View Full Version : Anyone around?

07-02-2014, 05:52 PM
I cant take this panic must more... I have pretty much not eaten anything all day, i keep feeling heart racing which is sending panic from head to toe with all kinds of sensations and now i cant sleep... What is there left to do? Im hungry i guess a little now? But i cant eat because just the smell makes me want to run.. Its getting completely out of hand now... And yeah i just needed to let that out so i dont expect replies!

07-02-2014, 06:32 PM
Hi EmetSoph,

I know you said you don't expect replies but I couldn't help myself. I been in the place you are now and trust me, it does get better. You cannot forget just how brave you are for facing this. People with anxiety don't get nearly enough credit. Are you using any techniques at the moment for anxiety? Or undergoing a treatment plan?

07-02-2014, 08:04 PM
I had a point where I couldn't eat either...but I would force myself. I actually bought a case of Ensure and I was able to stomach those....and that is considered a meal replacement. I did that till I got on track and started taking the ssri. Then I finally got my appetite back. I would nibble on toasted raisin bread.....crackers, etc. You honestly will feel worse if you don't eat....so please, eat something. Bland things like potatoes with a bit of salt, toast, rice....seemed to work for me.
Hope you get your appetite back soon and start to feel better.

07-02-2014, 10:53 PM
Ensure!!! It is what got me through a whole month of not being able to eat. I'll still drink it now when I get really anxious. I agree with the above poster... Not eating will make your anxiety much worse!!!

07-03-2014, 02:02 AM
Ensure!!! It is what got me through a whole month of not being able to eat. I'll still drink it now when I get really anxious. I agree with the above poster... Not eating will make your anxiety much worse!!!

Agreed. When you don't eat your body misses out on the nutrients it needs to battle anxiety. As you can see from some posts in the forum, substances like magnesium and vitamin B12 work for a lot of people and reduces their anxiety. Is their any reason why food makes you feel like this at the moment?

07-03-2014, 02:26 AM
Agreed. When you don't eat your body misses out on the nutrients it needs to battle anxiety. As you can see from some posts in the forum, substances like magnesium and vitamin B12 work for a lot of people and reduces their anxiety. Is their any reason why food makes you feel like this at the moment?

I have no idea... Ive been told its the medication change over but ive felt like this for nearly 2 weeks and its only getting worse... When i try to eat somethig it feels like im already full and my throat has closed off... Im having cbt... And they have shown me different techniques... Im just findind it hard to put them in place

07-03-2014, 02:53 AM
I have no idea... Ive been told its the medication change over but ive felt like this for nearly 2 weeks and its only getting worse... When i try to eat somethig it feels like im already full and my throat has closed off... Im having cbt... And they have shown me different techniques... Im just findind it hard to put them in place

Dear EmetSoph,

It is actually quite normal for CBT to take some time to work. It is practising it that will give the results. Could it be that anxiety is triggering your bad feelings towards food? Because the meds made you feel sick in the first place and your brain is just continuing. Is their any type of food you can stand to be around at the moment. If there is I would suggest focussing on the good things of certain foods, like a nice smell, texture or colours? Also if you been eating badly for 2 weeks it is quite normal for your stomach to shrink a bit and you'll feel fuller faster. Eating a bit more often and maybe smaller portions to start you off again will help. I promise you, you will start feeling better. Cognitive behaviour therapy takes some time, but it will work.

07-03-2014, 03:32 AM
Dear EmetSoph,

It is actually quite normal for CBT to take some time to work. It is practising it that will give the results. Could it be that anxiety is triggering your bad feelings towards food? Because the meds made you feel sick in the first place and your brain is just continuing. Is their any type of food you can stand to be around at the moment. If there is I would suggest focussing on the good things of certain foods, like a nice smell, texture or colours? Also if you been eating badly for 2 weeks it is quite normal for your stomach to shrink a bit and you'll feel fuller faster. Eating a bit more often and maybe smaller portions to start you off again will help. I promise you, you will start feeling better. Cognitive behaviour therapy takes some time, but it will work.

Thank you! I dont know nothing seems to appeal to me.. I dont want to do anything because im just so fed up... Idk.. Just yeah

07-03-2014, 04:37 AM
Thank you! I dont know nothing seems to appeal to me.. I dont want to do anything because im just so fed up... Idk.. Just yeah

Where is your father, son?

Have you made your action plan?

Its not that nothing appeals to you, its that you are afraid to eat. Fear of a reaction to it. At this point your mind is running away from you, you've got to get a grip. Listen carefully now, only to me, for the following statement is life altering:

The more you profess out of your mouth, the more you commiserate (look it up) with sick people, fret about, research, Google!, sickness, the sicker you become. The more you profess, dream, desire, expect health, the healthier you become.

