View Full Version : Anxiety Help- Inner dialogue

07-06-2014, 08:19 PM
I am new to this site and I am truly hoping that this will be a start to living a more happy life.
I have been dealing with excessive anxiety for my whole life, and I have tried many things to fix it. I can not seem to talk to anyone about it. It seems my largest triggers are to do with my boyfriend. He has not done anything to cause me anxiety therefore I know my feeling are completely irrational. I worry constantly about whether he loves me, whether he will cheat on me, etc. I know that I am pushing him away with these thoughts but I can not control them. I am not controlling, as I am aware that is abuse. But when he does go out, I get extreme anxiety to the point where I can not sleep, and my stomach is twisted in knots.
My father and my step-father have both cheated on my mom and I am assuming that this has something to do with the specific focus of my anxiety. "What if he realizes I'm not right for him. What if he finds someone better. What if he has more fun with them than me."
Another large trigger is my school work. I am studying very hard for a specific exam that I am taking this summer. Although I am well prepared for all of my exams, I always feel this impending doom. Even when it is over. I always do well, but up until the actual day, I always think about the worst case scenarios. "If I fail, I will be useless. If I fail, I will amount to nothing. If I fail, I will be lonely, sad, a disappointment, a failure."

If anyone can relate please let me know, I would really love to connect and be able to talk to someone. If anyone has any tips as well, they would be really appreciated here.

07-06-2014, 09:02 PM
Anxiety is your subconscious telling you the universe is fundamentally hostile. You need to retrain it to realize the universe is fundamentally loving and there are pockets of chaos.

I would start with a good therapist to learn how to be true and loving to yourself rather than focusing on 'good' or 'bad' outcomes. It's not a short journey but it's worth it!

07-07-2014, 04:26 AM
I am new to this site and I am truly hoping that this will be a start to living a more happy life.
I have been dealing with excessive anxiety for my whole life, and I have tried many things to fix it. I can not seem to talk to anyone about it. It seems my largest triggers are to do with my boyfriend. He has not done anything to cause me anxiety therefore I know my feeling are completely irrational. I worry constantly about whether he loves me, whether he will cheat on me, etc. I know that I am pushing him away with these thoughts but I can not control them. I am not controlling, as I am aware that is abuse. But when he does go out, I get extreme anxiety to the point where I can not sleep, and my stomach is twisted in knots.
My father and my step-father have both cheated on my mom and I am assuming that this has something to do with the specific focus of my anxiety. "What if he realizes I'm not right for him. What if he finds someone better. What if he has more fun with them than me."
Another large trigger is my school work. I am studying very hard for a specific exam that I am taking this summer. Although I am well prepared for all of my exams, I always feel this impending doom. Even when it is over. I always do well, but up until the actual day, I always think about the worst case scenarios. "If I fail, I will be useless. If I fail, I will amount to nothing. If I fail, I will be lonely, sad, a disappointment, a failure."

If anyone can relate please let me know, I would really love to connect and be able to talk to someone. If anyone has any tips as well, they would be really appreciated here.

For you, and all future readers, on telepathy and the origins of inner dialogue:

The brain is not creating words, rather the brain translates thought impulse into specific patterns using a given trained vocabulary. You only believe it because your words seem to originate in your head.

The entire body is an alive tv set. Each cell receives information relevant to what the psyche has attracted to itself. You therefor can just as easily attribute your intelligence as to being in your big toe.

There are no divisions in the body. Every atom receives the thought that you yourself selectively attracted, and acts on it, at once. If the thoughts are destructive there are fail safe mechanisms, the cells innate intelligence tries to counterbalance so to speak, but eventually will acquiesce to the barrage of negative impulses

What I am saying here, is thoughts are everywhere, in one cooporative venture between all cresturehood, and by your beliefs do you pull in/tune into those of interest/alike thus giving you matching patterns of which you then feel, translated by the brain into intelligible what you would call language. And by your expectations do you continue to receive them in a linear fashion. The brain is used as a time mechanism, slowing all impulses down to a recognizable level, by the synapse nerve systems, in truth all thoughts are being received at once, from everywhere, forward, backwards, and sideways.

Your mind is the archetype for your earth tv sets, where the signal and words come from the ethers, only tuning into the channel, one at a time, with information you desire, yet understand, every channel is happening at once, should your beliefs change, you could easily turn the knob.

In your case, my dear friend, your beliefs attract those thought patterns or impulses electrically that quite naturally are translated into mistrust, excluding all others, those that would show you trust, receiving only those in line with your expectations. Yes, you draw to you matching beliefs and the world view of cheaters, in your terms, and in regards to this issue at hand.

End of lesson, end of post.

07-07-2014, 06:20 AM
For you, and all future readers, on telepathy and the origins of inner dialogue:

The brain is not creating words, rather the brain translates thought impulse into specific patterns using a given trained vocabulary. You only believe it because your words seem to originate in your head.

