think of what Pam said in anther thread (if I may Pam) kind of like - Knowing too much is not always a good thing - like can spoil the brew - I think is a good point and relevant to this kind of thing.

Imsufering - you gave me the following notes:
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A personal note to you, in hopes I do not hijack this poor fellows thread ! But I know you think much on the topic.

I do look forward to what you have to write, or your insights. Ive read your threads and find them interesting as well. I received much on the God topic, and in that thread I could have written a book, it was sort of all in a bubble already written. But I thought it best to let it be.

I did get love. I felt you, and it felt like love, very deep love, however with some frustration because you just cant pinpoint what all the fuss is about :) In terms of God.

Even now as I sit here im getting pictures of the Christ story. Keeping in mind an entity 8f such tremendous energy cannot be kept in a human body, it simply cannot hold it and stay in one piece. So there was indeed a framing of sorts where an imposter took his place before death. I am saying he was in and out of the flesh, but never for a duration.

However metaphysically speaking there is a hierarchy of gods (small g) and the feeling that even the more advanced beings so to speak in that chain have not seen of the One. (Caps) so in the heavens, so to speak, as above so below, no one has met or seen God (caps) yet the One is the archetype for all. And Its (caps) energy animates all, period. This is undeniable.

So you are not alone in you pondering :)

While man can study a flower, and to an extent capture its DNA, rather lets go further, while a woman can grow a fetus by gathering earth stuffs to grow the body, the woman does not animate the being with vital energy, as with the rose, you may look and marvel at it, but you cannot give it life, you see.

This is the experience of the One, as the higher beings term It. As it animates life when no other has been found to be able to. And in the course of the study of energy we find this beings energy inexhaustible as it seeds universes and systems.

Such unimaginable beauty, one cannot even hold the concept in ones mind for it is too large. Now the same for the Christ as the drama played out for the people of those times. The true entity could not be contained in a human body for mere minutes as the body is not made to handle that type of energy-power, so a human took his place. The drama ofcourse for an unruly people, a fledgling society. Through the play, acted out, the peoples were given their belief systems. It had to be believable then, with certain trickery and slight of hand.

This is difficult to receive, now you understand the interference in communication. Its hard to word even as it flows...

But that is for another book, since I would reach my limit here. I just wanted you to have a small picture to wet your whistle, maybe inspiring a metaphysical path of study. But I warn you, once you tread there, you cannot come back.

That is all, fondest regards to you on your journey.

I will think and get back to you - just wanted to make this space first - and come back later when my mind is a little fresher ... please excuse all the weird fonts and formats - I messed my settings up and will have to change back alter ... probably suits our style of thinking.

I will be back ... I hope this space is agreeable to talk on such things? That other Title of inner dialogue - is something I wish to elaborate on - but in terms that are more widely understood ... that is after we sift through some of the complexities of thinking toooo much - not having ears to hear - how we make too much noise - how to see through the static - deflect negative energy - stop emitting it - tuning in to our intuitive side - connecting with the observer - giving up the quest- giving up the search - giving in - accepting - seeking without looking -

But explain this terms in a more understandable and tangible way that can be utilized as tools to overcome all the negative traits of living in such a confusing, frustrated and pent up world - living in fear that so many of us do - in such an anxious state. I want to question this hierarchy of which you speak - what is the point of this Gods and your meaning to litle g - and so on ---

Again - I am yet to refresh - read you note with proper focus/but not too much -

I will be back - but none the less - do with this space as you will. ;) ... I have made it without too much focus on your notes - but be back I will - I seek a little more substance to the message your offering.


07-07-2014, 07:10 PM
But explain this terms in a more understandable and tangible way that can be utilized as tools to overcome all the negative traits of living in such a confusing, frustrated and pent up world - living in fear that so many of us do - in such an anxious state. I want to question this hierarchy of which you speak - what is the point of this Gods and your meaning to litle g - and so on ---


That portion above quoted is very personal to you and others, give me some time. Tomorrow perhaps, now im relaxing.

