View Full Version : I was doing so well...then....

07-01-2014, 11:46 PM
Well....I've been controlling my anxiety for quite a few months now and apart from the odd blip here and there things have been good.
Until last night !
Full blown attack and I'm still feeling the aftershock this morning
Luckally I did manage to sleep last night unlike my first attack where I was awake literally all night.

I've found talking the attack and how silly it is with myself helps to relieve the symptoms a bit, it's just so frustrating considering I've been in in a "good" place for so long !

07-02-2014, 12:33 AM
Dear Techno,

I know your frustration. Unfortunately anxiety is such a tricky problem. But, don't forget to look at the progress you made and the victories you had. Do you think there is any reason for your increased anxiety? Maybe a bit more stress, work or a chance in your habits? Could even be smell that makes you feel this at the moment. Don't be disheartened. Each and every one of us has had relapses, but we conquer them to ;)

I've found talking the attack and how silly it is with myself helps to relieve the symptoms a bit, it's just so frustrating considering I've been in in a "good" place for so long ![/QUOTE]

07-02-2014, 01:30 AM
Dear Techno,

I know your frustration. Unfortunately anxiety is such a tricky problem. But, don't forget to look at the progress you made and the victories you had. Do you think there is any reason for your increased anxiety? Maybe a bit more stress, work or a chance in your habits? Could even be smell that makes you feel this at the moment. Don't be disheartened. Each and every one of us has had relapses, but we conquer them to ;)

Its just something that happened last night.

It was really odd because I thaught I knew my trigger points so I do my best to avoide or reduce exposure to the things that will set me off but this was complealy different, its something that I never would have thaught would lead to a relapse.
Feels like im almost back at day one although I do feel slightly more powerd to deal with the fallout this time

07-02-2014, 02:07 AM
Its just something that happened last night.

It was really odd because I thaught I knew my trigger points so I do my best to avoide or reduce exposure to the things that will set me off but this was complealy different, its something that I never would have thaught would lead to a relapse.
Feels like im almost back at day one although I do feel slightly more powerd to deal with the fallout this time

Hi Techno,

I feel for you. I know how powerless you can feel when an attack does occur after a period of none or where the anxiety has been less. But as for most anxiety patients, it is nearly impossible to know all your triggers. What I learned is not trying to always find a reason. Very hard to do I can tell you, because I over-analyse nearly anything in my life.

What I do tell myself is the following and this does help me through these moments (and I hope they might help you):
- I know I have some anxiety and that is okay, I am just a bit sensitive to this.
- These feelings will pass as they have passed before.
- I have achieved so much in beating anxiety, I will beat this one to.

I usually find some relief in some yoga and breathing exercises to calm my body down as well as my mind. I don't know if this could help you a bit at the moment?

07-02-2014, 02:27 AM
Hi Techno,

- I know I have some anxiety and that is okay, I am just a bit sensitive to this.
- These feelings will pass as they have passed before.
- I have achieved so much in beating anxiety, I will beat this one to.

Im going to remember those Kixxi, thankyou very much
Just reading those lines braught a slight sense a relief and helped put things into a bit of perspective

07-02-2014, 02:51 AM
Hi Techno,

Support can do a lot for anxiety, that is why I am trying to be very active here (even though I am quite new). As I said, I know it is frustrating, but you made so much progress and you faced it head on. That alone is something to be proud of and I'm sure you'll beat this to ;) Facing anxiety takes a very brave person and I won't let you forget that ;):D

07-02-2014, 03:40 AM
Hi Techno,

Support can do a lot for anxiety, that is why I am trying to be very active here (even though I am quite new). As I said, I know it is frustrating, but you made so much progress and you faced it head on. That alone is something to be proud of and I'm sure you'll beat this to ;) Facing anxiety takes a very brave person and I won't let you forget that ;):D

Kixxi....Thankyou....Your support this morning has really helped