View Full Version : Beware of Faith Sellers!

07-02-2014, 04:54 PM
In response to someone who claims they are not religious, yet sell the names - GOD and JESUS - :

My thoughts:

I have never had and nor ever will, the desire to seek such fictitious entities to which they claim we naturally look for. It was only under fear that I was made to think of such a concept of a ruling loving father. It is only Fear & Rejection to which has ever spawned from such imprinted and unwanted indoctrination. I was taught more fear than love by such faith driven and now business originated organizations - for all the world would be mine if I but kneel and give my all to another I have never met - never seen - and never heard. That only by giving my life to this unknown that I can truly be saved and receive a bounty. That their way is the only way and that all other roads lead to eternal damnation. The loving prayers of which they speak, give way to songs of damnation to those who do not kneel - that they be enemies in need of pain to learn lessons dealt they claim in the name of peace. Truly a deceptive and evil group of beings these sellers of faith be.

To trust in this fictitious entities and stories which we can not see or know as fact - is liken to walking off a cliff because our minds have been washed with so much joy that we can no longer see what lay before us. Such is to be blinded but what others sell as faith - what was never dark to begin with, was darkened by the prayers of others who live solely for such a cause to obtain what they do not have (yet is was always with them - until such predators took it away) - it's about rising beyond ones station to which these blissful types are quick to bestow - a slaves position in which one is taught to accept ... that such servants are to sing rejoice in being held in such lowly position, whilst being ruled, lorded and masterfully controlled - all whilst these do gooders and faith driven types bask in the glory of their self made dominion.

A vision that only lasts along as the blissful feelings that drive them - for as soon those things that make them what they be - begin to fade, so too does their faith give in - A shallow existence which is to yet prove anything of truth - anything that can be truly seen. Like a snake it is quick to turn it's head - strike down those that would not yield - Such an organized swell of deceitful and entrusted types - will always preach a better life, if only one would hand over their WILL - just like many whom wait for another to die - out comes the vultures.

There is No God - and if ever the was - what intelligible being would follow such a cruel and dominating thing. God at his best is nothing more than pure fear drummed up to nullify and dumb down the intellect of others - God is the very fire that drives our Anxiety - However since God is man made - It's just a matter of overcoming our own consciousness that has in fact seeded the very sickness to which prevails and is again imo - the very fuel that inflames anxiety. Anxiety is not the problem - it's the wind bearing that sets to make it rage - a fire that needs taming. But instead - others would have us fear the flame, that would be better understood as a source that would otherwise give warmth to the coldest of hearts. Again - Faith sellers are indeed quite deceptive in their methods and robs us of ourselves.

Believe in what you can see - not in what others promise. See the deceit in would be slave makers. Break the chains of such sheepherders and make a start to tangible healing - a healing that you know is true because you see it exists - you feel it for real - not some Sunday buzz reliant on the words of others or some story book. Find the source within yourself - not another - for when you find such strength ... it becomes more powerful than any other offering - as its always been with you - you know you can have it anytime you will - a will that is your own to which need never be given to another - If Gods be the terms in which we speak - then know that you are your own God - nothing more - nothing less.

Go be my own Gods and praise yourself ;)

07-02-2014, 06:13 PM
Thank you Ponder for this thread, I love the name Faith sellers. Even here, or maybe here (vurneable people) vultures come.... I am going to take the time to read it again. I is an excellent post , thank you :)

Prayer for Anxiety
07-03-2014, 06:32 AM
Thanks for this post Ponder. Lots of food for thought.