For now, to understand God in the red section above. I wanted you to know your not alone. All creatures great and small, in every system, every reality, even the angels (in human terms) long for their creator. So you can see the personified stories bring comfort, and they should.

On a different level then we have learned to feel our own life force. I AM animated by the One. I have my body, my vehicle, of which I gathered the earth to build, but my vitality or life force comes from the One. You would term God. This magnificent, inexhaustable energy that gives vitality, whos energy animates atoms to alive action, that seeds solar systems. This gestalt of unimaginable beauty and love, whose magnetic power gives energy to the sun, to the stars, constellations, as you look at the night sky you see Him. As you look at a seedling you see him. As you look into your beloved eyes you see Him.

You were given freedom for any probable action, you are without boundaries with endless possibilities. The universe is expanding in ways you do not understand for expansion takes up no space. True expansion is an emotional climate as the psyche grows and explores, and in so doing creates worlds within worlds, and so by thought do you carry forth His work. In a psychological climate, backed by inexhaustable energy to create.

This is very complex, and I will end for now. I wish for you to expand your limited concept of God. I behoove you to study Its beauty. Let go of the childrens games and ideology. For I have introduced new ideals.

Thy purpose as given is expansion, personal, and in the selfs highest regards, in so doing you seed realities with your thoughts, as a creator endowed with His powers. When you think a happy thought, somewhere in another reality, another time, a creature discovers a flower blooming, a reflection of your state of mind, do you understand?

More when I am rested, I never know.

Unedited. Except type mistakes

07-07-2014, 10:53 PM
Please do in your own time - I am here re-reading and contemplating. Take your time - I also am tired right now - but am glad I have this space to come back later and talk about how it is that I wish to see and find purpose in what I choose. Thanks for the time your able to share. Please call me Dave. I attempt to expand as you suggest. I am a star gazer and whilst I wish to know it all - am happy with knowing less - only seek in which direction to look - star hopping if you will - without the need for GPS. ;)

07-08-2014, 03:06 AM
OK --- I tried to have a go - I cut and past from word. PS - please do chime in Dahila (or ANYONE) because I know you/we all have much insight of your/our own. This not be about proving one over the other, but just swapping insights is all - seeing if we can animate each other. :)
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I reply to that is red:
I’m glad you feel a sense of compassion on my part to which I think you mean, when you say you felt love. I regret though the frustration you express, in that I fall short in how you see – that is to understand all that fuss – in terms of “God”.

Indeed – a word now useless, one so often abused. It holds absolutely no worth in my regard – just as deceitful I also hold the same regard for the word Angle or anything likewise terms from such religious books and or ideals. So let’s see if we can discuss the study of being without such misinterpreted and misleading words.
This would mean I have no interest for the story of Christ but only to see that story it in the same light, I would see of the drama - Noah – The story of a second chance that yet repeats .. the same wrongs and rights with all that addictive regret. Let’s move past talking in such religious riddles, games and ploys. I think I read the world “Childish” and I will add “things”

I think talking without such hype – sensationalizing and fantasizing is hard as that drama is still played today – is in fact relied upon and used for the same purposes and intent as it was way back then. Indeed it has a power of its own – it a whole animation of its own – both a Hollywood episode and one of many manifestations.

So I now go back over and see which words stick from the text in red – whilst I will disregard terms that come from overplayed religious books – I will note many will indeed still sound quite fanciful. I will in this regard expand my mind as you suggest. But again – forget talking in terms to me of Jesus – God – Angles and all things sweet.

Words that now stick for me:

tremendous energy - advanced beings - the One is the archetype for all – You suggest is unquestionable? I come back to that -

If I may – I just quote this line for now:
“While man can study a flower, and to an extent capture its DNA, rather lets go further, while a woman can grow a fetus by gathering earth stuffs to grow the body, the woman does not animate the being with vital energy, as with the rose, you may look and marvel at it, but you cannot give it life, you see.”

I don’t mean to change the context in which you deliver these words and mean not to frustrate you, although I smile in thinking I am about to do just that.

