View Full Version : Depression

07-02-2014, 02:15 PM
Has anyone suffered from depression?

What do you consider a depressed person... their behaviours, actions, etc.

I think I might be depressed and i'm just looking for some people who might share the same situation as me. Thanks!!

07-02-2014, 04:25 PM
Hi Pumpkin,

Depression can come in many different intensities. Mine was caused by the powerless feeling I felt due to my anxiety. I started exercising and doing meditation and that helped me get rid of those feelings. Some people can have more intense feelings. What makes you think your depressed? Can you elaborate?

07-02-2014, 11:16 PM
I have anxiety and depression so I'll try and shed a little light on the subject. The depression symptom that I usually experience at my worst causes me to lose interest in some of things that I enjoy like hobbies and stuff. I also have the tendency to spend a lot of time alone and isolate myself when I'm really down. I find it almost impossible to cry when I'm depressed and if I can't shake it off eventually sometimes my depression manifests as just a profound numbness.
I'm not sure if you are this way or not but over the last few months I've noticed fluctuations in my anxiety and depression where sometimes when once gets worse the other improves. However sometimes that isn't the case, however I've noticed that usually my depression is a product of my anxiety.

07-03-2014, 02:01 AM
I have anxiety and depression so I'll try and shed a little light on the subject. The depression symptom that I usually experience at my worst causes me to lose interest in some of things that I enjoy like hobbies and stuff. I also have the tendency to spend a lot of time alone and isolate myself when I'm really down. I find it almost impossible to cry when I'm depressed and if I can't shake it off eventually sometimes my depression manifests as just a profound numbness.
I'm not sure if you are this way or not but over the last few months I've noticed fluctuations in my anxiety and depression where sometimes when once gets worse the other improves. However sometimes that isn't the case, however I've noticed that usually my depression is a product of my anxiety.

Hi superchick22684,

I'm sorry you are going through this. But never forget you are a very brave person for facing this head on. Same as you I also had some depression coming from my anxiety. I just think it's the powerless feeling when you feel like you cannot fight your anxiety sometimes. Luckily there are loads of things for us to try and I had some great success with lots of it. Practice makes perfect I think.

07-07-2014, 10:26 PM
Hi Pumpkin,

Depression can come in many different intensities. Mine was caused by the powerless feeling I felt due to my anxiety. I started exercising and doing meditation and that helped me get rid of those feelings. Some people can have more intense feelings. What makes you think your depressed? Can you elaborate?

Thanks for the reply. I usually just feel pretty down and hard on myself... I start to think about all my flaws and how worthless I am and then I start to isolate myself and be alone and talk to online friends. Getting ready to go out is so hard because I hate so much about myself and I never feel good. It's basically just a loss of interest in many activities for me.

07-07-2014, 10:27 PM
I have anxiety and depression so I'll try and shed a little light on the subject. The depression symptom that I usually experience at my worst causes me to lose interest in some of things that I enjoy like hobbies and stuff. I also have the tendency to spend a lot of time alone and isolate myself when I'm really down. I find it almost impossible to cry when I'm depressed and if I can't shake it off eventually sometimes my depression manifests as just a profound numbness.
I'm not sure if you are this way or not but over the last few months I've noticed fluctuations in my anxiety and depression where sometimes when once gets worse the other improves. However sometimes that isn't the case, however I've noticed that usually my depression is a product of my anxiety.

I can relate to this a lot.... I tend to isolate myself and spend a lot of time alone. Thanks for your reply... it means a lot to me :) stay strong!!!

07-08-2014, 12:51 AM
Thanks for the reply. I usually just feel pretty down and hard on myself... I start to think about all my flaws and how worthless I am and then I start to isolate myself and be alone and talk to online friends. Getting ready to go out is so hard because I hate so much about myself and I never feel good. It's basically just a loss of interest in many activities for me.

Sometimes I hear stories that are so close to what I experienced that it brings tears to my eyes. I feel for you, I really do, I been there to. When treating anxiety, self-esteem and self-image also needs to be treated and trust me, mine was non-existent. I couldn't leave my house at one point and I also went to the online world (not that this is bad, but going out in the real world can be really rewarding to). I think I might post a video for you to explain it more in debt on how that recovery went for me, maybe it will help you to. I'll have a look now to make you a video, because if I have to type it in it will be a huuuuge post and I think the admin will hate me lol. (see trying to get people's approval still). Anyway. I'll post it later for you Pumpkin. Help is on the way :)

Having said that: I'll posted a quick summary of what I wanted to say here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-xlp1CuRmk I hope this helps you a bit. :)