The entire body is an alive tv set. Each cell receives information relevant to what the psyche has attracted to itself. You therefor can just as easily attribute your intelligence as to being in your big toe.

There are no divisions in the body. Every atom receives the thought that you yourself selectively attracted, and acts on it, at once. If the thoughts are destructive there are fail safe mechanisms, the cells innate intelligence tries to counterbalance so to speak, but eventually will acquiesce to the barrage of negative impulses

What I am saying here, is thoughts are everywhere, in one cooporative venture between all cresturehood, and by your beliefs do you pull in/tune into those of interest/alike thus giving you matching patterns of which you then feel, translated by the brain into intelligible what you would call language. And by your expectations do you continue to receive them in a linear fashion. The brain is used as a time mechanism, slowing all impulses down to a recognizable level, by the synapse nerve systems, in truth all thoughts are being received at once, from everywhere, forward, backwards, and sideways.

Your mind is the archetype for your earth tv sets, where the signal and words come from the ethers, only tuning into the channel, one at a time, with information you desire, yet understand, every channel is happening at once, should your beliefs change, you could easily turn the knob.

In your case, my dear friend, your beliefs attract those thought patterns or impulses electrically that quite naturally are translated into mistrust, excluding all others, those that would show you trust, receiving only those in line with your expectations. Yes, you draw to you matching beliefs and the world view of cheaters, in your terms, and in regards to this issue at hand.

End of lesson, end of post.

Are we on a forum board for anxiety or the tv show "Cosmos"?? This has nothing to do with her anxiety.

07-07-2014, 06:32 AM
Are we on a forum board for anxiety or the tv show "Cosmos"?? This has nothing to do with her anxiety.

It has everything to do with it. And nothing to do with conventional responses. For those only with ears that are ready to hear it.

07-07-2014, 06:35 AM
Whatever you say...

07-07-2014, 07:30 AM
Excuse me while I adjust my TV set ... Whilst I remain open to various train of thoughts, these constant quotes and attempts to prescribe for others - are leaving many of us scratching our heads. Can anyone translate what "I'm suffering" is trying to say? - I've tried reaching out - but get no response. Hmmmm, must be my ears.

07-07-2014, 07:38 AM
Excuse me while I adjust my TV set ... Whilst I remain open to various train of thoughts, these constant quotes and attempts to prescribe for others - are leaving many of us scratching our heads. Can anyone translate what "I'm suffering" is trying to say? - I've tried reaching out - but get no response. Hmmmm, must be my ears.

My apologies please accept. And your ears in particular are just fine :) I cannot translate or dissect the posts for im not even there* so to speak, when I type them. Should you want an answer ask a direct question and we'll see if I have anything. Nothing is forced.

07-07-2014, 08:09 AM
I am suffering no one can understand what is your blabber about. I see your posts, everywhere and I do not feel like saying anything, it is just simply discouraging to post after such moron ..I believe many feel as I do, a lot of threads have only your response............. very bad for people with problems, who do receive no help because of you

07-07-2014, 04:10 PM
I think Dahila may be right with others others feeling discouraged. I'm thinking overwhelmed with such deep responses. I'm going to admit that I myself often get deeper than others may understand, however I do so mostly having initiated my own threads and when responding to others, I do make attempts to present in a language generally more understood. I appreciate your response as I do see an open door in it. It would seem I am not the only one that struggles with your responses.

You know - I can even understand the underlining and over all accenting of your words. We all have our own style. It's just that with the constant quoting and accenting you do with and almost telling how it if for others in every post you do; well I think that in the general scheme of things, that Dahila's point comes to mind again. Many people left bewildered, moreover put off with responding. I actually see my own dialogue do the same thing, but again I do try to keep it within the realm of my own self topics which I am thankful others join.

Please don't get me wrong. You may even have others that enjoy following you. I would like to know more and understand your insights. Is why I have tried reaching out in the chat, however I can see I may have been too forward in doing so. I think in my own frustration in trying to understand you I myself may appear to forward in my words to you with my attempts to make contact more like baning on the door when I should be more gentle. Now I am babbling on myself - another less than perfect attribute of mine. I will indeed go back over what you have said and may very well ask a specific question or two.

hmmmmm - in those moments I find your responses without quotes and accents, I think "it's nice to see Im suffering mingling like so" - I am very much the same and would like to understand you much more. In one of my questions when reaching out, I asked something like "what's your philosophy" - "what's your angle" because I want to know how it is that you tick. I am a deep thinker myself - perhaps you insights may just comes naturally without too much thought at all - I don't mean to imply anything of you.

