View Full Version : Crappy Day :(

07-05-2014, 01:31 AM
I'm having a bad anxiety day. I can't tell if my anxiety is causing my physical symptoms or if my physical symptoms are causing my anxiety. I hate how I feel right now. I'm getting ice pick headaches...it feels like someone is poking needles into various parts of my body...my neck and shoulder keep volleying shooting pain...so now I'm obsessed about how I feel which is causing me to feel anxious. Now...did I bring this on myself with obsessing or is this really happening to me and I need to see my doctor on Monday? I'm so sick of this. My life is ruined. Just when I think I've made some progress. Grrrrr!!!

07-07-2014, 12:07 AM
I'm having a bad anxiety day. I can't tell if my anxiety is causing my physical symptoms or if my physical symptoms are causing my anxiety. I hate how I feel right now. I'm getting ice pick headaches...it feels like someone is poking needles into various parts of my body...my neck and shoulder keep volleying shooting pain...so now I'm obsessed about how I feel which is causing me to feel anxious. Now...did I bring this on myself with obsessing or is this really happening to me and I need to see my doctor on Monday? I'm so sick of this. My life is ruined. Just when I think I've made some progress. Grrrrr!!!

Was this yesterday? Are you better now? Sometimes I think revisiting how you felt the day before if the next day is better really helps. We'll be getting those days every now and then and I just try to live through them and look forward to going to sleep and hopefully waking up feeling better.

07-07-2014, 06:12 AM
Obsessing about how you feel is an awful feeling. You keep thinking about it and replaying it in your head over and over again. we've all been there. It's like a bad movie that will never end. When I start obsessing, I force myself to change the "movie" in my head to something relaxing and really focus on it. I also say out loud what I am playing in my head. It really helps me to calm down.

Give it a try and I hope you feel better!