Words that come to mind indeed be advance beings that are able to connect with such beauty – it is that very connection between mind and flower that enables sustenance to take place. I would add to that, whilst one object appear to be more static than the other, that both forms animate each other. The appreciation that takes place in that vessel more complex - sets forth a path that provides for the other. In this regard I do believe one can give life to the other – a symbiotic path if I may so suggest.

Of course looking at the rose will not make it sprout wings – but I do move to counter with my suggestion that there is more animation taking place in that one long connected look of respect and admiration for other living things – that such is the advancement and lessons we humans are in great need.

I also think … of how the energy of one being greatly affects the other – specifically with mother and the unborn. I believe strongly that such example can is known already how one can influence the other. Emotional transference with physical effects. IDK – fancy words … but I think others know what I mean.
interference in communication – I seek to expand my sensory perception just as plant do so naturally – the phenomenon known as “plant perception” – more so studied purely as an anatomic “thing” – but I kind of revert back to that path of symbiotic living.
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I’m not sure I can summarize any of my babble – I do apologize if I miss the point … again – I care not to talk in terms the only serve to blind me – I tried to explain that as best I could – hence I turn to talking in nature terms -

I do see myself and a Naturalist or any of those Grouping Terms that love to have debates and prove this over the others. Yet something else the lesser beings in this world thrive without – I see nothing of worth that comes from great claims of being of one mind -

The ocean principle were people need to think as one … whilst a naturalist way of thinking can paint admirable pictures like so – I am more for sharing the experiences in its whole, however more so doing in a way that does not rob myself of the lessons … in the being and doing during the moment -

learning to connect with self whilst being with another – I truly believe that other can be a nature – and in some ways, feel we humans are so lost, that it’s preferable to first connect with self in the appreciation of nature rather than looking towards other vessels such are ourself.

When I know more about me – and or find me as I was in child like form – than I will be ready to deflect all that sickness that now and has always plagued our form.

I think Dahila – that is why many of us need more space without the drain of other people. This interface is not so bad though … smiles at that.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz

Thanks for listening – I did re-read and will continue to do so --- as I will further spout about how I try not to think.

07-08-2014, 03:34 AM

Excuse my need to share with pics in here (was searching for one of my plant perception photos - but found these instead) - I think of the Sun as a source - one that is real and fully experienced without the need of words and fitting in.



From one Gardner to another - such appreciation extends life as well as enriches the moment.

A cycle best accepted and appreciated in its entirety. Sadly most lose a life time and hasten their end by denying it.


Night Guys - hope you got some quality rest Dahila :)

07-08-2014, 05:10 AM
It would sure help a lot of us( mostly me ) if you talked to me like i was 12 years old. It would be a lot easier for me to get the point that you are trying to convey. It interest me but i am not sure exactly what you are trying to say. Is God ( caps on ) speaking through you to answer these replies? That question goes out to Im_suffering but with no ill intent just a curious mind :)

07-08-2014, 06:56 AM
It would sure help a lot of us( mostly me ) if you talked to me like i was 12 years old. It would be a lot easier for me to get the point that you are trying to convey. It interest me but i am not sure exactly what you are trying to say. Is God ( caps on ) speaking through you to answer these replies? That question goes out to Im_suffering but with no ill intent just a curious mind :)

For you John,

(Begin reading)

Love more.

You have heen told that love is the answer in many books, by many teachers, and they are correct.

We have found that no other emotion serves us well, and so we have decided to love. All of your other emotions are contained within it. When you restrict love, little by little, diminishing it within you, you begin to feel something other than it. And millions of eons of trial and error have taught us, it always comes back to love, even should we destroy ourselves, which we have done countless times. (A cosmic joke).

You hate that which separates you from a loved object (therefor hate is an expression of love) but we have found it less productive in problem resolution. Think back now, as a child.

And to Dave, and your query of what can one do for anxiety and a pain filled life.

Love more. In its purest sense, and because you love theology so ;) -

That which desires to enter the kingdom of heaven must do so as a child.

End/ it is a quiet morning.

