View Full Version : Jobs

07-07-2014, 11:38 AM
I finally have a job now and i have worked there for two days so far for 4 hours..
But with social anxiety, i was wondering if anyone knows how I can stop being sosososo badly nervous before going to work?:/ i get so nervous that I feel like fainting/being sick and can never eat 6 hours before going because i'm so nervous:/ and i'm also scared because i'm afraid that when i've worked there for at least 10 days they're going to expect me to know where everything is and that I can do everything and i'm scared they will ask me to do something like waitressing(i am currently a pot washer and glass collector)!! Any advice?:(

07-07-2014, 03:52 PM
I finally have a job now and i have worked there for two days so far for 4 hours..
But with social anxiety, i was wondering if anyone knows how I can stop being sosososo badly nervous before going to work?:/ i get so nervous that I feel like fainting/being sick and can never eat 6 hours before going because i'm so nervous:/ and i'm also scared because i'm afraid that when i've worked there for at least 10 days they're going to expect me to know where everything is and that I can do everything and i'm scared they will ask me to do something like waitressing(i am currently a pot washer and glass collector)!! Any advice?:(

Congratulations on the new job Shonaat. It sounds like your in the same boat as I am. I recently also got a job after a long period of anxiety. I can tell you that after a while your job will become a safe place for you, because you get use to it and your body will stop responding. As for the anticipation anxiety, there are a few techniques that will help you. For example anxiety hypnosis, breathing exercises, muscle tension exercises etc. These will reduce your anxiety before work quite a bit. Also I agree with what Im-Suffering said in the previous reply.

07-07-2014, 09:15 PM
You and I are in the same boat! I just got hired at Payless today, and I've been freaking out since. However, I've just now finished a quick meditation on the subject, and I'm going to offer you the same advice I've decided to offer myself: Step outside of the situation and look at it from another perspective.

Imagine your best friend is in the same situation. Imagine he/she is panicking because they aren't sure they'll succeed. What would you say to them?

I would say, "you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. And so what if someone asks you to do something you aren't yet able to do? You're new! Everyone has been new at something at some point in their lives. Life is a big ol' learning experience. You deserve more than criticism. You deserve ENDLESS PRAISE just for showing up! Remember, even if not everyone around you knows it, you're not just starting a new job. You're also combating a massive fear, and that's something to be proud of."

You're doing something big here, Shonaat :) I know that remembering to be kind to yourself is always easier said than done when the moment comes, but maybe trying to actively separate yourself from the situation can help. For me, picturing a stranger or a friend in my place usually highlights how silly and self-destructive my anxiety has become, which means I can finally free myself from the negative thoughts. I dunno. If nothing else works, you can always think about the fact that there's someone else struggling with the same fear, probably making a fool of herself in a shoe store somewhere. Hurray for suffering together! :D

07-08-2014, 04:09 PM
Thanks everyone!!! :D
I feel better knowin people are going through the same situation:)
My mum just keeps saying to me that 'at least they want you back. They could just fire you.' Haha!!
And I guess for doing a good job and keeping myself calm, i'll get rewarded with a bit of money:)
I want to be able to be comfortable there but when I was in school, I got nervous everyday to go to school and i've been there for 5 years and only feel slightly comfortable there:/
So i'm not sure what it is. I just want to be able to go there not being nervous or feeling sick, knowing what i'm doing and to make/see new friends(which i'm struggling to do at the moment), and hopefully that day will come:) xxx