07-09-2014, 12:45 AM
Sometimes I hear stories that are so close to what I experienced that it brings tears to my eyes. I feel for you, I really do, I been there to. When treating anxiety, self-esteem and self-image also needs to be treated and trust me, mine was non-existent. I couldn't leave my house at one point and I also went to the online world (not that this is bad, but going out in the real world can be really rewarding to). I think I might post a video for you to explain it more in debt on how that recovery went for me, maybe it will help you to. I'll have a look now to make you a video, because if I have to type it in it will be a huuuuge post and I think the admin will hate me lol. (see trying to get people's approval still). Anyway. I'll post it later for you Pumpkin. Help is on the way :)

Having said that: I'll posted a quick summary of what I wanted to say here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-xlp1CuRmk I hope this helps you a bit. :)

This video was amazing and very motivational. You have no idea how brave you are for being able to show your face and talk about your anxiety. I found the video very helpful in terms of being able to relate and know that i'm not alone. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. Take care and once again, thank you :D

07-09-2014, 02:56 AM
Thanks Pumpkin. I am so glad that this helped you a bit, that is the reason I'm doing those video's for. It so much easier to relate to someone that knows what it's like :)

Thanks again for the nice words ;)

07-09-2014, 03:22 PM
Hey Pumpkin, I suffered some bad depression and I am currently on fluoxetine to help. Here is a little bit of my story.

PTSD sufferer from Iraq. Came home and all was normal, one day hit me like a ton of bricks, bad flashbacks and major panic attacks.

3 years later I was pretty much was good.....

3 Years out of the blue, got hit with a massive panic attack, put me in the ER, thought I was gonna die. I didnt think it was a panic attack though as I thought I was good. I went through a bad depression period as I was so hard on myself thinking that I was good and then all of a sudden bam a bad panic attack. Went for a couple of months and finally jumped on some meds, worked with a psychologist and on the path of recovery.

Now the sensations and things that were tough. I was really hard on myself, telling myself how weak I am etc. Secondly I questions if I had to go through this the rest of my life. I got real down as I didnt want to face another panic attack so I avoid things. This made it worse, as the people and things I enjoyed I neglected. The difficult times were the negative thoughts (Suicide, death being easier etc) that would pop in my head and wouldnt leave.

These were the terrible sensations and feelings.

My biggest key to help over come my depression? Medication I think helpped, but...... it was realizing that I have been depressed and sad before. The only difference was I was so aware of them and I thought soooooo deeply of them. What I mean is, I was depressed when I flipped my car, or when I failed a test, or when I lied to a friend. I was sad a depressed then, so what was the difference? There really is no, I just intensified the feelings myself.

It was totally normal to feel that way sometimes! When I realized that, the feelings start to get lighter and easier to handle. I just went back to previous times I felt crappy and realized wow....yeah, what Im dealing with now is really nothing at all!

So again baby steps and dont look at being sad as a bad thing. Its letting us appreciate how good the good really is!

07-09-2014, 06:03 PM
Hey Pumpkin, I suffered some bad depression and I am currently on fluoxetine to help. Here is a little bit of my story.

PTSD sufferer from Iraq. Came home and all was normal, one day hit me like a ton of bricks, bad flashbacks and major panic attacks.

3 years later I was pretty much was good.....

3 Years out of the blue, got hit with a massive panic attack, put me in the ER, thought I was gonna die. I didnt think it was a panic attack though as I thought I was good. I went through a bad depression period as I was so hard on myself thinking that I was good and then all of a sudden bam a bad panic attack. Went for a couple of months and finally jumped on some meds, worked with a psychologist and on the path of recovery.

Now the sensations and things that were tough. I was really hard on myself, telling myself how weak I am etc. Secondly I questions if I had to go through this the rest of my life. I got real down as I didnt want to face another panic attack so I avoid things. This made it worse, as the people and things I enjoyed I neglected. The difficult times were the negative thoughts (Suicide, death being easier etc) that would pop in my head and wouldnt leave.

These were the terrible sensations and feelings.

My biggest key to help over come my depression? Medication I think helpped, but...... it was realizing that I have been depressed and sad before. The only difference was I was so aware of them and I thought soooooo deeply of them. What I mean is, I was depressed when I flipped my car, or when I failed a test, or when I lied to a friend. I was sad a depressed then, so what was the difference? There really is no, I just intensified the feelings myself.

It was totally normal to feel that way sometimes! When I realized that, the feelings start to get lighter and easier to handle. I just went back to previous times I felt crappy and realized wow....yeah, what Im dealing with now is really nothing at all!

So again baby steps and dont look at being sad as a bad thing. Its letting us appreciate how good the good really is!

Thank you for the reply and sharing your story with me. I haven't talked to a psychologist but I will be going into counselling in August for the September term from staff at my college and i'm hoping to get some more advice there regarding meds. I find that my depression is on and off... I go through states of just being down and hard on myself but after a little while it seems to pass. I find that baby steps are really the only way to get through depression... it truly is a process and i'm always learning how to cope.

Once again, thanks for your reply.. it means a lot to me :)