View Full Version : Zoloft hell

07-03-2014, 02:27 PM
So I've been dealing with Anxiety for a while now and a week ago I decided to be on Zoloft and Xanax. 3 days after I had the worst experience of non-stop unnaturally aggressive painful panic attacks. I couldnt sleep or eat for 2 days. I immediately got off both of them. Now I feel fine- I didnt have any panic attacks today, nor did I feel anxious today. But when standing up my heart rate is 150 (all day) and when im sitting down its like 96. My therapist said that i have nothing to worry about and is going to make me run on a treadmill tomorrow to prove it. Do I really have nothing to be concerned about and an anxious person like myself should not have galaxy S5 phone with a heart rate thing? Or should I go to the ER again for the 100th time this month? btw im 26 and thin. I mean isn't it weird that I have a 150 heart rate and feel totally calm?

07-03-2014, 02:54 PM
I just found out the best thing to do in this situation is prolly just call up my local Walgreens

07-03-2014, 04:01 PM
The Zoloft will initially increase your anxiety. Thats when you should take the xanax. It takes about 4-6 weeks until you start to feel that it is really working. Im on exactly the same meds. I had a rough 1st month getting started but I stuck it out and I am SO SO glad I did. My level of anxiety has decreased tremendously. I kept a post on here with another person who was also starting Zoloft. It was nice because we checked in with each other daily, gave each other encouragement and congratulated each other when we got to the point where we started to feel better. Maybe you might like to start one here...I am sure there is someone else on here who is about to start their meds and need encouragement too. I know I, for one, would keep up with you to give you some encouragement.

07-03-2014, 04:02 PM
I wouldn't worry about it.....the heart rate that is. It is not in a dangerous range.

07-03-2014, 04:42 PM
So I've been dealing with Anxiety for a while now and a week ago I decided to be on Zoloft and Xanax. 3 days after I had the worst experience of non-stop unnaturally aggressive painful panic attacks. I couldnt sleep or eat for 2 days. I immediately got off both of them. Now I feel fine- I didnt have any panic attacks today, nor did I feel anxious today. But when standing up my heart rate is 150 (all day) and when im sitting down its like 96. My therapist said that i have nothing to worry about and is going to make me run on a treadmill tomorrow to prove it. Do I really have nothing to be concerned about and an anxious person like myself should not have galaxy S5 phone with a heart rate thing? Or should I go to the ER again for the 100th time this month? btw im 26 and thin. I mean isn't it weird that I have a 150 heart rate and feel totally calm?


I personally don't have any experience with Zoloft, I take Sertraline myself. I did hear from quite some people that anxiety can increase the first few days on Zoloft and that it dies down after that. A slightly elevated heart rate is also nothing to worry about. I checked mine all the time when I had my anxiety, and when you do check your heart rate slight anxiety can cause it to go slightly up. Also I agree with previous posts that your heart rate is not in a danger zone.

07-03-2014, 04:45 PM

I personally don't have any experience with Zoloft, I take Sertraline myself. I did hear from quite some people that anxiety can increase the first few days on Zoloft and that it dies down after that. A slightly elevated heart rate is also nothing to worry about. I checked mine all the time when I had my anxiety, and when you do check your heart rate slight anxiety can cause it to go slightly up. Also I agree with previous posts that your heart rate is not in a danger zone.

Actually...Sertraline is just the generic version of Zoloft. I've taken both....same stuff, basically.

07-03-2014, 05:00 PM
Actually...Sertraline is just the generic version of Zoloft. I've taken both....same stuff, basically.

Well lol, I did not know that. Seems like there is some stuff I still don't know :) Can you tell I'm not keen on taking meds? Anyway, in that case I been on Zoloft for seven years and it has seriously taken the edge of and helped me sleep at night. Of course it is not a total solution for your problem. There are so many techniques that will help you so much more than meds.

07-03-2014, 05:24 PM
Well lol, I did not know that. Seems like there is some stuff I still don't know :) Can you tell I'm not keen on taking meds? Anyway, in that case I been on Zoloft for seven years and it has seriously taken the edge of and helped me sleep at night. Of course it is not a total solution for your problem. There are so many techniques that will help you so much more than meds.

No worries.....Im not too keen on taking meds either but after years of trying (unsuccessfully) to fight my anxiety med free, I decided to try it. Zoloft has helped me kind of regain some of my life...before I started having the anxiety issues. I agree though, there are plenty of other techniques that can help...meditation CBT, etc.... or a combo of a few different techniques.