View Full Version : nauseous??

06-01-2008, 08:16 PM
so does anyone just feel constant anxiety- like nothing triggers it, it is just there like a chemical imbalance or something!! also does anyone feel lightheaded and nauseous and it hits when you are just calmly sitting, lying down or concentrating on something.


06-01-2008, 10:35 PM
oh yea. that happens when i start worrying. take some medicine for it like mylanta and try to stop worrying and you'll ok. and for the light head, just focus on your breathing, dont brath too shallow or too fast.

06-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Ive been getting it alot more lately, i'll be sitting calm, or doing an activity when i feel light headed, sort of dizzyness feeling. Could be depersonalization feeling. almost like my eyes cant focus on stuff properly and its darker then it really is... then i start to obsess about it, thinking why wont it go away, and why is this happening which makes it worse. It goes away after time and rational thinking, but it comes up for no reason some times and just lingers around... :( very uncomfortable feeling...