07-08-2014, 07:02 AM
I think Iamsuffering lives in illusion, riding a high horse, when he falls he is going to call God (caps on) to easy his broken legs instead of going to doctor....I am almost 60 and I have a right to say it. I can sense u, I do. I am an atheist and I still know that everything is connected, the jumbo bumbo about Jesus just does not get to me. We are an universe, the universe is in us. I can connect and I am connected to every living thing and every rock (it is the living thing also) I am in awe when I see the flower opening............yes definitely it is a part of me. Do I need to have the caps constantly on?
Iamsuffering spend your energy of living instead of typing mystical underlined, bolded nonsense.

Urban dictionary: Talking Head
A “Talking Head” is someone who never stops talking. They will corner you by your car after a long day’s work to tell you gossip about the neighbors or to ask you about the details of your day, so they can distort it and spread it throughout the neighborhood.

Not all Talking Heads are malicious, but all talking heads are idiots and time-wasters. Over a year, you can lose many precious hours cornered by a Talking Head.

It is important to cut them off immediately, even if it seems rude and you end up on their “neighborhood hit list.” For the most part, all Talking Heads, unknown to themselves, are hated and despised by most people.
"Man, Jean sure is one tedious “Talking Head.” I just lost an hour of my life that I will never get back just talking to them."

Talking Jesus
The act of talking or expressing nonsensical gibberish that make no sense whatsoever. A phrase used commonly in Chinese.
Dude, are those Christians talking Jesus again? I love it!!!1

I use it very often:)) maybe it should be talking hand............scratching my forehead

John not only you require to have explained like you are 12, no one NO ONE understand what he is talking about. I think I kind of do, I had met people like him so many times. With the good intention "spreading love" they cause others to hate them. Very bad, very bad vibes .....I can sense obsession too.........

07-08-2014, 10:23 AM
I to am feeling very bad vibes too Dahila very unsettling.

07-08-2014, 11:48 AM
Thank you Culli , I would think more people can sense it....we got another freak, Prayer for anxiety; the Jesus cult member (I think) from Argentina, oh that's crazy
why this forum is so attractive to them? \
Forget the question; they feed on vulnerable..

07-08-2014, 06:55 PM
Well guys - get set for some more bad vibes - since this post, more prey meetings have broken out. Go figure ... they seem to be coming over in groups now.

I refer to my post you will no doubt see. This place is more and more turning into a God forum. After all, like you have said Dahila ... there are many vulnerable people here. What better place to reap some souls.

I'd appreciate it if you could respond more in the following thread:


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I see myself us one of the weird one :) LOL ... I am still intrigued with - The Study Of Self.

Actually, I think it's great that you guys are pulling together to "speak out" about what you find unsettling. That's all I am trying to do now about all the God botherers joining up. Again, would love to see you guys talking out like wise in the above link.

I'msuffering - how's it going mate ... Is OK ... I am a freak in my own right. Is good because I can laugh about it I guess. I speak in terms where the smell of authority taints my message. I don't mean to come across like that, yet it happens. All I can suggest is maybe I need to lighten up and be mindful of how I am coming across. Mindful of others I guess - Not something I seemingly care for with the religious types that prey and preach in places like these. But I chose to be more mindful when speaking with yourself because I actually admire the insights within, however I fully understand what the guys here mean, when feeling unsettled with your responses.

John makes a really great point with feeling like a child in the way you speak and how it makes him feel. Dahila's comments on humility would go a long way to helping others have ears where your would otherwise say none be. I'm with Cully on the Vibes - it's a mix of both what john and Dahila have said - but no worry ... I'm all for making ground.

Maybe we both need a few lesson in forum etiquette - regardless of my zero tolerance for God botherers and like wise triggers - I am stuck and need to get over such things. My effort in that was not to respond in thier thread, but to make my own. I find such an avenue quite effective in feeling less frustrated and also gives me more reign without trampling others. I avoid going in search of other peoples threads to hear my own words. I still react and guilty of such things - I note this ... and perhaps if not overly forward - may I suggest you consider such a thing?

