View Full Version : Anxiety: Evil Shape Shifter?

07-06-2014, 12:46 AM
I have to keep telling myself that sensations I am experiencing are due to anxiety. About a month or so ago I was buried deep inside of Google for like 3 weeks. I was looking up leg numbness obsessively. I scoured articles about MS, Lupus, all kinds of neurological disorders. My leg has since regained feeling. But now, get this: I am experiencing symptoms of paresthesia like crazy. I'll get a feeling of chills on a small area of my leg. It happens on both. I get voodoo doll pin pricks all over my body, even my eyes. The past 24 hours I have had bursts of bad pain behind/around my left ear that volleys between the top of my shoulder and just above my ear. I get itchy all over. I'm tired as @#$%. I saw my Dr. two weeks ago. After spending over an hour with me the decision was to up my metoprolol dose and make my meditation mantra "I am healthy. I am safe. I am free. " I feel unwell, in danger, and captive. I feel like that now that I have been diagnosed with anxiety that my Dr will never think how I feel is anything else. These symptoms are real. They are new. I think something is wrong with me. I am ready to freak out. I'm so sick of feeling like this. Please, if you have any words of wisdom, share them. I need it.

07-12-2014, 04:24 PM
I'm sorry no one replied to this. I hope you get this reply. I've thought of my anxiety as something of a shapeshifter often. It's always finding new ways to scare me. For about 7 years, my anxiety was one way, then I went on a medication that made it worse, gave me a terrible panic attack/faint/cold feeling. I quit taking that med after a few days, but I continued to have that awful panic/faint/cold feeling for months afterward. My mind and body had found a new way to scare me!

Sometimes when I feel tired, I start to think I'm just going to fall over I'm so exhausted. Then, I'll lay down and can't sleep. Must not have been so exhausted then, eh? The mind is always playing tricks.

We're super in tune to our bodies and notice every little itch or tick and obsess over it. Hopefully your med increase will help.

Also, DO NOT GOOGLE. This is the very worst thing you can do. I've sent myself into many a panic just by reading something like that online. If you're still concerned, go back to the doctor. Make a list for them so you're sure you don't forget anything. You'll feel better after that.

Otherwise, work on calming yourself! I like your meditation mantra. How often do you meditate?

07-12-2014, 09:48 PM
Couple of suggestions....

#1, as stated above .....DO NOT GOOGLE ANY SYMPTOMS!!!!!

#2, see if you can find some guided meditation programs to help calm your mind.

There is a thread on meditation here started by Dahila, it had much excellent information.

Also, check out a thread by Fourteen 14, I think it was one on Anxiety, the symptoms. That thread is full of great information and ways to combat this beast.

Good luck! You're not alone, we've all been where you are.

07-13-2014, 09:46 AM
I am surprised, with the level of difficulty you have with your anxiety, that you don't take an antidepressant to help keep you calm. Yes, they do have side effects, but they can make a huge, positive difference too.

07-13-2014, 10:12 AM
Although this is easier said than done you must absolutely stop googling anything health related and commit to trusting your p-doc.