View Full Version : How do I fight this fear?

07-02-2014, 10:40 AM
It seems that after many months of anxiety it seems that one of my biggest trigger is in the mornings where I wake up with a fear that something wrong is going to happen as soon as I stand up as that is how my first panic attack happened. When I wake up I fear that I may pass out when I stand or that my muscle will keep me from getting up ect. This is especially bad when I don't sleep well and wake up with muscle tension.

07-02-2014, 04:19 PM
Dear WestCanada05,

Don't worry, this is a very common symptom for people with anxiety. I had exactly the same feelings as you do now and now these feelings have completely disappeared. I am still recovering, but the worst of my symptoms has gone thanks to multiple techniques. These are the things I have applied in my daily life and have reduced my anxiety so much (I hope they help you to):

- Breathing Exercise
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Exercise (circuit training)
- Muscle Tension Exercises

I am also on medication but that only took the edge of for me, it wasn't a complete solution for my anxiety attacks. Anxiety needs to be treated from different aspects. You will get better, you just need some practice. Never forget that you are a very brave person because you daily deal with anxiety and fear. You will beat this and it will make you even stronger ever day.

07-03-2014, 06:37 AM
Hi WestCanada05,

Kixxi is absolutely right. Someone once said to me, "With intention, you will find the way." and that is what I did. I focused on things that are soothing and calm to me, like a peaceful waterfall, oceans, beaches, and imagined myself sitting quietly on the nice warm sand..

Since your problem is specifically toward panic attacks when you wake up every morning, you can try the following suggestions which may help:

Every morning when you wake up, don't immediately get off the bed. Instead, sit in a cross-legged position and deeply feel the gratitude that is in your life. The fact that you are awake means God (or a higher power you believe in) has given you the grace of living yet another day! And that is something to be grateful for. Sit quietly and you may meditate or just close your eyes and feel the peacefulness as best possible.

Then, slowly ease yourself from the bed, putting one foot on the floor after another, and slowly lift yourself off the bed. If you can't get to stand, have a chair nearby and use that as support. When you have successfully stood up, give yourself a pat on the back, as you've accomplished the MOST difficult task of the day!

Let me know how this works out for you.

God bless, and take care!

Ken Powell

Prayer for Anxiety
07-03-2014, 06:53 AM
I have felt morning anxiety as well... it's terrible. I have learned a different way other than looking for inner strength, because you know what?
I'm just not that strong sometimes. I, like Ken, try to give it up to God. That's where I put my trust.

Sometimes I say a very short prayer over and over: "Jesus, I trust in you."

This is what has worked for me.

I send you a blessing and a prayer.


07-03-2014, 04:56 PM
I have felt morning anxiety as well... it's terrible. I have learned a different way other than looking for inner strength, because you know what?
I'm just not that strong sometimes. I, like Ken, try to give it up to God. That's where I put my trust.

Sometimes I say a very short prayer over and over: "Jesus, I trust in you."

This is what has worked for me.

I send you a blessing and a prayer.


Even though religion might be reassuring for some, it isn't for everyone. I would still say to practice breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, different thinking to increase your self-esteem and confidence. If you are religious you can find a calming effect with praying, but not everyone is religious so this might not work for everyone. A combination of things is always the best.

07-04-2014, 03:55 PM
Greetings WestCanada05

It is normal to feel anxious in the morning. The reason being, our cortisol levels are the highest in the mornings. Coritsol is one of the triggers that make you feel anxious. That having said, we need to get rid of that. We burn of that cortisol through physical activeness, to stabilize our internal system. I know, if you can't get out of bed how are you going to step outside of the door? You need to realize that these thoughts you have aren't really real. (i'm sure you know this) What you focus on becomes your so called reality. So if you keep internalizing that your going to pass out, its not going to help you feel any better. Its kinda like going grocery shopping. You want really want chocolate ice cream but you keep telling yourself, I want vanilla, I want vanilla, I want Vanilla. Soon enough your going to forget about chocolate and pick Vanilla. We need to focus on what we want.

Implement deep breaths and use affirmations like, with every breath I feel stronger and stronger. Really feel what you are saying and chant it louder and louder. It may sound silly but you need to feel it, even it its in your mind. With every breath I feel stronger and stronger. With every breath I get stronger and stronger. Try and move around when you say this, because you want to break the state you currently are in. Shoulders back and posture straight.

And lastly drink a big class of water. When we get dehydrated our brain starts to panic and thus creates stress. After sleeping for 5-8 hours, we need water. Our body is 70% water.

So the steps:
Wake up.
Drink a big glass of water.
Practice breathing and use your affirmations.
Burn Cortisol. Get ACTIVE. First thing in the morning.
(no ways around them)

I know there's a bunch of steps outlined and the only person that can take care of yourself is you. Focus on what you want and go get er tiger!

07-07-2014, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the advice, I am already trying to apply it. Another question does anyone have any tips for muscle weakness, and tense muscle especially around the neck and back?