I'm just saying is all - that sometimes our best advice sounds better if we put it in its own box for others to consider opening up and or just giving an option that lets other peer instead of be overwhelmed - that way people are less cornered and can find the door quick with which to retreat - but when we go in another's thread and present with more than they can bear - then the awkwardness, conflict and general vibes turns to *&^% ....
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I'm losing train of thought now - I apologize as I now find myself giving that advice I have often referred to as people with all the answers - "prescriptions" continually writing out scripts. I mean not too come on like that.


getting back to all those words I asked if you could avoid - re the point of this thread and my focus to the ..............................Study of Self .....

I go back to that - but only just to say ..... it was a hard task for me to request that you not use words that conflict and confuse me. It is however a good exercise in general I think - because it forces us to see further and helps to free us of such binding labels - hmmmm I am the type that needs more words to soften the many that I no longer trust. I find people - humans - rely too much on words .. that is the less words they use the more convenient it is - specially those long words that roll and look divine -

I go about my day now with what purpose I can find - I go animate the soil. :)

Hope you are well John :) ---- you too Cully , Pam, Dahila, Dorrie, and all ------------------------------------- It's good to be unique and weird.

BUT - I agree Dahila - lately this place seems very unbalanced - I think if we stick together ... others will hear and we can find a way to all get along. I'm choosing to simply steer clear of those triggers that will always be there - however I am still recomend making our own discussions when we feel the need to ask WTF is going on. :)

Peace Out All --------

07-08-2014, 08:12 PM
From dahila in another thread:

"I just want to add (it will not necessarily very smart of important) that I must apologize to you IAmsuffering, I should not get so upset. It would be nice, just to read before you post. Try to be humble man, you will have acceptance then. I am really upset when people just go or stop posting....not everyone is such good "Orator" as you. Just leave some space for others. I am sorry and bye for now"

I accept.

07-08-2014, 09:33 PM
Your cover is blown - not that you ever had one -

Your a shit stirrer and nothing more -

The religious folk have started their prayers, preying, quoting of bible verses and so on

You have proved to be no more than the quoter that you are - the quoter that we have all agreed do more harm than good.

Were speaking about the way you put others off with the way you speak down to others - and if we see fit to speak out against religion in this forum, we will do so as we deem fit.

The only fruit you have seeded is one of HATE -

When you start treating others with respect, then we might give you an ear - until then:

Quote this - "I think I am better than everyone else, speak to them like children and cause more grief than good."

Be sure to recite a thousand times till it sinks in.

Now fuck off! - you can quote that too!

07-08-2014, 10:00 PM
Or should I count to 10? Now Now - I said ....... bla bla

Your is to bla bla bla
You should
this is they way
Listen to I

Now Now

One TWO THREEEEE listen to me --- I SAID .......

Is that how it comes across john? Dahila? Cully?

07-08-2014, 10:08 PM
I am suffering I apologized cause I can sense that you are very disturbed human being... I feel sorry for you, it is the way I am .... I should not call names, should I ? I still think your presence does more harm than good. Maybe your intention is to do no good....... still it is funny you sound like Goul'd and they thought themselves to be Gods too

How is it possible that a being calling himself the god creation (so perfect) can do harm to others, and upset others, it will go back to you I am suffering, it always does.

07-08-2014, 11:29 PM
Dahila, you know me well - I have been playing ball for some time now, however with all the religious crap and now tis guy ... I remain somewhat derailed. You know how crazy I can get. I'm not trying to make excuses, but simply a point. Nothing good comes of these self righteous pricks. I think it was only a matter of time that things have now come to to head. You show great resistant Dahila ... that I find encouraging as still you make excellent points without as much hate the now swells in me ...although clearly you are just as upset.

I hope things change for the better soon enough. When the time is right, we will then ignore, but not when such people threaten to rock the boat as clearly as they do. Again, it's been on the simmer for a whiles now. I'm with you a %100 as to you know many more.

07-08-2014, 11:59 PM

07-09-2014, 06:15 AM
Ok, just read this thread. I'm not a kid, university educated, and I don't understand a thing I'm suffering has said, much less get the point.

I too get bad vibes from this nutter.

