View Full Version : Someone answer quick... Am i having a heart attack?

07-01-2014, 10:52 AM
No one is answering me, mum wont pick up phone and i have really bad pain in my left side of my chest and i cant breathe an i think im havinga heart attack and i dont want to do. The pai is so bad i just cant stop crying but i don know ig im havinga heart attack or a panic attack?? Help help help

07-01-2014, 10:56 AM
No one is answering me, mum wont pick up phone and i have really bad pain in my left side of my chest and i cant breathe an i think im havinga heart attack and i dont want to do. The pai is so bad i just cant stop crying but i don know ig im havinga heart attack or a panic attack?? Help help help

911 immediately, or if not in USA your emergency helpline. Now, no exceptions.

07-01-2014, 11:05 AM
911 immediately, or if not in USA your emergency helpline. Now, no exceptions.

No i need to et my mum becaue im sur it might be panic attack but i ned my mum

07-01-2014, 11:10 AM
No i need to et my mum becaue im sur it might be panic attack but i ned my mum

Who is around you now, neighbors, next door, anyone. Who can you call if mum does not answer, other relatives, family friends, teachers, call your therapist, call the doctors office. Get crackin boy, off the forums and go to it. This is real life now son.

I will be here in the background if you need me while you wait.

07-01-2014, 12:28 PM
I finally got my mum to pick up... It has almost all subsided, ive just gone super tired and drained to the point im falling asleep haha... That was the scariest panic attack ive had pretty much ever..

07-01-2014, 12:32 PM
I finally got my mum to pick up... It has almost all subsided, ive just gone super tired and drained to the point im falling asleep haha... That was the scariest panic attack ive had pretty much ever..

OK..listen, you and your mom, put an action plan into place should you ever need it. Backup numbers, people, what to do in case, etc. Have some emergency numbers handy as well.

07-01-2014, 12:46 PM
OK..listen, you and your mom, put an action plan into place should you ever need it. Backup numbers, people, what to do in case, etc. Have some emergency numbers handy as well.

Yeah i really do need that if thats going to happen again like that... Have you ever had it were you stand up and everything goes black and you loose balance? Scared me

07-01-2014, 01:02 PM
Yeah i really do need that if thats going to happen again like that... Have you ever had it were you stand up and everything goes black and you loose balance? Scared me

Make a list of every emergency number
Your therapist regular and emergency after hours #
Close by neighbors
Your doctor
Emergency 911 ambulance

Keep this list where you can see it, and sticky by the phones, and in your wallet.

Do it.

Have a good day lil bro, take it easy. And do tell your Dr next visit what happened.

07-01-2014, 01:14 PM
I will do that thank you for the idea! I dont go to the doctors at all unless it is to get my medication.. I will tell my therapist tomorrow though..