Just bare in mind that this forum is not a Metaphysical/Spiritual/Philosophical or Mystical forum - I myself am intrigued with such topics however find the grounding in them rather frustrating. I don't mind creating my own topics on them for others to come chime in as they wish, however I can't help but see your responses always boarding on such a deep level and agree that Dahila may be right in how many people may very well be put off with such overwhelming deep insights such as yours and I say those words more in a --- hmmm - to be respectful of your wisdom to which you no doubt have and again, I wish I could tap.

Perhaps I talk out of turn to even question you or imply how others may struggle - no offense intended ... I am no better. I've looked around other forums to question my own inner dialogue on matters I think inappropriate for here -

I see the tittle does reflect space for such deep responses - it sure is a Great Title and stir much in the mind - I sure am bias on many things and get lost with my own judgments from which I would love nothing better to break free of.

I will re-read this thread again - Just bare in mind how others may become lost on such a windy tracks as we lay them in our replies.

I have tried to make sense of you before and have not been so respectful in my thinking - I regret thinking like so - It's more a frustration kind of thing.

I seek to better understand is all - no drama - no worries.


Edit - It is more frustration on our part ... I really like to just let my thoughts flow as they come so am wrong to question your style - I don't mean to. I really think more of us wish we understood you more. I think that is a fair statement. Now I wonder just how many others think me to be the resident quack. lol

07-07-2014, 04:21 PM
I am just sryy in this I have not responded to the OP - It is an excellent Title ... I think more on it.

07-07-2014, 04:37 PM
Could be low self esteem and yes I know the feeling of failure well - We all have our triggers and you seem to know yours well. For me, I try to focus on other things that distract me so that I am not so fixated on what others may think. Its a judging world and I guess the less we care for the thoughts of others and consider more our own, then we will be better able to deal with how others think?

I know that's like a one liner response - but is the best I can think of it for now ... embrace your studies as a tool to distract you so - then when time to ponder consider yourself above others - then you may be better able to turn attention to the thoughts of others with less worry and more courage ... move forward in the spirit of encouragement as opposed to beating oneself down.

I struggle with being positive - so will use the word encourage. Too much self doubt is a crippling thing. For sure - we low self esteemers really need to think more for ourselves and less of what others think.

Thanks for your post - I needed this.

Welcome to the forum.


07-07-2014, 04:55 PM
I am just sryy in this I have not responded to the OP - It is an excellent Title ... I think more on it.

A personal note to you, in hopes I do not hijack this poor fellows thread ! But I know you think much on the topic.

I do look forward to what you have to write, or your insights. Ive read your threads and find them interesting as well. I received much on the God topic, and in that thread I could have written a book, it was sort of all in a bubble already written. But I thought it best to let it be.

I did get love. I felt you, and it felt like love, very deep love, however with some frustration because you just cant pinpoint what all the fuss is about :) In terms of God.

Even now as I sit here im getting pictures of the Christ story. Keeping in mind an entity 8f such tremendous energy cannot be kept in a human body, it simply cannot hold it and stay in one piece. So there was indeed a framing of sorts where an imposter took his place before death. I am saying he was in and out of the flesh, but never for a duration.

However metaphysically speaking there is a hierarchy of gods (small g) and the feeling that even the more advanced beings so to speak in that chain have not seen of the One. (Caps) so in the heavens, so to speak, as above so below, no one has met or seen God (caps) yet the One is the archetype for all. And Its (caps) energy animates all, period. This is undeniable.

So you are not alone in you pondering :)

While man can study a flower, and to an extent capture its DNA, rather lets go further, while a woman can grow a fetus by gathering earth stuffs to grow the body, the woman does not animate the being with vital energy, as with the rose, you may look and marvel at it, but you cannot give it life, you see.

This is the experience of the One, as the higher beings term It. As it animates life when no other has been found to be able to. And in the course of the study of energy we find this beings energy inexhaustible as it seeds universes and systems.

Such unimaginable beauty, one cannot even hold the concept in ones mind for it is too large. Now the same for the Christ as the drama played out for the people of those times. The true entity could not be contained in a human body for mere minutes as the body is not made to handle that type of energy-power, so a human took his place. The drama ofcourse for an unruly people, a fledgling society. Through the play, acted out, the peoples were given their belief systems. It had to be believable then, with certain trickery and slight of hand.

This is difficult to receive, now you understand the interference in communication. Its hard to word even as it flows...

But that is for another book, since I would reach my limit here. I just wanted you to have a small picture to wet your whistle, maybe inspiring a metaphysical path of study. But I warn you, once you tread there, you cannot come back.

That is all, fondest regards to you on your journey.

07-07-2014, 06:34 PM
I just want to add (it will not necessarily very smart of important) that I must apologize to you IAmsuffering, I should not get so upset. It would be nice, just to read before you post. Try to be humble man, you will have acceptance then. I am really upset when people just go or stop posting....not everyone is such good "Orator" as you. Just leave some space for others. I am sorry and bye for now