It's all just a big talking head and let's see, how much time have I, or any of us wasted on his orations!

07-09-2014, 08:24 AM
Damn where the like button, hi Pam it is nice to see you my dear:))

07-09-2014, 09:09 AM
'I'm suffering' has good advise!

It's just that he uses a writing style to manipulate vulnerable people into see him as superior and cleverer.

When seeing advise forget who it's from......even if it's a nutter some of his advise can help, almost like a placebo :)

In 'real life' I'm in a very academic environment, my friends, brother and teachers, I do therefore know what he is saying, and trust me what he's actually saying is just some jargon filled pseudo-profundity.

(What I just wrote then might not have made sense, had a hard day haha )

07-09-2014, 10:05 AM
Joe thanks, nice post :)
futher explanation (http://stephenlaw.blogspot.ca/2011/06/pseudo-profundity-from-believing.html)
I had to use this site to get it, but English is my second language so maybe this is why:)
Thank you John

07-09-2014, 10:09 AM
Thanks. I have a passion for philosophy; I've read Stephen Law a couple of times. It's unreal how many Christians I debate with.....
Joe thanks, nice post :)
futher explanation (http://stephenlaw.blogspot.ca/2011/06/pseudo-profundity-from-believing.html)
I had to use this site to get it, but English is my second language so maybe this is why:)
Thank you John

07-09-2014, 10:17 AM
the site is very interesting, explains so much :)) I will go to his website to spend some quality time, thanks again :)

07-09-2014, 10:22 AM
By the way....I can accidentally come across preachy or religious about God and belief around God, I don't want to come across that way. How are you today anyway?
the site is very interesting, explains so much :)) I will go to his website to spend some quality time, thanks again :)

07-09-2014, 10:35 AM

Thanks for your explanation.

Dahila, your link is priceless. I think we can now call a spade a spade and expose the gobbledygook for what it is......crap! With the odd bit of truism thrown in for good measure.

Personally, I think this way of communicating with people constitutes nothing less than fraud.

07-09-2014, 10:39 AM
He definitely thinks he's a guru....
Guru's are frauds to me; to I'm suffering a way of being higher than other people

07-09-2014, 10:56 AM
Thanks. I have a passion for philosophy; I've read Stephen Law a couple of times. It's unreal how many Christians I debate with.....

Should you call my profundity pseudo, PM me, and we will do a physical private reading of your organs and the health of the systems one by one. We will see then how pseudo the jargon is.

Should none of you step up to the plate, which I do not expect, but rather bark out insults, we will know who the pseudo personas really are.

I came to help people, and you are all calling me a fraud? What the hell is the matter with all of you?

07-09-2014, 11:05 AM
I'm suffering, I should call your language fraudulent, not you.
Just to clarify, what do you mean by " we will do a physical private reading of your organs and the health of the systems one by one. We will see then how pseudo the jargon is.
"? I have interpreted it as spiritual?
Should you call my profundity pseudo, PM me, and we will do a physical private reading of your organs and the health of the systems one by one. We will see then how pseudo the jargon is.

Should none of you step up to the plate, which I do not expect, but rather bark out insults, we will know who the pseudo personas really are.

I came to help people, and you are all calling me a fraud? What the hell is the matter with all of you?

07-09-2014, 11:19 AM
I'm suffering, I call your language fraudulent, not you.
Just to clarify, what do you mean by " we will do a physical private reading of your organs and the health of the systems one by one. We will see then how pseudo the jargon is.
"? I have interpreted it as spiritual?

I am a channel, the language is not mine. Im a normal everyday guy, usually. lol. this is my language. When im typing or in person reading its a whole different story. So what can I do short of jumping off a pier to sooth you guys? Ease up already.

And I will read your body, yes.

07-09-2014, 11:23 AM
Next one identified, next pseudo faith healer, probably paid one. I knew that there is something fishy about you Imasuffering:)) it took some time though to open you up :)
Oh man I had done more than one reading of someone health, in the last at least 25 years when I picked up what I had never wanted from my mother, and I do not make myself so famous as you do. Reading the body functions is easy, healing is more complicated and should be combine with the traditional medicine. Eh I knew it.
Are you the one who gives people false sense of safety against cancer or other with your faith selling?