Even amidst your sickness, as you are stuck right in it, im telling you to come here and help others in their threads (be of service)with advice, in the real world act as if you are overcoming by offering help. Act as if you have learned something !

Listen up!

When you have learned something, you don't ask other people for the answer, you give it!

Are you hearing me son?

In the getting you learn to give (comfort, ease, empathy (look it up)), and in the giving you get

Have your mum buy you meal replacement shakes, ice cold in your favorite flavors. Or walk to the store and buy your own. You will not have a reaction to a strawberry/chocolate/vanilla shake except the joy of it tasting like ice cream.

Again, and again, bring this printed thread to your therapist.

07-03-2014, 05:34 AM
Where is your father, son?

Have you made your action plan?

Its not that nothing appeals to you, its that you are afraid to eat. Fear of a reaction to it. At this point your mind is running away from you, you've got to get a grip. Listen carefully now, only to me, for the following statement is life altering:

The more you profess out of your mouth, the more you commiserate (look it up) with sick people, fret about, research, Google!, sickness, the sicker you become. The more you profess, dream, desire, expect health, the healthier you become.

Even amidst your sickness, as you are stuck right in it, im telling you to come here and help others in their threads (be of service)with advice, in the real world act as if you are overcoming by offering help. Act as if you have learned something !

Listen up!

When you have learned something, you don't ask other people for the answer, you give it!

Are you hearing me son?

In the getting you learn to give (comfort, ease, empathy (look it up)), and in the giving you get

Have your mum buy you meal replacement shakes, ice cold in your favorite flavors. Or walk to the store and buy your own. You will not have a reaction to a strawberry/chocolate/vanilla shake except the joy of it tasting like ice cream.

Again, and again, bring this printed thread to your therapist.

So basically you are saying to stop asking for help but to help others... So that means im going to bottle everything up? Umm okay got you.. Ill try them? But i know if ill be able to stomach them haha

07-03-2014, 05:48 AM
So basically you are saying to stop asking for help but to help others... So that means im going to bottle everything up? Umm okay got you.. Ill try them? But i know if ill be able to stomach them haha

No, example "I share your issue, and can relate, I feel this and that (expressing), and oftentimes this has helped me. I may not be the best person to help, but I offer my knowledge and kinship, friendship, in your time of need. (Service). This is what I have learned"

That will be helpful to you.

Where is your father?

07-03-2014, 06:15 AM
I have no idea... Ive been told its the medication change over but ive felt like this for nearly 2 weeks and its only getting worse... When i try to eat somethig it feels like im already full and my throat has closed off... Im having cbt... And they have shown me different techniques... Im just findind it hard to put them in place

It very well could be due to the change in meds. I experienced the worst loss in appetite when restarting Zoloft. The ensure really helped me when I felt like I couldn't eat a thing. Once the meds started working, my appetite came back.

07-03-2014, 04:53 PM
So basically you are saying to stop asking for help but to help others... So that means im going to bottle everything up? Umm okay got you.. Ill try them? But i know if ill be able to stomach them haha

I do agree with some of it. Talking about my experiences has helped me quite a bit. Even helping others with their anxiety can cause you to understand your disorder more and will help you realise that your not alone.

07-06-2014, 08:59 AM
No, example "I share your issue, and can relate, I feel this and that (expressing), and oftentimes this has helped me. I may not be the best person to help, but I offer my knowledge and kinship, friendship, in your time of need. (Service). This is what I have learned"

That will be helpful to you.

Where is your father?

Sorry ive only got my phone to get on here and it kept crashing (reason for the long reply) and i understand.. I just worry that ill say something wrong if giving someone advice and my dad... Its complex with my dad... I wouldnt speak to him about anything really! Haha!

07-06-2014, 09:00 AM
It very well could be due to the change in meds. I experienced the worst loss in appetite when restarting Zoloft. The ensure really helped me when I felt like I couldn't eat a thing. Once the meds started working, my appetite came back.

Yeah... Ive been living on really little bits and bobs haha! But its just starting to come back! So ive relaxed A LOT! Haha! But thank you :)

07-06-2014, 09:01 AM
I do agree with some of it. Talking about my experiences has helped me quite a bit. Even helping others with their anxiety can cause you to understand your disorder more and will help you realise that your not alone.

Yeah... I have heard of a few people who my mums friends children have anxiety and i have offered to get in touch.. So.. I guess that a good start! Haha!!