View Full Version : Wake up anxious

07-06-2014, 06:34 AM
I hate waking up anxious ... Nervous and weird feeling for no reason!!! It's Sunday and I have nothing to do or worry about !!! Now all I have to do is hope this goes away doesn't get worse and turn into attacks fml !!!!!

07-07-2014, 07:13 AM
Yes! I wake up with anxiety for no reason and it's always worse in the mornings. I was reading about how to reduce cortisol levels, which are high in the mornings naturally, and one way is to stay hydrated. I drank some water in the middle of the night when I woke up, and I drank half a glass of water before I got out of bed this morning. Seems to have helped so far...I am less shaky. I'm also going to do some pushups or jumping jacks to get the endorphins going. You are not alone with morning anxiety!

07-07-2014, 07:28 AM
I hate waking up anxious ... Nervous and weird feeling for no reason!!! It's Sunday and I have nothing to do or worry about !!! Now all I have to do is hope this goes away doesn't get worse and turn into attacks fml !!!!!

Sunday is the worrying day. No distractions from whats in your head. You go to bed hoping the next morning will be different, yet the expectation is that it wont. It will ease when żou are indifferent. You become indifferent by facing whats bothering you, not turning a blind sunday eye, you see.

07-10-2014, 01:57 AM
Generally anxiety is worse in the mornings because that is when cortisol is highest. Cortisol is one of the "fight or flight" hormones. The body raises it in the mornings to wake up us. But sometimes it is up too high and that can cause anxiety. Also it could be caused by low blood sugar. See if eating a meal helps. No sugar just protein, fats, and a small portion of complex carbs. Maybe some eggs and veggies. You can try some adaptogens for the high cortisol to see if thats causing it. Ashwaghanda, holy basil, and PS-100 are some things to look into. If your interested I can give you more info.