View Full Version : Help... dunno what to do :(

06-01-2008, 05:04 PM
I'm 18 and for years i've had problems. I've always had a very low self esteem and i'm really shy. I get so paranoid about people looking at me and saying stuff about me cos i'm so slim and people just instantly think i'm anorexic or something when i ent, i'm just small boned. It got to the point where i just didn't want to go out anywhere and just stayed at home where i felt safe, my parents just said i weird and anti social, they still do. And i also hate saying stuff and talking in a large group of people i just can't relax, i feel no one likes me and that i don't fit in. I was fine when i was a child but as soon as i turned a teenager it all changed, i was bullied at school which i think has affected me, i'm slowly over coming everything but it's still so hard, whenever i'm out i just can't enjoy myself and just want to go home again. Is this a Social Anxiety problem?
I also have another problem which i'm not sure is actual Anxiety.
I worry about everything mainly my health. I've got IBS which i'm not positive was triggered by it. Whenever i feel ill i automatically think it's something really serious, i add up all my symptoms and just think too hard about it. It's gotton so bad that i can't sleep at night cos i have a fear i won't wake up by dying in my sleep from something. I read all these things and think i could have it, even if it's rare i still get so paranoid amd become obsessed with worry. I have no idea why i've got this bad but to me this problem came after going on the contraceptive pill so hmmm. I really need help :( I just don't know what to do.
Any ideas? What will the doctor do to help?
I'm scared about telling my parants too incase they just think i'm silly and just paranoid :(

06-03-2008, 09:53 AM
Tell your parents. Confide with your mother. As a parent myself and knowing how I suffered for years in silence I would want to know my child was having these fears so we could save him/her years of more suffering in silence.

What you are dealing with others are too. No one talks about it though for fear of being judged or appearing weak. For years I feared being "found out". I do not hide anymore because it is a real problem and I know others need to be educated and just one person suffering in silence will know they are not alone.

Bringing it out into the light will make it less powerful. Don't give your power away to the unknown. Take it back.