Normal guy who believes in automatic writing????? funny ;)) Normal guy who believes in illusion, someone made to have political power and keep people in fear, so they are easier manipulated?
However I like you more :) when you are just normal guy. What about staying this way for a moment and help people with your heart and your compassion?

07-09-2014, 11:24 AM
When I read things online especially intellectual or controversial things, I forget about the person behind the words, generally if I am speaking TO you I will use your given name.
My language also is very well thought- out, with the purpose on being clear, logical and giving a good impression.

07-09-2014, 11:27 AM
Next one identified, next pseudo faith healer, probably paid one. I knew that there is something fishy about you Imasuffering:)) it took some time though to open you up :)
Oh man I had done more than one reading of someone health, in the last at least 25 years when I picked up what I had never wanted from my mother, and I do not make myself so famous as you do. Reading the body functions is easy, healing is more complicated and should be combine with the traditional medicine. Eh I knew it.
Are you the one who gives people false sense of safety against cancer or other with your faith selling?

Oh here we go again with this one, absolutely relentless. Unbelievable even.

07-09-2014, 11:30 AM
Your sig is very appropriate here :p Don't mean no offence.

Oh here we go again with this one, absolutely relentless. Unbelievable even.

07-09-2014, 11:43 AM
Your sig is very appropriate here :p Don't mean no offence.

No offence taken. That one is all over the place, like a car weaving and twisting all over the road.you would not believe what she has called me in the past 2 weeks!

And all you could say is im psychotic? Where the heck does that come from, lol, I cant help but laugh.

Ive gone from an idiot (all from dahila) fo a fool, to a fraud, to a great orator, from apologies one minute fo a straight verbal attack the next. Now im giving false hope to cancer patients with my tonic, what is this the wild west? I tell you, if I wasnt already kooky, this one would throw me off the edge.

07-09-2014, 12:02 PM
Kooky, you just said it all! I rest my case.

07-09-2014, 12:06 PM
Is not you the one who recommended narcotics to cure anxiety? Am I wrong? I apologized for calling you an idiot , did I not? You forgave me this:)

07-09-2014, 12:08 PM
Kooky, you just said it all! I rest my case.

Im in a playful mood ! Dont get ahead of yourself just yet counselor !

07-09-2014, 12:08 PM
Kooky, you just said it all! I rest my case.

Main Entry: kooky
Variant(s): also kook·ie \ˈkü-kē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): kook·i·er; kook·i·est
Date: 1959
: having the characteristics of a kook : crazy, offbeat
— kook·i·ness noun

07-09-2014, 12:14 PM
Is not you the one who recommended narcotics to cure anxiety? Am I wrong? I apologized for calling you an idiot , did I not? You forgave me this:)

Yes indeed I forgave you ! And yes, there was one who I suggested ativan, a month back maybe. I know how benzos are on the hot bed of debate here, but if I recall that one was unusually edgy, already had the script, but had not yet taken one. I saw them as a compliment and a benefit, but I also saw that personality did not have the characteristics of (probable) addiction. I am not always correct, now. But it was pretty clear.

To stop the heart from pounding, to sleep a full night, to ease the frightful symptoms, but also to be monitored by her physician closely. This one needed to show personal power, as she was afraid to eat foods as well. So it was a way of taking charge, I can do it attitude, in small steps.

Id have to find that post, but I believe I remember correctly.

07-09-2014, 12:37 PM
I do not consider ativan a narcotic, I just have to take one, first in the last 4 months. You may see that you cause a lot of anxiety with your posts, I pay for continuing this conversation.
Our goal of being here should be help to others, so will receive it too. I know it is very common; but what goes around , comes around.
To help anyone, you need to show that you can be trusted, you need to relate to person problems otherwise you move in complete darkness. Do give help when they ask for not otherwise. We are hacking Dave's thread again :)

You offended and made upset Pam, the gentlest soul here...