View Full Version : Performance anxiety at work driving me mad

07-04-2014, 12:07 PM
So my backstory... I struggled with social anxiety all through school, at some points I was almost mute. Almost 10 years later and I have reached what you could call 'functioning' social anxiety - I can put myself in situations where there is nobody I know, I can hold a conversation, outwardly I probably look calm if a little quiet even if inside I still panic every time there is a social situation approaching, I've just learnt to control it outwardly.

I've recently (2 months) started a new job where everybody on my team has been there for years and are very close-knit. I enjoy the work and everybody's very nice and I do chat and share my stories sometimes which is a massive achievement for me as I have quit or constantly thought about quitting every other job I've ever had due to anxiety around my colleagues.

The problem is that I am worrying 24/7 about what my team think of me. Because I'm new to the job and they're all so experienced I'm scared to make any mistakes, but then I'm paranoid if I ask that they'll think I'm not up to the job. I worry constantly that if they don't like me enough I'll either get fired or never get promoted.

Every time my manager gives a task to my counterpart to do instead of me it sparks off a whole night of worrying she doesn't think I can do the task. Every time one of the managers asks another if they can have a word in private I'm paranoid it's about me. Two of the team like football and even though I've tried to make it clear to them I like football too they never include me in their conversations which only gets me down more. Sometimes I worry that because I try to appear friendly and in control they might not even know that I need a little nurturing and welcoming into their conversations and might just think I'm stand-offish.

I try to tell myself it doesn't matter - my manager has said I'm doing well, everybody is nice, and it's just a job. When I come home at night I should forget all about it and make the most of my evenings but I can't - I just replay conversations and emails in my head and worry.

Does anybody have any tips for surviving anxiety at work when your colleagues have no idea?